Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1128

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1088 INDEX. Post-office Department, (continued.) Post-offices, (continued.) with intent, &c., or attempting to do Evansville, Ind .. . 411 so . 821 Fall River, Mass. ... 140 for forging, &c., any bond, bid, or writ- Grand Rapids, Mich .. 470 ing, with intent to defraud 821 Hartford, Conn. . . . . . . 42, 358 for knowingly uttering such foiged writ- Indianapolis, Ind. . 42, 353 ing, &c. . . . 321 Jersey City, N. J. .. 613 for demanding, &c., any postage other Lincoln, Neb .. . . . 470 than that provided by low 322 Little Rock, Ark. ... 280 upon employees in post-office for know- Madison, \Vis. . . .. 353 ingly using in prepayment of postage Memphis, Tenn .. 469, 470 any postage-stamps before so used . B22 Nashville, Tenn. . 419, 523 for removing dofucing marks from Newport, R. I. . . . . . . . . 126 stamps, &c., with intent, &c. . . 322 New York City . 422, 523 upon persons not employees in the post- Ogdensburgh, N. Y. .. 353 office for like offences . . B22 Omaha., Neb. . . . . . S, 352, 524 for misusing the post-oHico establish- Ontario Co., N. Y. . . . . . . 419 mem by opening, &c., correspondence Parkersburgh, W. Va. . . . . . 611 with intent. to defraud, and placing, Philadelphia, Pa. . . . . . 342, 523 &c., letter in post-ofiice . 323 Pittsburgh, Pa. ... 621 proceedings for trial, conviction, &c., Port Huron, Mich. 387, 523 of this last.-named 0Eonce . . . 823 Portland, Me . 126 letters, &c., detained for violation of Raleigh, N. C. .. 390, 524 law, how disposed of .. 323 Rockland, Me. 121 ofences committed in places under the Saint Louis, Mo.` .. 43, 524 jurisdiction of the United States, and Trenton, N. J. 42 punishable by the laws of the State, Utica, N. Y. . 194 though not prohibited by any United provisions concerning, in post-08ice States law, how to be tried and pun- act; .. 292-310 ishsd . . . . 822 See Post-qjfce Department. subsequent repeal, &c., of any such Post—Road, State law not to affect prosecu- Jacksonville and Saint Augustine Railtion, &c . . 322. road made 2. . 280 laws doHning punishment for depreda- Post-Roads. See Post-Routes. tions committed upon the mail to have bill may be prepared, embodying in one full force in the Indian country . . 320 act all laws in force authorizing . . 579 proceedings as to trials, &c., of acces- to be distributed for correction . . 580 sories after the fact to offences against what to be deemed in post-ohico act, 308, 309 postal laws .. 319 established in of receivers of property stolen from Alabama . . 25, 100, 101, 382, 586, 587 the mails . 319 Arizona Territory 101, 587 the depositing a letter in v. post-ofice, Arkansas. . . 25, 101, 102, 882, 587 &c., to be evidence that it was in- California 102, 382, 888, 587 tended to be conveyed by mail . . . 318 Colorado Territory . . . 102, 383, 587 annual compensation of assistant mes- Connecticut ... 103, 687 songers, watclimen, and laborers Dakota Territory . . 25, 103, 388, 588 established .. 506 Florida .. . . . 25, 383 letter-carriers may be employed in Georgia . 25, 103, 383, 588 places of not less than 20,000 popula- Idaho . . 25, 104 tion within, &c . 657 Illinois 25, 104, 383, 384, 588 clerk may be designated as superintend- Indian Territory ... 104 em of free delivery ... 557 Indiana 17, 25, 103, 384, 588 salary of, and when to terminate . 557 Iowa .. 25, 104, 884, 588 Post-qfice Properqy in Chicago, Kansas . . 105-107,·384, 588, 589, 590 the old, may be exchanged . . . 610, 611 Kentucky . . . 25, 104, 105, 384, 591 diH`ereuce in value, how to be nsccr-` Louisiana .. 26, 107, 591 tained and paid ... 611 Maine . . 26, 109, 110, 384, 416, 592 State of Illinois to first cede juris- Maryland 107, 384, 386, 592 diction and rclcasc the right to Massachusetts . 26, 384, 592 tax ... 611 Michigan . 26, 109, 384, 593 Post-qgfces, Minnesota, 26, 108, 109, 384, 385, 592, 593 buildings for, to be erected, and appro- Mississippi 26, 109, 385, 691 printions therefor, at Missouri 26, 108, 385, 591, 692 Albany, N. Y. . 39, 353, 523 Montana 109, 593 Atlanta, Ga. 436 Nebraska . 26, 27, 110, 386, 593, 594 Baltimore, Md. .. 126, 352 Nevada ... 111, 386, 595 Bath, Me . . 397 New Hampshire 111, 385, 594 Boston, Mass. .. 353, 524 New Jersey 110, 111, 3*6, 594 Chicago, Ill. 24 New York 26, 111, 385, 595 Cincinnati, Ohio . . 39, 352, 353, 523 North Carolina. . . 26, 112, 886, 593 Columbia., S. C .. 352, 523 Ohio .. 26, 112, 886, 595 Covington, Ky. . . . . . . . 465 Oregon . .. 26, 112, 595 Des Moines, Iowa. .. 8 Pennsylvania . . 27, 112, 113, 386, 596 Dover, Del. . 471 Rhode Island 596