Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1132

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1092 INDEX. Proclamation, (continued.) Pub/ic Lands. See Lands, Public. ported m French vessels so long as, Public I·’riming and Binding, &c.. . . ._ . 957 appro riations for . . . . . 64 490 510 convening an extraordinary session of pay opforemen of; established . . J . .’ 64 ihe glergagewof the United States on See Printing, Public. arc 3 . 958 Public Property PM}/?SS¤rS rflljulhematics, _ proceeds Jr sales, how to be disposed in the navy, number and pay of, estab- of . . . 83, 348 lished 192 accounts of, in the capitol building, Presi- Prq/éssorsat the Military Academy, dent’s house, and botanical garden pay of certain, established . 479 to be kept, and reports thereof made increase for every five years’ service, 479 annually to Congress .. 490 addition not to exceed, &c. . . . 479 Public Revenue, restrictions as to pay and retire- appropriation for contingent expenses for ment .. 479 the collection, safe-keeping, transfer, Prohibited Mail Matter, and disbursement of .. 6 provisions conleerningé, in the postal con- 881 P bl S no part for clerical services . . . 6 vemion wit Ecua or .. u ic ecuruhec, _ _ with Denmark . . . 904 of the United States, expenses of issuing, Projectzles, destroying, &c., to be paid from what forhheavy guns, appropriation to pur- 646 Publ aSppropriation,and not boexceed what, 156 c use ic tares, Property, Public, certain goods in, August 1, 1872, to pay proceed; of sales of, how to be covered 83 what duty 237, 238 into the treasury certain goods not in, July 31, 1872, but this section not to apply to, &c., 83, 337 in port, entitled to same benefits us, Proposals. See Post-ajice Department. &c. .. . .. 559 for carrying the mails, provisions con- Public Works. See Board of Public Works. cerning in postroflice act . . . 318-316 of the District of Columbia, appropria- Prosecutizm of Ojknces againsl the United States, tion for the board of, &c. . 7 appropriations for expenses of, 68, 133, 257, Public lVor/cs, Buildings or Grounds, 348 350, 512 541 appropriations for, heretofore made to be Prosecutions, ) ’ available for the current year . . . 8 against certain persons from whom poli- no additional expenditure authorized tical disabilities have been removed, hereby .. 8 ordered to be discontinued 956 Pugh, Nancy E., Provident Institutions, hpension to ... 673 deposits in, of not over $2000 exempt Pug , Numan N, rom tax ... 256 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 744 Provisions Pugh Wdliam, scaleiof, to be allowed and served out to damages awarded to, by commissioners the crews of certain vessels during 279 P I of claim; . ._ 696 voyages ... u man Samue , complaints as to quantity or quality of, 269 P cumin; nhallpzwed by commissioners . . 761 how to be made &c. .. ump M'!) o n ., Provisions and Clothing,) homestead application of, declared valid, 656 appropriations for bureau of, 81, 150, 151, Purcell, Enos, M I 502, 552, 553 P lpaypnent to, for livestock . 715 Provost arsha s, ur ames S. ~ apparopriation for certain .. 130 gdmages adarded to, by commissioners Public uildings, · of claims . . 696 appropriations for and for furniture and Pursel, Enos, repairs of . . 65, 126, 127, 351, 491, 535 , claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 761 examination for suitable site for, in Har- Putnam, John R., risburg, Pa. . 281 claim oi, allowed by commissioners . . 756 in Sacramento, Cal. .. 281 Puyallups, in and about Washington . . 129, 491, 535 appropriations for the . 177, 450 survey and map ... 129 grading and paving .. 129 annual statement to be made of the public property in the 220 _ oflicer in charge of the, to have what 535 Quapaw Indzans, t f 1 d Hb 133 rank, pay &c. ... appropriations 0 pay or an s 0 e . Public Documents, I for subsistence, &c., of the, 179, 181, 452, none to be supplied to legations and con- _ 454 sulates of the United States, except declaration of the intent of an amend such as have been first designated by 144 ment to tlhe trfaéy wgh {lie .d . . 228 the Secretary of State .. certain lan s ce e to the 'nite tates designation, how to be made . . . 144 by the, open to entry and pre-emption, 228 what to be considered under post-office 306 Quarantme, t b h d h f t act . investigation 0 e a wit re erence 0 Public Grounds, the establishment of a more effective around the Capitol, to be enlarged . . 83 system of, on the southern and gulf proceedings for the enlargement, 83, 84 coasts . . .. 395