Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1135

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IINDEX. 1095 Rcyistration. See Post~o,g7£ce_Depa¤·lment. Representatives in Congress, (continued.) of. mail matter, provisions concerning, from California, for the forty-fourth Con- _ m_post-office act . . . , . . 300, 307 gross, time for election ori estab- Registrntzon <y" Wzers. See Elections. lished . . . . . . . . . . 678 579 two supervisors of, of different political “Republz'can Valley “Land District, ’ parties, to be appointed, in each con- established in Nebraska .. 54 gressional district, by circuit court, register and receiver, &c. .. 54 upon the written petition of ten per- Rcriciglsaac L., sons .. 848 349 homestead a‘ ‘ Reid, fisbn)? I d » Res _ ’ pphwhon of, declared valid, 656 _ c aim_o ,_al owe by commissioners . . 752 appropriations for ap aratus for . . 31, 407 Read, Benjamin F'., Retail Bealers in Leaf T See Internal damages awarded to, by commissioners Revenue. _ oi claims .. 697 special tax upon, and who to be deemed Reza', Dempsey, such 250 _ claim 06 allowed by commissioners . . 761 Retail Dealers in Malt Liquors, Reid, John Q. A., who to be regarded as, and special tax . 244 claim oi, allowed by commissioners . . 762 Retired Arm Officers, Reid, Rercy, rank ofy . . .. 378 _ claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 752 Retired List of the Navy. See Navy. Rcmfort, Andrew, no officer onthe, to be employed on ac— pension to ... . . . . 672 five duty, except, &c ... 547 Removal { Causes, pay of certain officers on the . . . . 547 certain personal actions by aliens against certain rear admirsls .. . 547 certain civil officers of the United no officer to be placed upon, before he is States may be removed to circuit sixtynwo years of age .. 556 courts 44 Revenue Cutter Service, Renshaw, Margaret! A., appropriations for officers and crews pension to ... 732 of the . 347, 511 Renwick, John, _ Revenue Vessels, claim of United States against, to be appropriation for construction of . . . 351 compromised . 765 Revision of the Statutes, Reporter for the House of Representatives, committee authorized to accept for Conno person to be employed as, without gress the draft of, from the commisthe approval of the Speaker 47 sioner and to discharge them . . . 579 Reporter g` the Decisions y the Supreme Court, work of commissioners not thereby appropriations for the .. 81, 507 approved . 579 Reporting, dc., may be prepared in a bill to be presented debates in Congress, provisions cou- to Congress, with indexes, &c. . . . 580 ccrning — ... 47 revisions and bills to be printed and disno debates to be reported, &c., at pub· tributed for correction .. 580 lic expense after, &c., except upon appropriations for, how tobedistributed, 580 written contracts, &o. .. 47 appropriation for clerical and other as- Reports, Annual, Sistallce in . . . . . . 133 by Postmaster-General to Congress, 285, 286 this to be available only until, &c. . 133 to be printed at public printing office . 286 Revolutionary Pensions, Reports of the Supreme Court of the United appropriations for ... 31, 407 Stams, Revolutionary Soldiers and Sailors, to be furnished the Department of Jus- provision as to pensions to widows of . 572 tice for distribution ... 578 Reynolds, Benjamin ., register to be kept of books received and allowance and payment to . 705 distributed . . . . . . . . . . 578 Reynolds, Sarah, ' Representatives in Congress, pension to . . . . . . . . . . . 718 number and apportionment of§ to each Rico, Absalom, _ State according to the ninth census, 28,192 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 747 days of election of; established 28 Rice, Isaac, _ _ _ votes for, to be only by written or printed claim of; allowed by comimssioners . . :52 ballot .. . . 61 Rich, George W, _ _ this not to apply to certain States . 61 claim oi} allowed by commissioners . . 756 elections to fill vacancies .. 29 Rich, Joseph, _ _ _ number apportioned to any State to be claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 706 proportionally reduced, if the right to Richard, Isaac, _ _ vote is denied or abridged, except, &c., 29 claim of allowed by commissioners . . 762 time for holding election of] to forty- Richard, Jacob, _ _ third Congress, in Louisiana 195 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 762 no allowance to be made to, on account Richards, Zalmon, _ _ of postage . . 421 damages awarded to, by commissioners salary of, establi hed from March 4, of claims .. 696 1873 . . . . 486 Richardson, Job, _ _ appropriations for psy and mileage of, 63, 488 claim of, allowed by commisswncrs . . 744 of certain members from Georgia . 541 Richardson, Zllurq A., _ _ from Mississippi. . . . . . 541 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 762 of member from first district of Richardson, X. J., _ Ohio .. 541 payment to, for live-stock . 715