Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/139

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 157, 158. 1872. 99 whose titles were valid at the date of the treaty of eighteen hundred and &e., m receive sixty-six, and who may be able to establish such validity within one year g;.'°§::t‘;?¤°i;:g§“ from the date of the passage of this act, under such rules as the Secretary ` of the Interior may prescribe, shall receive the proceeds of the sale of such identical lands, not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres, instead of their being invested as hereinafter provided for in the fourth section of this act. Sec. 4. That all moneys accruing from the sales of land tmder this act proceeds of shall, without unnecessary delay, be invested in the registered five per eelee ·%¤<1er *hi¤d· centum bonds of the United States, as provided in the twenty-third article °‘°tt° emvem of the treaty of eighteen hundred and sixty-six. Sec. 5. That the sale of said lands, as hereinbefore provided for, shall Sales not to be not take place until the provisions of this act are accepted by the Cherokee $E£;;‘g}’1t§£°' national council, or by a delegation duly authorized thereby; which ac- aciqgyg accepted ceptance shall be Bled with the Secretary of the Interior, and, when by Cherokee _ approved by him, the same shall be final and conclusive. §,?°°a1 °°`m°u’ Approved, May 11, 1872. CHAP. CLVIH.—An Act to authorize the Construction of a Bridge across the Missouri May 11, 1872. River, at Boonville, Missouri. ’j""""' Be it enacted ky the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Boonville Railroad th?§g§)g;i1`°” Bridge Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of river, mM3s. Missouri, be, and is hereby, authorized to construct and maintain a bridge ;>'-ui eletweeg over the Missouri river, between the city of Boonville, in Cooper county, m and Franklin, in Howard county, in said State, and to lay on or over said bridge railway·tracks for the more perfect connection of any railroads that Railweye are, or shall be, constructed to the said river at or opposite said point, under t’“°k“‘ the limitations and conditions hereinafter provided; that said bridge shalle Navigation Hot not interfere with the free navigation of said river beyond what is necessary :3,3; ‘“""f°'°d in°order to carry into effect the rights and privileges hereby granted; and Litigation to in case of any litigation arising from any obstruction, or alleged obstruction, be i¤ t1t;eg¤¤¢¤e¢ to the free navigation of said river, the cause may be tried before the dis- %°$,;§ Skies_ trict court of the United States of the State of Missouri in which any portion of said obstruction or bridge touches. Sec. 2; That any bridge built under the provisions of this act may, at Bridge may be the option of the company building the same, be built as a draw-bridge, with 3mi1g3g;;?; °' a pivot or other form of draw, or with unbroken or continuous spans : Pro- spans. vided, That if the said bridge shall be made with unbroken and continuous _Sp¢m¤ wd spans, it shall not be of less elevation, in any case, than fifty feet above P“’”‘ extreme high-water mark, as understood at the point of location, to the bottom chord of the bridge; nor shall the spans of said bridge be less than two hundred and fifty feet in length; and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of the river, and the main span shall be over the main channel of the river, and not less than three hundred feet in length And provided also, That if any bridge built under this act shall he con- Pivot drawstructed as a draw-bridge, the same shall be constructed as a pivot draw- bddge we ‘l"“'· bridge, with a draw over the main channel of the river at an accessible and navigable point, and with spans of not less than one hundred and sixty feet in length in the clear on each side of the central or pivot pier of the draw; and the next adjoining spans to the draw shall not be less than two hundred and fifty feet; and said spans shall not be less than thirty feet above low-water mark, and not less than ten above extreme high-water mark, measuring to the bottom chord of the bridge; and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of the river: And provided also, Draw to be That said draw shall be opened promptly, upon reasonable signal, for the °P°”°dP’°mPdY· passage of boats ; and in no case shall unnecessary delay occur in opening the said draw during or after the passage of trains.