Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/160

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120 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 165, 169, 170. 1872. .. he Lands constitutin the Fort Co"

 CHlé;l·;2l-Again ¢he4;'e;—4i—» Zl>ll7orlzdo, sulject to Pre·emL,i2tion and Homgdzcln 

as pmvided for in existing ws. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United L¤¤d¤ ¤<>(1S*i· States of America in Congress assembled, That the lands constituting the 3‘;f§§Su;§]ltQ§g, Fort Collins military reservation, in the Territory of Colorado, so fm- 3,3 reservation made the same have not been lawfully disposed of since their reservation, are

‘£’J:i?nlgxl’({°‘ hereby restored to the United States and meldé subject to pre-emption and

hogestm wt,-y_ homestead entry only, as now provided for by law. Approved, May 15, 1872. May 17, 1872. CHAP. CLXIX. - An Act to regulate the Salary of the Consul at Tien Tsin, China. Be it enacted by the Senate and'Hbuse of Representatives of the United Sala? ofcop- States of America in Congressossembled, That the salary of the United 3;;* *°gg°*¤· States consul at Tien Tsiu, China, shall, from and after the passage of this me:] °° act, be thirty-five hundred dollars ; and the laws regulating the duties of salaried consuls shall govern said consul. Approved, May 17, 1872. May 17, 1872. CHAP. CLXX.—-- An Act to authorize the Construction of certain Bridges across the

 Mississzlzzpi River, and to establish the same as Posbroads.

P""· P· 21% Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0 f the United n°¥§é°d"§°m" States of America in Oongress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the com any may Western Illinois Bridge Company, a corporation existing under the- laws buildpv- bridge _ of the State of Missouri, to build a bridge across the Mississippi river, at

£SS”' the city of Quincy, Illinois, for the purpose of crossing persons and prop-

Qui)ncy,I1l., and erty, such as are usually crossed on wagon-bridges ; and also to lay on and if Wat PW over said bridge railway-tracks for the more perfect connection of any P igesjlway railroads that are or shall be constructed to the said river at or opposite tracks. said point, and that, when constructed, all persons and property as aforesaid, and also all trains of all roads terminating at said river, at or opposite said point, shall be allowed to cross said bridge for reasonable compensation, to be made to the owners of said bridge, under the limitations and If thm5S1m. conditions hereinafter provided; and in case of any litigation or alleged $*391 dcaflf *0 obstruction to the free navigation of said river, the cause may be tried '° “ °'°° before the district court of the United States of any State in which any Aumnway portion of said obstruction or bridge touches; and that all railway comcompanies to panies desiring to use the said bridge shall have and be entitled to equal g“Y§S"‘!““I rights and privileges in the passage of the same, and in the use of the gmachinery and iixtures thereof, and of all the approaches thereto, under and upon such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War, upon hearing the allegations and proofs of the parties, in case they shall not agree. Bridge to be a Sec. 2. That said bridge may, at the option of the company building g;‘H’:l;;{l,§f;n‘?_" the same, be built either as a pivot drawbridge, or with unbroken or conbroken mms, tinuous spans: Provided, That if the said bridge shall be made with unbroken or continuous spans, it shall not be of less elevation, in any case, than fifty feet above high-water mark, as understood at the point of locaspans and tion, to the bottom chord of the bridge; nor shall the spans of said bridge lm"' be less than two hundred and fifty feet in length, and the piers of said bridge shall be parallel with the current of the river, and the main span shall be over the main channel of the river, and not less than three hun- Dmyv, spans dred feet in length: And provided also, That if said bridge shall be conme p'°'“‘ structed as a pivot drawbridge, the same shall be constructed witha draw over the main channel of the river at an accessible and navigable point, and with spans of not less than one hundred and sixty feet in length, in the clear, on each side of the central or pivot pier of the draw; and the next adjoining spans to the draw shall not be less than two hundred and