Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/185

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FORTY·—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 194, 195. 1872. 145 To meet the payment of the ninth annual instalment of the proportion Scheldt dues. contributed by the United States toward the capitalization of the Scheldt V°r xiii P· 6*9- dues, sixty-six thousand five hundred and eighty-four dollars. The compensation of the chief clerk of the Department of State shall Fw ?’° °hi°f be at the rate of two thousand five hundrul dollars per annum, beginning gi ggiigm with the first day of July, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. established. Approved, May 22, 1872. CHAP. CXCV.—An Act makin A ro riations or th9 _ ending June thirty, eighteen huzidrgdg mind seventyihree, h::?;`;; gmgugdsdy Year Big' Be it enacted by the Senate and [abuse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and Navy approthey are hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the treas- P"l“*i°“dY°' '°h° ury not otherwise appropriated, for the naval service of the government §$:;?),T§,·3_ for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and for other purposes : For pay of commissioned and warrant officers at sea, on shore, on p,,, Of,,,,,,,,,, special service, and of those on the retired list and unemployed, and for and seamen, mileage and transportation of officers travelling under orders, and for ““1"“g°* &°‘ pay of the petty-officers, seamen, ordinary seamen, landsmen, and boys, including men of the engineers force, eight thousand five hundred men, at an average pay of three hundred dollars each per annum, six million two hundred and nfty thousand dollars. For contingent expenses of the Navy Department one hundred thou- 0¤¤*i¤e¤¤* sxsand dollars. P°;°°°' f Bureau of Navigation.-—For foreign and local pilotage and towage n,,,,;` “ of ships of war, fifty thousand dollars. Pihnage and For services and materials in correcting compasses on board ship, wgggrfémug phd for adjusting and testing compasses on shore, three thousand dol- gw, mmp,,s§e,, ars. For nautical and astronomical instruments, nautical books, maps, charts, Nauucai gnand sailing directions, and repairs of nautical instruments for ships of S**l;¤¤¤;¤t¤»h war, ten thousand dollars. &c_°° S’ ° ms’ For books for libraries for ships of war, three thousand dollars. hooks for lib- For navy signals and apparatus, namely, signal-lights, lanterns, and ragtfg Ei m rockets, including running lights, drawings, and engravings for signal- &c_ y gn ’ books, six thousand dollars. For compass-fittings, including binnacles, tripods, and other appen- _Compsss-ntdages of ship’s compasses, to be made in the navy-yards, five thousand Wigsdollars. For logs and other appliances for measuring the ship’s way, leads and Logs, &c. other appliances for sounding, three thousand dollars. For lanterns and lamps, and their appendages, for general use on Lantems,&c. board ship, including those for the cabin, ward-room, and steerage, for the holds and spirit-room, for decks and quartermasters use, six thousand dollars. I For hunting, and other materials for flags, and making and repairing Bunting and flags of all kinds, five thousand five hundred dollars. Hag? , For oil for ships of war other than that used for the engineer depart- 0*1- > ment, candles when used as a substitute for oil in binnacles, running- é lights, for chimneys and wick and soap used in navigation department, E thirty-nve thousand dollars.

 For stationery for commanders and navigators of vessels of war, four Stationery.
 thousand dollars.

E For musical instruments, and music for vessels of war, one thousand Musical in- > dOll3,I‘S. struments. Q For steering signals and indicators, and for speaking-tubes and gongs, Sig¤¤l¢¤¤1· · · · mumcation. i for signal communication on board vessels of war, two thousand five § hundred dollars.

 v01.. xvrr. PUB.— 10