Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/196

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156 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. _H. Ch. 196, 197. 1872. Chemistry, &e. dollars; mechu,nics’ tools, twenty doiiats ; pax of Ynxephanics, to be empltgygd ` in chemical and geological section-rooms cndlm the ecture-room, one t cusaud and fifty dollars; for bmnging steam directly to chemical rooms, and for chemical and mechanical operations, two hundred and seventy dollars; steam cylinder and piston, ive hundred d0Ual’S; 80th1I1g up.'Ludd s dynmpomagnetic electric machine, one hundred dollars; replastelung and painting section-rooms, one hundred and twenty doilcrs; reflooring lecture-room, eighty dollars; covering floor of mineralogical section-room, one hundred and ten dollars; compensation to attendznit, fifty dollars. Pmetim on- For department of practical engineering: For ten box·compasses, fifty gi”°“’°i“g‘ dollars; repairs of instruments, twenty-HYS d01I3MB; hliilbéf for profiling, tractinigmpes, and turpentine, one hundred and twentyhve dollars. · V Ordnance und For department of ordnance and gunnery: For building sink, repairing g“““°’-V' and pointing walls, and for new doors, five hundred dollars. w£""'d °f vm' For expenses of the board of visitors, five thousand dollars: I mm;;,,,,,,,,,, For misceihmeous and contingent expenses =_ For gas, cool-oil, for iigng. and contingent. ing the academy, cadet barracks, mess-hell, hospitnl offices, stahle, and mmde walks, four thousand dollars ; water-pnpes, plumbing, and repairs, two thousand dollars; cledning public buildings ( not quarters), five hundred and sixty dollars ; brooms, brushes, pséils, tubs, cud cloths, two }Ein<h·edid(pli¤fn·s ; chalk, cm ons, s n_ e,s.nd slates or recitation-rooms, one un re dollars; compcnysction Ti ghapel organist, two hundred dollars, cornpensetion of hbrarion, one hundred and twenty dollars; compensation ot non-comnnssioned officcr in charge of mechanics, fifty dollars; compensation of soldier writing in s.djutimt’s office, fifty dollars; pay of engineer of heating and VBt1D1· loting apparatus, cwdot ba.rra.cks,che,pe1,a.rid philosophical academy, including the library, one thousand five hundred dollars; pay of assistant of same, seven hundred and twenty dollars; pay of five firemen, two thouss.nd.two hundred dollars; increase and expense of the hbmry, books, magazmes, periodicals, and binding, two thousand dollars. _ Losses of For reimbursing cadets for losses incurred by their eH`orts 111 extin- ‘“‘i""’ W “'°• guishingn fire in their borrnoks, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy- ono, six thousand eight hundred and eighteen dollars and eighty-two cents. For pay of 1ibrnrinn’s assistant, one thousand dollars. For contingencies for superintendent of the academy, one thousand dollars. For furniture for cadet hospital, one hundred dollars. pngyds wd For repairing and opening roads and paths, two thousand five hundred " dollars. I"‘“» &°· For ieo—house ond un additional store-room and servants' room, seven thousand five hundred dollars. C°"1`b°““°· For con!-house, tivo thousand dollars. For recovering south wharf, two thousand five hundred dollars. Approved, May 23, 1872. May 23, 1872- CHAP. CXCVII. —— An Act de/{ning and limiting the Appropriation of certain Moneysfor 'A`"""" M" i""""` the Preparation, Issue, and Reissue ey"tIae Securities of the United States, and for other Purposes. F _ { Bo it enacted by tho Senate and House of Representatives of the Matted ,,,G‘};R:;]:`§,ff 0,- States of America in Congress assembled, That the expenses of the issue, Ennio seienriiies, reissue, transfer, delivery, redemption, and destruction of securities, legalh_°·· ‘° *’° i’““* tender notes, fmoviomil onuency, checks, certificates, commissions, and (ml Whit!. 8p* in _ It{. - · · p,.,,,,.,,,,,,,,,_ and m any p etc and scsi enginving and printing required by the Treasury notr.oi~xe¤od, Depm-tment, shall be paid from and shall not exceed the appropriation [*%,,.,0 wh 2,76 of one per contain of the amount of legal-tender notes, fractional cur- 2. ’’ reno i `t'd durin eoch fiscal ear: Provided That Q_' · y ant sccuri ies issue g y ,

    • 1- ¤¤'¤~ v· 97% nothing herein conminod shall be construed to increase or enlarge the

appropriation contained in the second section of the oct entitled "An act