Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/20

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xx LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS OF CONGRESS. Page Animals in Transit in Railroad Cars, Qc. An act to prevent cruelty to animals while in transit by railroad or other means of transportation within the United States. March 3, 1878, 584 ch. 252 San Diego, Cal. An actztgcé make San Diego, in the State of California, a port of entry. 585 March 3 1873, ch. .. . . Fractional Paris of a Barrel. An agi; relatiggl to the fractional parts of a barrel containing ibn 586 mented liquors. March 8, 1 73, ch. '· . Post-Roads. An act to establish certain postroztds. March 3, 1873, ch. 255 . . 586 Agent and C'ounsel_;%r the United States. An act th authorize the continued employment of an agent and counsel of the United States. March 3, 1873, cl:. 256 698 Texas and Pacz)‘i¢: Railroad Company. An act supplemental to an act entitled- "An act to incorporate the Texas Pacific Railroad Company, and to aid in the construction of its road, and for other purposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. March 3, 1873, ch. 257 ... 598 Obscene Literature, rfc. An niet for the suppression of Igmde dnb agri circulation of, obscene 598 literature and articles 0 immoral use. l arch 3, 73, c 1. ‘ o ... . . Inspectors of Steam Vessels in Zllichiqan. An act to establish a board of local inspectors of steam vessels for the customs district of Michigan, in the State of Michigan. March 8, 1873, 00 ch. 259 . 6 " School Farm “Lands, gc., in South Carolina. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to provide for the redemption and sale of lands held by the United States under the several acts levying direct taxes, and for other purposes? March 3, 1873. ch. 260 . . . . . 600 Disposition of the Money paid by Great Britain to the United States. An act for the creation of a. court for the adjudication and disposition of certain moneys received into the treasury under an award made by the tribunal of arbitration constituted by virtue of the first article of the treaty concluded at Washington, the eighth of May, anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-one,hetween2the United States of America and the Queen of Great Britain. March 3, 187, ch. 61 . . . . . . 601 Bounties and Pensions to colored Soldiers. An act to place colored persons who enlisted in the army on the same footing as other soldiers as tu bounty and pension. March 3, 1873, ch. 262 601 Courts in Nebraska. An act nxing the time of holding the fall term of the United States dis- 0 trict court for the district of Nebraska. March 3, 1873, ch. 263 . 6 1 Collection District of Southern Oregon. An act creating the collection district of Southern Oregon. March 3, 1873, ch. 264 ... 601 Payment of Wages to Seanwn in F orefyn Countries. An act to provide for the payment in gold of certain wages to seamen in foreign countries. March 3, 1873, ch, 266 . 602 Pre-emptions and Ilomesteads. An not to authorize pre-emptors or settlers upon homesteads on the public land to alienate portilons 0; their pre-emptions or homesteads for certain public purposes. March 8, 1878, c . 26 .. 602 . . ·• Cemetery near the City of Mesnoo. An act to provide for the care and preservation of the cemetery near the city of Mexico, purchased in accordance with the act of September twentyeighth, eighteen hundred and fifty. March 3, 1873, ch. 267 ... 602 Values of `F nrciqn Coin in United States Zllonqy of Account. An act to establish the customhoupe value Io; the go\;¢§¤}eign\or2ponnd sterling of Great Britain, and to fix the par of 2 exc iange., arc , 3, c 1. 68 . . . 60* National Banksé gin not to {equire national banks to restore their capital when impaired, and to amen the nutiona currency act. arch 3, 1873, ch. 269 .. 608 Military Academy. An act to confer upon the superintendent of the United States military academy the power to convene general courts—martial. March 8, 1873, ch. 270 . . . 604 Deputy Collectors, gc., to act as diabursing A ents. An act authorizin de ut collectors and 9 S P Y otéhgr o}?::;;: of the customs to act as disbursing agents in certain cases. March 3,

,0. ..604

Deposit q/'bifublic Money: by Boshnchstcrg. Alnaacg tp pglgorgezcertam postmasters to deposit pu ic moneys m nations an s. rc , , c . 72 .. . . . . 604 Dq»ut_qIC'e1Ilecto£· of gustcma cg IlKzul.MAnlagt tglgx the2compensation of the deputy col- 04 ec or o cus oms a am a. . arc x ‘, ch. 73 ... 6 Homesteods. An act to amendlan act entitled "An mit to enable honorably discharged soldiers and sailors, their widows and orphan children, to acquire homesteads on the public lands of the United States," and the amendments thereto. March 3, 1873, ch. 274 . . 605 Connecticut, Payment t0,for Clzaplains, extra Surgeons, Qc. An act for the relief of the State of Connecticut and other States. March 3, 1873, ch. 276 605 National Cemeteries.. An act to adthorize the interment of honorably discharged soldiers, sail- 3;%, and marmes in the national cemeteries of the United States. March 3, 1873, ch. . . .. 605 Timber o Western Prairies. An act to encourage the rowth of t°mb st ‘ ' MCM 8, nn, tt. 277 . ‘ ‘. f" fm."? ‘€"‘.*’Y""T°" to