Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/222

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182 FORTY—SEOOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 233. 1872. Shoshcnss. smith, as per tenth article treaty of July third, eighteen hundred and VOL XV· P- 67*- sixty-eight, six thousand eight hundred dollars. o For second of three instalments, to be expended in presents for the ten persons who grow the most valuable crops, under the same act and treat five hundred dollars. Fd? pay of second blacksmith, and furnishing iron and steel and other materials, under the same article of said treaty, two thousand dollars. Bannccks. Bannocks.—For third of thirty instalments, to purchase four hundred suits of clothing for males over fourteen years of age; the flannel, hose, calico, and domestics for four hundred females over the age of twelve years; and such flannel and cotton goods as may be needed to make suits for four hundred boys and girls, six thousand nine hundred and thirty- seven dollars. For third of ten instalments, for the purchase of such articles as may be considered proper by the Secretary of the Interior for eight hundred persons roaming, and four hundred persons engaged in agriculture, sixteen thousand dollars. For pay of physician, teacher, carlpenter, engineer, farmer, and blacksmith, six thousand eight hundred dollars. For last of three histalments, to be expended in presents for the ten persons who grow the most valuable crops, five hundred dollars. gf?; transportation of goods that may be purchased for the Shoshones an annocks, fifteen thousand dollars. Shoslwncs, Shoshones, Bannochs, and other Bands of Indians in Idaho and South- £f5";2§l;:‘bnnds eastern Oregon.—I`¤or this amount, to be expended in such goods, proof Indians an visions, or other articles, as the President may from time to time determine, Yd*•h° *****1 S°“*h· including transportation, in instructing in avricultural pursuits, in providing eastern Oregon. . . . ¤ . . . , employees, educating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for and support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless orphans of spid Indians, and in any other respect to promote their civilization, com ort, and improvement, forty thousand dollars. 1Six Nations of Six Nations of New Karla. —· For permanent annuity in clothing and 1"*;;_l;_‘;;'l‘i) ,6 other useful articles, per sixth article treaty of November seventeenth, `` seventeen hundred and ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars. Sioux or differ- Siounc of dparent Slhibes, including Sqntee Sioux in the State ofllklimska, °‘§ul:`}lj3:i, iii8s_ and P01I0e1s 07l the Great Sioux Reservation, and Families of Santee Dakota Sioux who have taken. Homcsteotds at or near F/andreau, in Dakota Territ¢:r{ly.——I·;or_ pay of Secondd lélzgiksmith, and furnishing iron, steel, and 0 er ma erm , two thousand dollars. For third of thirty instalments, to purchase clothing for males over fourteen years of age; for flannel, hose, and calico, and domestics required fbr females over twelve years of age; and for such flannel and cotton gptods as mlpy be pepdedhto rpakegnpts for boys and girls, one hundred and ` y-nine thousand our un red o lars. For third of thirty instalments, to purchase such articles as may be considered proper by the Secretary of the Interior for persons roaming unddfplrlpersons engaged in agriculture, two hundred and thirty-six thousau dollars. For third of four instalments, for purchase of seven million three hundred thousand pounds of beef, and the same quantity of flour, for twenty vc!. xv. p. cas. thousand persons, under tenth article treaty of April twenty-ninth, enghteeuhuridred and sixty-eight, and for subsistence of Yankton Sioux, one m1ll10n three hundred and fourteen thousand dollars. For pay of physician, five teachers, one carpenter, one miller, one ppgxxieer, one farmer, and one blacksmith, ten thousand four hundred <l<>l· For last of three instalments, to be expended in presents to the ten persons who grow. the most valuable crops, five hundred dollars. hor transportation, and the necessary expenses of delivering goods, to