Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/249

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. TI. Ch. 259. 1872. 209 M. Bennett. Second district: Francis H. Pierpoint, J. Nelson Wisner. C<·>¤*¤¤¤}i¤l Third district: lVilliam A. Quarrier, J. M. McWhorter. ££.°°£;€£;ng:§’ Wisconsin. —-At large: C. C. Washburne, Alexander Mitchell, Tim. O. Wisconsin; Howe, Charles A. Eldredge. First district: J. J. Case, James H. Howe. Second district: D. Hall, Joshua J. Guppey. Third district: John Lawler, J. C. Halloway. Fourth district: Angus Smith, D. W. Maxon. Fifth district: Charles Burchard, Joseph Vilas. Sixth district: Andrew E. Elmore, Samuel Hay. Seventh district: Dudley A. Spaulding, D. A. Baldwin. Eighth district: Thad. C. Pound, Walter D. Mclndo. Washington.- Selucius Gariielde, Toussant Mesplie. Washington; Wyoming. — William A. Carter, John A. Campbell. Wyoming. Sec. 2. That the said corporation shall have authority and is hereby gapimistock empowered to secure subscriptions of capital stock to an amount not ex- not to exceed ceeding ten million dollars, to be divided into shares of ten dollars each, $10’000’w°' and to issue to the subscribers of said stock certificates therefor under the g,,,.,mc,m;s of corporate seal of said corporation, which certificates shall bear the signa- Stocktnre of the president andtreasurer, and be transferable under such rules and regulations as may be made for the purpose. And it shall be lawful for any municipal or other corporate body existing by or uhder the laws gm,,,;,, co,. of the United States, to subscribe and pay for shares of said capital stock, i>¤¤¤¥i<>¤S may and all holders of said stock shall become associates in said corporation, me St°°k' and shall be entitled to one vote on each share ; and it shall be the duty E¤<=h Sh¤¥¤ W of the United States Centennial Commission to prescribe rules to enable ha" °”° v°°°‘ absent stockholders to vote by proxy. The proceeds of said stock, together Proxies. with the receipts from all other sources. shall be used by said corporation }"°°€'*dS gf for the erection of suitable buildings, with their appropriate fixtures and Sa °° ° sm ' appurtenances, and for all other expenditures required in carrying out the objects of the said act of Congress of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and which may be incident thereto. And the said corporation Records and shall keep regular minutes of its proceedings, and full accounts, with the accounts. vouchers thereof of all the receipts and- expenditures, and the same shall be always open to the inspection of the United States Centennial Commission, or any member thereo£ Src. 3. That books of subscription shall be open by the United States Books of sub- Centennial Commission, under such rules as it may prescribe, and an op- §)‘;£t}g:‘0§'6l};*u,\_ portunity shall be given, during a period of one hundred days, to the citi- dred day . zens of each State and Territory, to subscribe for stock to an amount not exceeding its quota, according to its population, after which period of one Stock not then hundred days, stock not taken may be sold to any person or persons or *”*l;;¤» Mw *° b° corporation willing to purchase the same. . so ` Sec. 4. That after the expiration of said period of one hundred days, First memn the United States Centennial Commission shall issue a call for a meeting, to elect dg,-8(,m€S_ by publication in one or more newspapers published at the capital of each State and Territory, not less than thirty days prior thereto, of the corporators and all others who may then have subscribed for stock, to be held in the city of Philadelphia, for the purpose of electing a board of directors, to consist of twenty-five stockholders, whose term of office shall be one Number and year, and until their successors shall have been qualified; at which meet- *°““ °f °m°°· ing those who may be present in person or by proxy, of whom one hundred shall constitute a quorum, shall be competent to organize and elect Quorumsaid officers. The said board of directors, and every subsequent board, shall be chosen by the stockholders, out of a list of one hundred stockholders, selected and nominated by the United States Centennial Commission. Nine members of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum Who may be for the transaction of business, but no election or change of officers shall <ll$$°*°*`¤· f take place unless at a meeting of the board of directors, at which a dimg§;:n° majority shall be present. Sec. 5. That the said board of directors shall elect, from its own num- pmsideng ber, a president and two vice-presidents, whose term of office shall be one vicepresidenrs, vor. xvn. Pon. -— 14