Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/341

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FOR'1‘Y—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 335. 1872. 301 0'bscene books shall be excluded from the mails. All matter of the excluded from third class, excepting books and other printed matter, book-manuscripts, mails- Mntter of 3d. proof-sheets, and corrected pr00f—sl1ccts,shall not exceed twelve ounces dm except in weight, and all matter of the third class shall be subject to examination &c·. not to vicmd so rates of postage as hereinafter provided. Samples of metals, ores, jfjid }:‘éh“* and mincralogic2.1 specimens shall not exceed twelve ounces in weight, g ` and shall be subject tc examination and to rates of postage as hereinafter M¤f¤l¤»<>F¤S»&¤· provided. Packages 0,- SEO. 134. That no package weighing more than four pounds shall be more than four received for conveyance by mail, except books published or circulated by @"'g§ti§°°§°g) order of Congress. mall. g y Sm. 135. That the P0stmaster·General shall furnish to the post-ofllccs 1’°S*’?l bal°’}°°" exchanging mails with foreign countries, and to such other offices as he g:Qll?;`}g8Q;d{Q?_ may deem expedient, postal balances denominated in grams of the metric nished, &c. system, fifteen grams of which shall be the equivalent, for postal purposes, i I`*‘§“"*"·l°”° °( of onehalf ounce avoirdupois, and so on in progression. Ou W Sec. 13G. That the Postmaster-General may prescribe by regulation Wrappers of the manner of wrapping and securing for the mails all matter not charged L’:;]l:§*}gi;r“°t with letter-postage nor lawfully fmnked, so that it may be conveniently postage, src.; examined by postmusters ; and if not so wrapped and secured, it shall be subject to letter-postage. Sec. 137. That pcstmasters at the office of delivery may remove the may bewwrappers and envelopes from mail-matter not charged with lettenpostage g}‘Q;?v;:;lH°° nor lawfully framked, when it can be done without destroying them, for ° the purpose of ascertaining whether there is upon or connected with any such matter any thing which would authorize or require the charge of :2. higher rate of postage thereon. Suc. 138. That no newspapers shall be received to be conveyed by N¤WSD¤P¤¤% d mail unless they are sufficiently dried and inclosed in proper wrappers. :glc;°Q,b§;m’° ’ S20. 139. That where packages of newspapers or other periodicals are Nexvspapers, received at a. post-oflice, directed to one address, end the names of the 0T’I”;gl§‘;¥ff:_ subscribers to whom they belong, with the postage for 2. quarter in ered to Owners, advance, is handed to the postmaster, he shall deliver such papers or periodicals to their respective owners. Sec. 140. That postmesters shall notify the publisher of any newspaper, Notice that or other periodical, when any subscriber shall refuse to take the same ;°;g·l°*g’§;;1 85*31 from the office, or neglect to call for it for the period of one month. Umm Sec. 11. That publishers of newspapers and periodicals may print or Ifublishers may write, upon their publications sent to regular subscribers, the address of x;‘{a“;d;l;,f;;r?b_ the subscriber, and the date when the subscription expires, and may inclose Us on mess, md therein bills and receipts for subscription thereto, without subjecting such inclose bl l¤· publications to extra postage. Sec. 142. That any person who shall inclose or conceal any letter, Penney {brinmemorundum, or other thing in any mail-matter not charged with letter- sf:;::;; postage, or make any writing or memorandum thereon, and deposit, or ch,,,-ged WMM,. cause the same to be deposited, for conveyance by mail et a less rate than ¢¤r_p¤¤¥¤%¢, 01* letter-postage, shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay five dollars, wmng t “°°°‘ and such mail-matter or inclosure shall not be delivered until the postage No mm posh is paid thereon at letter rates; but no extra postage shall be charged for W., for card on 9. card printed or impressed upon an envelope or wrapper. W1'¤1>I}€¤ _ Sr:0. 143. That contractors or ma,il-carriers may convey, out of the m£{€;l;°*";§;;_ mail, newspapers for sale or distribution to subscribers. pagers (,32 (,5 SEO. 144. That the Postmaster-General may provide by order the mml for, &c. Wfms upon which route-agents may receive from publishers or any news- Rfgggggnls agents in charge thereof, and deliver- the same as directed, if presented gffgmges of and called for at the mail-cur or steamer, packages of newspapers and newspapers. ogher periodicals not received from or intended for delivery at any p0st· 0 ce. Sec. 145. That any postmaster who shall unlawfully detain lu his P¢i1¤l¢.Y ¤¥>¤¤