Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/343

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335. 1872. 303 Sm. 153. That. no mail-matter shall be delivered until the postage due Maa1-mmem¤¤ thereon has been paid. *0 be defivewi Sec. 154. Tlmt no box at any posh-0{Hce shall be assigned to the use :§51 p g of any person until the rent. thereof has been paid for at least one quam- Boxes et pest.- ter in advance, for which the postmaster shall give a receipt. 32* ;;? ;pi‘s‘1 Sec. 155. That the Postmaster-General may provide by regulation for ,,d.,2,,,,,, transmitting unpaid and duly certifned letters of soldiers, sailors, and ma- Urrviiid IWWYS rines in the service of the United States, be their destination. at ggfrs may Sec. 156. That 011 a.11 mail-matter which is wholly or partly in writing, Maipmatter except, book-ma.11uscript,s and corrected proofs passing between authors ?'*‘°“J;.°' Pm1V and publishers, and local or drop letters; on all printed matter which is so 2;Q¥§2§’t§iQ,,y marked as to convey any other or further information than is conveyed by letter postagethe original print, except the correction of mere typographical errors; on all matter which is sent in violation of law or the regulations of the department respecting iuclosuresg and on all matter to which no specific raw of postage is assigned, postage shall be charged at the rate of three cents for each half-ounce or fraction thereof. S20. 157. That letters commonly known as drop or local letters, deliv- Dmpm-10m ered through the post-0Hice or its carriers, shall be charged with postage IWW5- at the rate of two cents where the system of free delivery is established, and one cent where such system is not established, for each half—0unce or h·a,ction thereofl Sec. 158. That on newspapers and other periodical publications, not Qummy exceeding four ounces in weight, sent from a known office of publication postage on neweto regular subscribers, postage shall be charged at; the following rates per P“P°{Sv W quarter, namely: on publications issued less frequently than once a. week, at the mte of one cent for eswh issue; issued once aweek, Eve cents; and five cents additional for each issue more frequent than once a week. And an additional rate shall be charged for each additional four ounces or fraction thereof in Weight. Sec. 159. That on newspapers and other periodicals sent from a known to bg paid office of publication to regular subscribers, the postage shall be paid before before d¤UV¤¤'.7- delivery, for not less than one quarter, nor more than one year; which payment may be made either at the office of mailing or delivery, commencing at any time ; and the postmaster shall account for said postage in the quarter in which it is received. Sec. 160. That the Postmaster-General may provide by regulations for SMT} ¤¢W¤- carrying small newspapers, issued less frequently than once a week, in §;§§T0':ng“:§ packages to one address, from u known office of publication to regular dress. subscribers, at the rate of one cent for each four ounces or fraction thereo£ Sec. 161. That persons known as regular dealers in newspapers and Regular dwiperiodicals may receive and transmit by mail such quantities of either as ;‘;);‘QS“iQ`f may they may require, and pay the postage thereon as received, at the same receive, sed, by rates, pro rata, as regular subscribers to such publications who pay quar- my ¤°<l*¤**°°’l>’ terly in advance. Sm. 162. That the Postmaster-General may prescribe by regulation p-0,,,, of and,. an affidavit, in form, to be taken by the publisher, or by the clerk, agent, vit by p¤bii¤h¤¤‘ or servant of the publisher, of any newspaper or other periodical which ‘§cf‘°wsp°p°r' may by law be sent to regular subscribers without prepayment of postage at the mailing office, to the effect: that neither he nor any other proprietor, clerk, agent, or employee within his knowledge will send, cause or permit to be sent through the mail, without prepayment by postagwstampe, any copies of such newspaper or other periodical (naming it) except to bonafide and regular subscribers thereto; and if any such newspaper or other periodical shall be thus unlawfully sent, with the knowledge or consent of such proprietor, or his agent, clerk, or servant in charge of such business, or if such efhdavit shall, when required by the Postmasner-General or guy special agent, of the Posmdice Department, be refused, the person gmlty