Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/360

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320 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 335. 1872. Pq¤{¤l¢y_f<>r Sm. 284. That any person employed in any department of the postal d:0t“"},}Q',g;'Q°&°_ service who shall improperly demm, delay, embezzle, or destroy any Etroggngqz &o., DC\VSp3·p()I', or permit any other person to detain, delay, embezzle, or de- ’·”>' ¤*“’$P“P°’· sbrov the same, or open, or permit any other person to open, any mml 0;- &°'; paclzage of newspapers not directed the office where he is employed, shall, on convicuon thereof, for every such offence, forfeit and pay not exceeding fifty dollars. And if any other person shall open, embezzle, or destroy any mail or package of newspapers not being directed to him, and not being authorized to open 01- recmye the same, every such person Y shall, on conviction thereof; for every such ofence, forfeit: and pay not ¤B€3;ps§;°;,;n§Om exoeeding twenty dollars. And any person who shall teke or steel any nay man or post- mml or package of newspapers from any post-office, or from.a.ny person ° °°? having custody thereof, every such person shall, on conviction thereoi for every such offence, be imprisoned at hard labor not exceeding three months. {OF ,Ob;,;,,g,my S1cc.·285. Thmzlany person who shall rob any carrier, agent, or other 2l¤rr¤¢r,_l&¢-, of person mbrusted with lzhe xhml, of such mm], or any part thereof, shall, on ¤=*`*i¤‘:.*—=°r*¥`“’ mis;;:;w;&r2;mcz*;:?:;% $2:;%%:;*22lszzszmznz; scc0n convic- D.· s g°“»°*L‘”°{"{*U]‘§• efiectirig such robbery §he first time, the robber shall wound the person °" ° ° °°`m°1’ having custody of the mail, or put his life in jeopardy by the use of (Izmgorous weapons, such ofl"e11der shall be imprisoned at hard labor for the term of his natural life. for being no- Sec. 286. That any person who shall be accessory after ·1;he fact; to. any

 robhery_0f the carrier, agent, or other person intrusted wich the mm], of

s mlm, sw.; such mml, or. any part thereof, shall, on conviction thereotj for every sheh oflbnce, forfeit; mad pay not exceeding two thousand dollars, and he 1m- prisonecl at hard labor not exéecding ten years ; and such accessory after the {hcl: may be tried, convicted, and punished without the principal ofibmler being first tried, when said principal ofiender has fled from justice, or cannot be found to be put on trial. _ fmmcmpung Srcct 287. That zmy person who shall attempt to rob the rnml by to rob the man, assaulting the person lmving custody thereof, shooting at him or his horse, l§2’¢{¤¤¤¤l¤i*¤S· or tlxrczmteuing him with dangerous weapons, and shall not effect such °" robbery, shall, on conviction thereof', be imprisoned at hard labor not less than two nor more than ten years. upon any per- Sec. 288. Tlmb any person wl10 shall have taken charge of .the mail

Q3r‘*j§%g‘;‘EB and shall voluntarily qmt or desert the same before he has del1vered 1b

mgiligibr yqximr iuh0.th0 p0st—0flice at the termination of the route, or to some known mail-

  tt Clll'I'lCli:'I`llCSS€\lg0l:, agent, or other employee of iahe Posnollice Department

· v.ut.h0r1red to necmve the same, shall, on conv1ction therooi rhr every such pcsmllice, hr,. _ _ _ _ offence, forfem and pay not exceeding hve hundred dollars, and be 1m- prisoucci not less than th ree months nor more than one year. Luyvs for dep- S100. 289. Tlmt all laws defining punishment for deprcdations commit-

igmg'E_{*;;m to had upon the mail shall extend to and have full force in the Indian

ludiam country. (·0u]'mY• _ mg;%hlrgt¥k[or hm. 290. That any person who shall steal, purlom, or embezzle any any Pw;)‘_Nl;;bc_ 13ml-hgng or othei;1 p1·§p3rt;y`1n us? by or. belonging the Post—ofh<£e longmgr to z is cpm men , or xx o s sr , on any ucre, gem, 01 comemence, appropnn e I>·*f{:·<>*}*<i<><l<_‘· any such property to his own or any other than 1tS proper usc, or who g{;l;:;,°f|{{,§}]M shall, for m1y_luc1·0 or gain, courey uwzry any such property to the hiixderi¢'vs1ruj(;r zmco or detriment of the public service; every such person, his mders,

 ‘”“ gbottors, and counsellors, shall, 1f the value of the propcrtyibe twenty-five

ollurs or more, be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction thereof; for ever such offence, shall be im risoncd not cxcee<li¤<r three ears; and if .Y P ¤ Y if wer $25- the value of the property be less than twenty-five dollars, the party offonding shall be imprisoned not more than one year, or be fined not less than ben nor more thzm two hundred dollars. Sec. 291. That: any person who shall tear, cut, or otherwise injure any