Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/379

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FORTY—SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 353-356. 1872. 339 held to commence in each casa with the filing of the application under when to comthat act. m‘¤¤°€· Ar1>R0v1c1>, June 8, 1872. CHAP. CCCLIV.—An Act granting the Riqht of Way through the public Lands to the Julie 8, 1872 Denver and Rio Grewé Railway Company. —"`_` Be iz enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the right of way over the Right of way public domain, one hundred feet in width on each side of the track, ;;T;’*'·ég‘ *h° Pwd together with such public lands adjacent thereto as may be needed for to {S;,1[°;'€§;°;; ( depots, shops, and other buildings for railroad purposes, and for yard- and Rio Grandé mom and side-tracks, not exceeding twenty acres at any one station, and R°E§:;t(§;." not more than one station in every ten miles, and the right to take from gram, the public lands adjacent thereto stone, timber, earth, water, and other material required for the construction and repair of its railway and tclegraph line be, and the same are hereby, granted and comirmed unto the Denver and Rio Grande Railway Company, a corporation created under the incorporation laws of the Territory of Colorado, its successors and assigns; and all the rights, powers, and franchises conferred by the said laws on corporations created under them for constructing and operating railroad and telegraph lines are hereby ratified and confirmed to the abovenamed railway company, its successors and assigns ; and the same rights, powers, and franchises conferred by the general incorporation laws of the Territory of Colorado for the construction of railroads and telegraph lines, are hereby granted to the said company, its successors and assigns, for the extension and operation of its railway and telegraph line in and through any contiguous territory of the United States to the northern boundary line of Mexico, subject to the compliance with the conditions and requirements of the general incorporation laws of such territory so far as the same are applicable and notinconsistcub with the laws of the United States; and the same rights, powers, and privileges conferred upon the Union Pacific Railroad Company by section three of an act approved 1864, 6;;,216, § 3· July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, are hereby conferred upon V°1‘ Xl"' p' 351 the above-named company, its successors and assigns : Provided, That Damages. applications for the assessment of damages shall be made to the court, or any judge of a court having jurisdiction in the county in which the lands or premises lic: Provided, That said company shall complete its railway Railway wb6H to 2. point OD the Rio Grande as far south as Santa, Fé within five years t’° be °°mPl°t°d` of the passage of this act, and shall complete fifty miles additional south of said point in each year thereafter, and in default thereof, the rights and privileges herein granted shall be rendered null and void so far as respects the uuiinislued portion of said road: Andpmv£ded fi¢rther, That nothing Pmviso. in this act contained shall be construed as affirming or denying the right; of any territory to incorporate :2, railroad company. APPROVED, June 8, 1872. CHAP. CCCLV.——An Act to grant an American Register to the British Brziq Baiear. June 8, 1872. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Une United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- _ A*Q°T}°¤¤ lf? ury is hereby authorized and directed to issue an American register to the rggtiiugdg American-builc British brig Balear, recently purchased and repaired by Balear Gerhard Wessc1s, of the city and State of New York. AP1’ROVED, June 8, 1872. CHAP. CCCLVI.—An Act to reimburse United States Marshals for Mmzeys neces- June 8, 1872. sardy expended by them in takfng the ninth Census in Excess of the Compensation al- "`"_—""`“ lowed them under the Law in Force be/`ore Mc Passage ry' this Act. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of Zhe United States of America in Congress assembled, That when it is made to appear UNM $*****8**