PUBLIC ACTS OF THE FORTY·SECOND CONGRESS or ms UNITED STATES, Passed az the 1fYm Session, which was begun and held at the Oity of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Saturday, the fourth day q` March, A. D. 1871, and was aajourned without day on Thursday the twentieth day of April, A. D. 1871. ULYSSES S. GRANT, President. SCHUYLER Comux, Vice-President and President of the Senate. Haxmr B. Azwmcur was elected President of the Senate pm tempore on the seventeenth day of April, A. D. 1871, and so acted until the end of the session. Jnms G. BLAINE, Speaker of the House of Representatives. CHAP. I.-An Ac! fo amend "An Act I0 wabiish the Smilhwnian Institution jbr the March 20, 1871. Increase and Djfusion q/' Knowledge among Ii[en,” approved August IO, 1846. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives Mike United OL lx. P. 102- States of America in Congress assembled, That "An acm to establish the The wo:-dz Smithsonian Institution for the increase and diH`usion of knowledge ;$°'9¤;¤°;‘<g`;h° among men," approved August ten, eighteen hundred and forty-six, be, mgggf subst? and the same is hereby, amended in section one of said act, by striking tutedforfmnyor out the words "the mayor of the city of Washington," and inserting °f W“hm8*°°·" in place thereof' the words " the governor of the District of Columbia,," and that said act be further amended in section three by striking out the words “ the mayor of the city of Washingt0n," and inserting in place thereof the words " the governor of the District of Columbia." Arpnovnzn, March_20, 1871. CHAP. II.- An Act relating to Mcmqys paid into the Courts of the United States. March 24, 1871. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all moneys in the registry Mqmeys paid of any court of the United States, or in the hands or under the control *¤;_*;>h*h€¤P¤5*¤ of any ofncer of such court, which were received in any cause pending §m:s £°¥,°c d°_ or adjudicated in such court, shall, within thirty days after the passage posited, to the 0f this act, be deposited with the treasurer, an assistant treasurer, or s.§;f1‘;;;°;;‘;°gw designated depositary of the United States, in xhe name and to the credit t,»m¤},—,r_ gw_; cf such court. And all such moneys which are hereafter paid into such mw be. Maw courts or received by the officers thereof shall be forthwith deposited in ered 5,1 sequyhy, like manner: Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to prevent bigiégesifint °i° the delivery of any such money upon security, according to agreement Qmmcnxof 0f parties under the direction of the court. court; SBC. 2. That no money deposited as aforesaid shall be withdrawn d “‘{“°b°“"“" . . . . . raw n except except by order of the Judge or Judges of sz11d courts respectively, m uponmc wrmen term or in vacation, to be signed by such judge or judges and to be en- 9rd¤r of the te:-ed and certified of record by the clerk, and every such order shall state J“‘g*fiu_ to mt the cause in or on account of which it is drawn. what, v01.. xvu. PUB.-- 1
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