Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/491

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 138. 1873. 451 For eighth of ten instalments, for pay of blacksmith, per same treaties, Omaha. nine hundred dollars. For sixth of ten instalments, for support of biacksmitlrshop, and supplying tools for the same, three hundred dollars. Osnges. — For interest on sixty-nine thousand one hundred and twenty 0S,,ge,,_ dollars, at five per centum per annum, being value of fifty-four sections V<>1.vii.p.240· of land set apart by treaty of June second, eighteen hundred and twenty- five, for educational purposes, per Senate resolution of January ninth, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, three thousand four hundred and fifty- six dollars. For interest on three hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum per annum, to be paid semi-annually, in money or such articles as . the Secretary of the Interi0r may direct, as per first article treaty of September twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. fifteen thousand dollars. Otoes and JIl1`ss0ur2Tas.—For sixth of fifteen instalments, being the Omg and my third series. in money or otherwise, per fourth article treaty of March sourias. Efteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, nine thousand dollars. V°r *· P· 103* Pawnees. - For perpetual annuity, at least 0ne—half of which is to be pumaés_ in goods and such articles as may be deemed necessary for them, per V0!- xi- P- 799 second article treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seve1n, thirty thousand dollars. For support of two manual-labor schools, per third article treaty of September twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, ten thousand dollars. F or pay of two farmers, two hlacksmiths and two apprentices, one miller and apprentice, and two teachers, five thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. F or pay of physician and purchase of medicines, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the purchase of iron and steel and other uecessaries for the shops, five hundred dollars. For the purchase of farming utensils and stock, one thousand two hundred dollars. For repair of grist and saw mills, three hundred dollars. For transportation and necessary cost of delivery of annuities for the Pawnees, two thousand dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the employment of one matron, three teachers, and two assistant teachers, and providing the schools with fuel, books, and stationery, forty-seven hundred dollars. Poncas.-—For last of ten instalments, (second series,) to be paid to Ponca;. them or expended for their heueHt, ten thousand dollars. V°r x“· P· 997 For this amount. to be expended during the pleasure of the President, in furnishing such aid and assistance in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, including the working of the mill, as provided by second article treaty of March twelfth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, as the Secretary of the Interior may consider aclvzmtageeus and necessary, seven thousand five hundred dollars. For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary. to be used at the discretion of the President. to carry 0n the work of aiding and instructing the Poueus in the arts of civilization, with a view to their self-support, and for subsistence and clothing, ten thousand dollars. Pottawatomies. -— For pexuiament annuity, in silver, per fourth article xljnittayatoniiee. treaty of August third, seventeen hundred and ni11ety-five, three hundred °· "'"‘ P· ”1· and seventy-eiglit dollars and ninety cents. For permanent mmuity, in silver, per third article treaty of September Vol. vii. p. 111. thirtieth, eighteen hundred and nine, one hundred and eighty-nine dollars and forty~six cents. _ _ F or permanent annuity, in silver, per third article treaty of Octouer v01_,,, P_185_