Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/497

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 138. 1873. 457 ole treaty of January twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and, fifty-five, two S'Klall¤ms. thousand four hundred dollars. Vol. p. 934. For fourteenth of twenty instalments, for the support of an agricultural and industrial school, and for pay for suitable teachers, per eleventh article treaty of January twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand five hundred dollars. For fourteenth of twenty instalments, for the employment of a blacksmith, carpenter, farmer, and a. physician, who shall furnish medicine for the sick, per treaty of January twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, four thousand six hundred dollars. For support of a smith and carpenter shop, and to provide the necessary tools therenir, five hundred dollars. Tabaguuche Band of Utah Indians.-For last of ten instalments, for Tabcfgunche the purchase of goods, under the direction of the Secretary of the Inte- Kgggs Utah rior, per eighth article treaty of October seventh, eighteen hundred and v01_ x{gg_ p_6y5_ sixty-three, and Senate amendment of March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, ten thousand dollars. For last of ten instalments, per eighth article of said treaty, for the purchase of provisions, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand dollars. For pay of blacksmith, as per tenth article of same treaty, seven hundred and twenty dollars. For transportation and general incidental expenses of the delivery of goods, provisions, and stock, as per same article of same treaty, two thousand dollars. Yhbeguachc, Jlluache, Capote, Wceminuche, Yampa, Grand River, and Tabegnschs, (Entah Bands of (Res. — For pay of two carpenters, two millers, two farm- 1lV$“¤°h_€· C¤P°*¤· ers, and one blacksmith, as per fifteenth article treaty of March second, y,,_i;gl;?lg?f,;d ` eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, nine thousand dollars. river, and Uin- For pay of two teachers, as per same article of same treaty, two thou- §*,l;;’“"‘l“ °f sand dollars. v0i_ xw p_ g2g_ For the purchase of iron and steel, and the necessary tools for blacksmith’s shop, two hundred and twenty dollars. For fifth of thirty instalments, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for clothing, blankets, and such other articles as he may think proper and necessary, under eleventh article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars. For annual amount, to be expended, under the direction of the Secretary of the lnterior, in supplying said Indians with beef, mutton, wheat, flour, beans, and potatoes, as per twelfth article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars. For transportation of such goods as may be purchased for said Indians, seven thousand dollars. Teton Sioux.- For this amount, or so much thereof as may be neces- Teton Sioux. sary, to purchase subsistence and clothing for the Teton and other bands of Sioux in the vicinity of Fort Peck, Montana Territory, and for such other objects as the Secretary of the Interior, with the approval of the President, may deem necessary and advisable, to promote the civilization and improvement of said Indians, two hundred thousand dollars. But this appropriation shall be expended for the benefit of such portions of said bands only, and for such time as they maintain friendly relations to the United States: Provided, That if any trader, his agent, or any person Traders selling acting for or under him, shall sell any arms or ammunition at his trading- post or other place within any district or country occupied by uncivilized by;,,,,,,],, Indians or hostile Indians, contrary to the rules and regulations of the Secretary to forfeit, &c. of the Interior, such trader shall forfeit his right to trade with the Indians, aud the said Secretary shall exclude such trader, and the agent, or other person so oflending, from such district or country so occupied; and the said Secretary is hereby directed and required to adopt