Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/527

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F ORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 226. 1873. 487 and first assistant of the Senate document-room two thousand five hundred dollars each; and second assistant in said document-room eighteen hundred dollars; and of the additional compensation to the reporters of the House and Senate for the Congressional Globe fifteen hundred dollars each; and of additional pay to the chief engineer of the House three hundred and sixty dollars (so as to equalize his pay with that of the chief engineer of the Senate). And it is hereby provided that the increase of compensation to Increase ofpay the officers, clerks, and others in the employ of the Senate and House of *0 l>€·°4;¤CWi*l1 Representatives, provided for by this act, shall begin with the present pmm °u**m°` Congress; and the pay of all the present employees of the Senate and Pay of certain House of Representatives, including the employees in the library of Con- gross and those under the commissioner of public buildings and grounds, pg; gem, now employed in the capitol building, and also the House reporters, whose pay has not been specifically increased by this act, holding their places by appointment under the respective oflioers thereof or by the authority of the committee of contingent expenses of the Senate, or the committee of accounts of the House, be increased fifteen per cent of their present compensation on the amount actually received and payable to them respectively from the beginning of the present Congress, or from the date of their appointment, during the present Congress, and who shall be actually employed at the passage of this act, and the amounts of money necessary to carry the foregoing provisions into effect are hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Principal executive clerk, minute and journal clerk, and financial clerk, in the office of the secretary of the Senate, at three thousand dollars each; librarian and seven clerks in the office, of the secretary of the Senate, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; keeper of the stationery, two thousand four hundred dollars; assistant keeper of the stationery, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one messenger, at one thousand two hundred and ninety- six_ dollars, one page, at seven hundred and twenty dollars; sergeant-an arms and doorkeeper, four thousand three hundred and twenty dollars: Provided, That hereafter he shall receive, directly or indirect] , no fees or 5cm6am.". other compensation or emoluments whatever for performing the duties of Ums tv 1'¤°¤iV¤ the office, or in connection therewith, otherwise than as aforesaid ; assistant °° {(5%* &°' doorkeeper, two thousand five hundred and ninety-two dollars; acting assistant doorkeeper two thousand five hundred and ninety-two dollars; postmaster to the Senate, two thousand one hundred dollars; assistant postmaster and mail-carrier, one thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight dollars; two mail-carriers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; superintendent of the document-room, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; two assistants in document—room, at one thousand fourhundred and forty dollars each j superintendent of the folding—room, two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; three messengers, acting as assist- Appointment ant doorkeepers, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; niueteen:;*g&§‘;f*;1*:;£8;°1f messengers, to be appointed and removed by the sergeant-at-arms, with the gmk ° approval of the committee to audit and control the contingent expenses of the Senate, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars each; one messenger, as authorized by Senate resolution of June tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, at one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; secretary to the President of the Senate, tw_o thousand one hundred and two dollars and forty cents'; clerk to the committee on Gnance, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; clerk to committee on claims, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; clerk of printing records, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; clerk to committee on appropriations, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; one laborer in charge of private passage, eight hundred and six ty-four dollars; one laborer in stationery-room, eight hundred and sixty-four dollars; one special policeman, one thousand two hundred and ninety-six dollars ; chaplain to the Senate, nine hundred dollars; chief engineer, two thousand one han-