Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/535

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FORTY·—SEOOND CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 226. 1873. 495 For stationery for the Treasury Department and its several bureaus, Stationery. fifty thousand dollars. l·`or postage, books, newspapers, arranging and binding canceled Posta e, newsmarine-papers, sealing ships’ registers, care of horses for mail and office P“P°’”» gwwagon, repairs of wagons and harness, washing towels, investigation of accounts and records, brooms, brushes, crash, cotton cloth, cane, chamois— skins, clusters, flour, keys, lye, matches, nails, oil, powders, repairing hand-stamps, sponge, soap, tacks, wall-paper, and the other miscellaneous items required for the current and ordinary business of the Department, sixty-five thousand dollars. For furniture, such as carpets, desks, tables, chairs, shelving for Hle- Furniture, &e. rooms, boxes and repairs of furniture, cases, oil-cloth, matting, rugs, chair-covers and cushions, repairs and laying of carpets, and other miscellaneous articles of the like character, forty thousand dollars. For coal, wood, lighting the Treasury building, baskets, books, spittoons, Fuel, &¤. drop—lights and tubing, files, blank-keys, water-coolers, tumlolers, hatchets, ice-picks, mail-sacks; match-safes, and matches, pitchers, towels, traps, thermonieters, buckets, dippers, saws, and other miscellaneous items, fifty thousand dollars. Lzdependent Treasury. -- Office of the assistant treasurer at New York: Independent For assistant treasurer, eight thousand dollars; for deputy assistant treas- T*g*§*"Y·, , urer, three thousand six hundred dollars; cashier and chief clerk, four ,,,,,,;;:83,;:2:t- thousand two hundred dollars; chief of coin division, four thousand dol- New York; lars; chief of note-paying division, three thousand dollars; chief of notereceiving division, three thousand dollars; chief of check division, three thousand dollars ; chief of registereddnterest division, two thousand eight hundred dollars ; chief of coupondnterest division, two thousand five hundred dollars ; chief of fractionahcurrency division, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief of bond division, two thousand four hundred dollars;. chief of cancelled-check and record division, two thousand dollars: two clerks, at two thousand four hundred dollars each; six clerks, at two thousand two hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at two thousand dollars each; nine clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand seven hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; ten clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; three clerks, at_one thousand two hundred dollars each; five messengers, at one thousand three hundred dollars each; one messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; keeper of building, one thousand eight hundred dollars ; chief detective, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant detective, one thousand four hundred dollars; four hall-men, at one thousand dollars each; six watchrnen, at seven hundred and thirty dollars each; one engineer, one thousand dollars; one porter, nine hundred dollars; in all, one hundred and forty-eight thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars. Oflice of the assistant treasurer at Boston: For assistant treasurer, five at Button. thousand dollars; for chief clerk, two thousand seven hundred dollars; paying—teller, two thousand five hundred dollars; chief interest clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; receiving teller, one thousand eight hundred dollars ; first book-keeper, one thousand seven hundred dollars; second book-keeper, "depositors"’ accounts, one thousand five hundred dollars; stamp and new fractional—currency clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; specie clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars ; two coupon clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; fractional-currency redemption clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; receipt clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; assistant book-keeper, eight hundred dollars; money clerk, one thousand dollars; assistant currency redemption clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; assistant currency redemption Clerk, one thousand dollars; messenger and chief watchman, one thousand and sixty dollars; two watchmen at eight hundred and fifty dollars each;