Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/555

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 227. 1873. 515 DEPARTMENT or THE INTERIOR. Department of the Interior. Public Lands.—For rent of office of surveyor-general of Louisiana, I1;;g;°;s;;ng:' fuel, books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five omeeofsurvoyor. hundred dollars. i““9"?l °f_ For rent of office of surveyongeneral of Florida, fuel, books, stationery, of1f;;?,;]:; and other incidental expenses, one thousand five hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Minnesota, fuel, books, station- Minnesota; ery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand two hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Dakota Territory, fuel, books, Dakota Terristationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. Wy; For rent of office of surveyongeneral of Kansas, fuel, books, stationery, Kansas; and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyongeneral of Colorado Territory, fuel, books, Colorado Terristationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. wry? For rent of office of surveyor-general of New Mexico Territory, fuel, New Mexico books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. T¤¤‘il><>fYG For rent of office of surveyor-general of California, fuel, books, station- California, ery, and other incidental expenses, seven thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Idaho Territory, fuel, books, Idaho Teypiw. stationery, and other incidental expenses, three thousand dollars. YY; For rent of office of surveyongeneral of Nevada, fuel, books, station- Nevada; ery, and other incidental expenses, three thousand seven hundred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Oregon, fuel, books, stationery, Oregon; and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Washington Territory, fuel, Washington books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. T°”l*°'Y 9 For rent of office of surveyor·general of Nebraska and Iowa, fuel, Nebraska and books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hun- I°"`“i dred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Montana Territory, fuel, Montana T,,,.,.,_ books, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hun- wry; dred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Utah Territory, fuel, books, UtahTerritory; stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Wyoming Territory, fuel, _Wyoming Terbooks, stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hun- ¤*°¤'.Y5 dred dollars. For rent of office of surveyor-general of Arizona Territory, fuel, books, Arizona Tm-;. stationery, and other incidental expenses, two thousand five hundred my- dollars. Surveying the Public Lands. — For surveying the public lands in Lou- Surveying_ isiana, at rates not exceeding ten dollars per linear mile for township P“E;Ei;Q;£:_m and eight dollars for section hues, eighteen thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Florida, at rates not exceeding ten Florida; dollars per linear mile for standard, seven dollars for township, and six dollars for section lines, twelve thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands in Minnesota, at rates not exceeding Minnesota; fourteen dollars per linear mile for standard lines, twelve dollars for township, and ten dollars for section lines, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That there shall first be paid, out of said fifty thousand dollars, to the peymwf tgthe Saint Paul and Sioux City Railroad Company, the sum of one thousand gg? °" three hundred and seventy dollars for surveys already made by said company of the public lands in said State. For surveying the public lands in Dakota Territory, at rates not Dakota Terriexceeding twelve dollars per linear mile for standard lines, nine dollars *°'Yi for township, and eight dollars for section lines, eighty thousand dollars. Mantua Ton-; For surveying the public lands in Montana Territory, at rates not WU-