Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/560

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520 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IH. CII. 227. 1873. Repm-s,&¤.,¤f For repairs and maintenance of the complement of vessels used in the '°”° “· coast survey, fifty thousand dollars. Publication of For continuing the publication of the observations made in the progress °l’"""*"°”“· of coast survey, including compensation for civilians engaged in the work, the publication to be made at the government printing office, ten thousand dollars. L;gm.h0u,,, Light-house Establishment. — For salaries of eight hundred and ninety- ¤¤?bli¤l¤m¢¤¤· three light-house keepers and light-beacon keepers, and their assistants, ussisigzigé and five hundred and thirty-five thousand eight hundred dollars. Repairs. For repairs and incidental expenses in refitting and improving lighthouses, and buildings connected therewith, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. _ Supply of For supplying the light-houses and beacon-lights on the Atlantic, Gulf, l‘gh°‘l‘°“S°”» &°· Lake, and Pacific coasts, with oil, wicks, glass chimneys, chamois-skins, spirits of wine, whiting, polishing-powder, towels, brushes, soap, paints, and other cleaning materials, and for expenses of repairing and keeping in repair illuminating apparatus and machinery, and of gauging, testing, transportation, delivery of oil and other supplies for light·h0uses, and other incidental necessary expenses, three hundred and sixty thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven dollars. Visitinglights, For expenses of visiting and inspecting lights and other aids to naviga- &°‘ tion, two thousand dollars. Light-ships For seameu’s wages, rations, repairs, salaries, supplies, and incidental md V€SS°lS· expenses of twenty-two light-ships and seven relief 1ight—vessels, two hundred and seventeen thousand seven hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty cents. Fog-.s5g¤,;,_ For repairs and incidental expenses in renewing, refitting, and im. proving fog-signals and buildings connected therewith, fifty thousand dollars. 1st10g51m- For- expenses of raising, cleaning, painting, repairing, renewing, and °°¤¤» <>· supplying losses of buoys, spindles, and day-beacons, and for chains, smkers, and similar necessaries, three hundred thousand dollars. b€;2gS;'l;%*&$?gg_ For Lz`;/ht~}20uses, Beacons, and Fog-signals. —- For rebuilding the upper 5;%,;,] part dif tpe light-house tower at Nash’s island, coast of Maine, three thon-

  1. `¤¤h’¤ i¤l¤¤d— sand dollars.

Seguin island. For rebuilding the upper part of the light~l1ouSe tower at Seguin island, coast of Maine, five thousand dollars. Cape Eliza- For rebuilding the west light-house at Cape Elizabeth, coast of Maine, bm" thirty thousand dollars. Day-beacons. For replacing day-heaeons destroyed by the ice on the coast of Maine and Massachusetts, thirty thousand dollars. Cggeégésignals at I For aisgeapn fog·signal at the Highlands, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, live · t iousan dollars. For a steam fog-signal (to guide into a harbor of refuge) at. Race point, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, five thousand dollars. _Atclm`¤1ay¤. Forfa stealm fog-sigiial at the mouth of the Atchafalaya river, Louisi- ""°r· ann, fi teen tiousanc dollars. Muscle·Bed For placing a light on Muscle—Bed beacon, Narragansett bay, Rhode l’°¤C°”· Island, three thousand dollars. Conimicut For new dwelling at Conimicut light-house, Narragansett bay, Rhode light-iw¤¤¤· Island, fifteen thousand dollars: Provided, That upon the completion of said dwelling the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to Site of old sta- sell, at public auction, after due notice, and either in one parcel or divided ¥l<>¤ ¥<>l>¢S0l<l· into lots, the land constituting the site of the old lighbstation nt Nayut oint. Wharn &¤., up For wharf and boat-house at Pumham rock, Providence river, Rhode Pumham mk- Island, one thousand two hundred dollars. New London. d 5.03 alfog-signal at New London, Connecticut, four thousand five hun- 1* dollars.