Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/568

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528 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 227. 1873. Collection and For expenses of the War Departrnent in the collection and payment of

 of bounty, prize-money, and other legitimate claims of colored soldiers and

c,,]md'S,,;d{,,,, sailors, fifty thousand dollars. _ and sailors- For support of the Freedmeifs Hospital and. Asylum at Washingmn, F;‘§d;;g“jS}{°*' District of Columbia, viz: Pay of medical officers and attendants; medilinn. y cines, medical supplies, and rations; clothing; rent of hospital buildings; fuel and lights; repairs; and transportation, sixty thousand dollars. _ Stats psniien- For payment of costs and charges of State penitentiaries for the care, ““"°“*"?" “"'"“‘ clothincr, maintenance, and medical attendance of United States military ry convicts, convict: confined in them, sixty-five thousand dolliars. States for en- To indemnif the States for expenses incurre by them in enrollin , m2;§}.0€’%é!.ens8 equipping, andjtransporting troops for the defense of the United Stat; of me United during the late insurrection, three hundred thousand dollars; ten thou- $¤¤*¤¤· sand dollars of which, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be Nsigraskn fqr appropriated to reimburse the State of ldebraska for expenses incurred in ucg“d‘““ h°*‘m" the suppression of Indian hostilities in eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to ` be paid by warrant in favor of the treasurer of said State, Payment for To provide for the payment, under existing laws, for horses and other l*°¥S<?¤_·&°-»l°¤* property lost or destroyed in the military service of the United States, Qgclxlmmy m` fifty thousand dollars. And the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he Census-takers is hereby, directed to pay to the census-takers of eighteen hundred and °f 18°°· sixty, or their assigns, the sums set to their credit, now in the treasury of the United States, any provision of existing laws to the contrary not— withstandin . Military mls- For the mginstruction of a military telegraph from San Diego, California, g‘;’;l"‘ l"°"§‘ S’f“ via Fort Yuma and Maricopa lVells, to Prescott and Tucson, Arizona, go to 1 resoott . and ·p,,cs(,,,_ fifty thousand three hundred and eleven dollars and eighty cents. Survey of For continuation of the survey of the northern and northwestern lakes,

  • °’*h°£*» &°·» determination of points in the interior of Michigan, and construction of

°k€°’ '°' maps, one hundred and seventy-tivo thousand dollars. Navy Depart, UNDER THE NAVY DEPARTMENT. ment. NFvy,ym.d,_ Jidrvyyards. -—For the navy-yard at Kittery, Maine: For repairs of Kittery. all kinds. ninety-three thousand five hundred dollars. • I Boston. For the navy-yard at lgostop, lilasspdhusetts: For repairs of all kinds, one hundred and twenty- ve t ousam ro ars. Brooklyn. For the navy—yard all Brooklyn, New York: For repairs of all kinds, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Philadelphia. For the navy-yard at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For repairs of all kinds, forty thousand dollars.- · League island. For work at the naval station at League island, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and not less than fifty thousand dollars of this shall be expended in the removal of property and materials from the Philadelphia yard to League islancd. W I D f C I F Washington. For the nav - ar at as iington, istrict o o umbia: or repairs of all kinds, sederlly-five thousand dollars. Norfolk. For the navy—yard at Norfolk, Virginia: For repairs of all kinds, seventy-five thousand dollars. Pensacola. For the navy—yardl at Pensacola, Florida: For repairs of all kinds, twenty-five thousand ollars. Mare Island. For the navy-yard at Mare island, California: For repairs of all kinds, ninety-seven thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars; for continuation of stone dry-dock, four hundred thousand dollars; for dredging, twenty thousand dollars; for continuation of rail—track, fifteen thousand dollars; for iron-plating shop, fifty thousand dollars; in all, five hundred and eighty-two thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. Naval stations. For naval station at New London, Connecticut: For repairs of all N"' L°“d°“· kinds, five thousand dollars.