Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/613

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 234. 1873. 573 Sino. 19. That in all cases in which tho cause of disability or death Y¤¤¤*°¤¤ V'l{¤¤ originated in the service prior to the fourth day of March, eighteen hun- 3°;s°;‘f;Q;?;‘:;éf§_ drcd and sixty-one, and an application for pension shall not have been md Kriorto med within three years from the discharge or death of thé person on Mm 4· HSL whose account the claim is made, or within three years of the termination of a pension previously granted on account of tho service and death of the same person, the pension shall commence from the date of filing, by the party prosecuting the claim, the last paper requisite to establish tho same: This not to Provided, That no claim allowed prior to the sixth day of Juno, eighteen mm mmm hundred and sixty-six, shall be affected by anything herein contained. °l"·lm'· Stcc. 20. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to allow more Not more than than one pension at the same time to the same person or to persons °H° P°“**°“*° b*= entitled jointly ; but any pensioner who shall so elect may surrender his or :,;:1%;; $*;,,6 hcr certificate, and receive, in lieu thereof, a certificate for any other pcn- same peysou. sion to which he or she would have been entitled had not the surrendered b£i:f;g;§‘j9“g“V certificate been issued : Provided, That all payments previously made for gm, e ’ any period covcrcd by the new certificate shall be deducted from the Pf¤Vi¤¤¤1>¤Y- amount allowed by said certificate. m°"t°' S20. 21. That declarations of pension claimants shall be made before a pecymtiousof court of record, or before some officer thereof having custody of its seal, P¤¤¤i<>¤ ¢l¤imsaid officer hereby being fully authorized and empowered to administer fair: b° "'°d° and certify any oath or affirmation relating to any pension or application therefor: Provided, That the commissioner of pensions may designate, in pawns may localities more than twenty-five miles distant from any place at which such be dq¤iS¤¤¢€}i_i¤ court is holdeu, persons duly qualified to administer oaths, before whom °°m“°1°°°lm°°` declarations may be made and testimony taken, and may accept declarations of claimants residing in foreign countries, mudc before at United Ministers and States minister or consul, or before some officer of tho country duly consuigin foreigv authorized to administer oaths for general purposes, and whose official °°‘"‘t"°°‘ character and signature shall be duly authenticated by the ocrtificatc of a. United States minister or consul; declarations in claims of Indians made Claim, of In. before a United States agent; and declarations in claims under the act of ¤lia¤¤= February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, made before an ¥£’x$: 5:: ML officer duly authorized to administer oaths for general purposes, when the ° applicants, by reason of infirmity of ago, are unable to travel: Provided, D¢¢l¤¤‘¤¢i¤¤¤ That any declaration made before an officer duly authorized to administer {;’}fr;’;,T;%°* oaths for gcucml purposes shall be accepted to exempt a claim from the to exempt ciziims limitation as tu date of filing prescribed in tho fifteenth section of this act. gmn hm***“*°¤» Sec. 22. That the commissioner of pensions, on application being made §£,;Dtedjnm.u°_ to him in person or by letter by any claimant or applicant for pension, tions, &<=·. to be bounty-land, or other allowance required by law be be adjusted or paid by :‘f;;‘;;‘::;lsg‘;_‘;);‘:,_ the pension-office, shall furnish such person, free of all expense to him or sions, bounties,

 her, all such printed instructions and forms as may be necessary in estab- &°·

lishing and obtaining said claim; and on the issuing of aa. certificate of Notice of the pension, or of s. bounty-land warrant, ha shall forthwith notify the claimant i§a¤fi¤§ <g¤ ¢¢!‘· or applicant, and also the agent or attorney in the cose, if there be ono, ge °;T{;;n_ °" t° that such certificate has been issued, or allowance made, and the date and amount thereof. `Snao. 23. That no money on account of pension shall be paid to any Nqponsionto person, or to the widow, children, or heirs of any deceased person who in Mrggd  ?°“·”gP any manner voluntarily engaged in, or aided or abcttcd, the late rebellion ?,g€d‘;¤ ti}, hte against the authority of the United States. f¢l><=Ui¤¤; f Sec. 24. That no claim for pension not prosccutcd to successful issue p€§S°Q£°‘Q1me§: ' within five years from thé date of filing the same shall be admitted with- gstablishcd. with- _ out record evidence from tho War or Navy Department of the injury or §?:m;£¤°-• . the disease which resulted in the disability or death of the person on whose Without_ &c_ ’ account the claim is made: Provided, That in any case in which the1imim— Where claim is · tion proscribed by this section bars the further prosecution of the claim, {gg1g?'::;; gg" i the claimant may present, through the pension-oflicc, to the adjutant- removed,