Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/657

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. HI. Ch. 303, 304. 1873. 617 Sec. 4. That any person, company, or corporation owning or operating Lights te be any bridge constructed under this act shall maintain, nt their own expense, m¥*¤*·’i¤°d °¤ from sunset to sunrise, throughout the year, such lights on their bridges b"dg°' as may be required by the light-house board for the security of navigation; and all persons owning or operating said bridge over the Mississippi river shall, in any event, maintain all lights on their bridge that may be necessary for the security of navigation. Sec. 5. That the bridge constructed under this act, and according to Bridgeto bn its limitations, shall be deemed and taken to be a lawful structure, and I¤W*"¤* ¤¤‘¤°*¤*¤ shall be recognized and known as 3 p0st·r0ute for the transmission of the and po bmum mails, the troops, and the munitions of war of the United States, and no higher charge per mile shall be made for the transmission of mails, troops, Ch¤¤’8°¤· and munitions of war, or other property of the United States, in its passage across said bridge, than is charged on railroads approaching said bridve. Sec. 6. That the directors of said corporation may be citizens of any who may bg of the United States, and may hold their meetings in either of the States di¤*¤¥¤¤1 vt UW of Illinois and Missouri, as the board of directors may elect, and may °°;§°’:‘“°”' cxgnube e. mortgage and issue bonds, payable, principal and interest, in bun.; gage o < . g S1·:c. 7. That all railway companies desiring to use the said bridge Allmilway after its completion shall have and be entitled to equal rights and privi· §°mP°"*°*I“2 ht leges in the passage of the same, and in the use of the machinery and t:"',,;e°2§:b;;§ge? fixtures thereof, and of all the approaches thereto, under and upon such &c. equitable terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War, upon hearing the allegations and proofs of the parties, in case they shall not agree. Sec. 8. That the right to alter or amend this act so as to prevent or Right reserved remove all material obstructions to the navigation of said river by the ;‘;t““‘°”d dm construction of said bridge is hereby expressly reserved; and any change (jhmges in in the construction or any alteration of said bridge that may be directed bridge tv be at any time by Congress shall be made at the cost and expense of the :;‘;‘;:;_"h°S° Owners there0fZ This act shall be subject to amendment or repeal at the pleasure of m:$:,‘“Y b° Congress. ’ Avrnovmu, March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCIII. —-An Act authorizing the Secretary of War tc deliver condemned Ord- March 3, 1873- nance to certain Organizations for monumental Purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Ovndemned and he hereby is, authorized to deliver, if the same can be done without gg22S5in?,;;' detriment to the government, four condemned cannon and sixteen cannon- monumental purballs to each of the following-named organizations for the purpose of P°S°5 M ornamentiug burial-grounds of deceased soldiers: To the Army and Navy Union of Portland, Maine; P¢>¤!¤¤d; T0 the municipal authorities of the city of Syracuse, New York; SYMHSH To the Grand Army of the Republic, at Ansonia, Connecticut; A¤¤0¤i¤; To the Soldiers’ Monument Association at Fitchburg, Massachusetts; Fivvhburg; And to the municipal authorities of the village of Sturgis, Michigan, Sturgis. one cannon and four cannon-balls. A.PPlt0VED, March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCIV. ·· An Act to confirm the Purchase by the Executive Department, an the March 3, 1873. eiqhth September, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, 1y' a. certain Tract of Land at Omaha, Nebraska. Be it enacted by the Senate and House af Representatives of the United h States of America in Oengress assembled, That the consent of the United 1mg,'"; gi;:,:, States is hereby given to the purchase of s. certain tract of land at Omaha, confirmed.