Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/662

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622 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 314, 315, 316. 1873 recovery of a tract of land claimed to be a._part of the commons of Caroudelet, instituted by the city of Carondelet: Therefore Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Court of claims States of America in Congress assembled, That jurisdiction be, and hereby $:235*;% g‘:ym_ is, granted to the court of claims to hear and determine sa1d cause, and dem against the the matters in controversy therein, subject to the right of appeal by either United Sum. party to the Supreme Court of the United States; and that the deposi- D¤P<>¤i¢i<>¤¤· tions heretofore taken in said cause may be read at the trial thereof with the same effect as if taken after the passage of this act. Approved, March 3, 1873. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCXIV. —-·An Act Io place at `the Disposal of the Commissioner ey" Internal """_-`—` Revenue certain Copies of the new Compilation ry Internal-revenue Laws. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Copies of the States of America in Congress assembled, That of the seven thousand copies

?E;Q;;¥;]:3°° of the new compilation of internal-revenue laws ordered by section forty-

,,v,,,,,,,,;,,w,_ five of the act of June sixth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, to be bqw *0 be dis- printed for the use of Congress, eight hundred shall be for the use of the lglfgtigjals §45_ Senate, twelve hundred shall be for the use of the House of Representa- Adie, p. 288. tives, and five thousand shall be for the use of the commissioner of internal revenue Approved, March 8, 1873. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCXV. ·— An Act azlthorizinq the Kansas Valle National Bank cy" Topeka, in ""'_1 the State of Kansas, to change its Name to the First giational Bank of Topeka. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Kansas Valley States of America in Congress assembled, That the Kansas Valley National ¥°*l‘;'**lB°·“l* °f Bank of Topeka, in the State of Kansas is hereby authorized to change c];l):gg,¥Q°,¥,,m€_ its name to the First National Bank of Topeka, whenever the stock- Proceedings. holders representing three-fourths of the capital of said bank, at a meeting called for that purpose, determine to make such change, the president and cashier shall execute b. certificate, under the corporate seal of the bank, specifying such determination, and shall cause the same to be recorded in the offiee of the comptroller of the currency, and thereupon such change of name shall be effected, and the operations of discount and New name. deposit of said bank shall be carried on under the name of the First National Bank of Topeka. Debts, &e.,t¤ Sec. 2. That all the debts, demands, liabilities, rights, privileges, and g;;<‘g‘:it¤l;P;;;h° powers of the Kansas Valley National Bank of Topeka shall devolve mmm upon and inure to the First National Bank of Topeka. Lamm;,,, ust Sec. 3. That nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as iu nfected- any manner to release the said bank from any liability, or affect any actions or proceeding in law in which the said bank may be a party or interested; and when such change shall have been determined upon, as Notice of aforesaid, notice thereof, and of such change shall be published in at °h¤¤£; *0 b° least two weekly newspapers in the county of Shawnee, State of Kansas, Publis cd' for not less than four successive weeks. Whenactmkes Sue. 4. That this act shall take eH`ect and be in force from and after °B`°°*· its passage. Ai-rxovmn. March 3, 1873. ’Ma.rch B, 1873. CHAP. CCCXVI. — An Act to provide __fbr a Board ¢y" Commissioners to report a Sys- ‘*""‘* tem o/`Irrzgatzonjbr the San Joaquzn, §acramen¢0 and Tulare in California. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United m§£g;ir<;ft§°;;¤: :S¢ates of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he 1., 3 symm of 18 hereby, a.uthor1zed to assign two engineers of the army and one officer llliigmlon for the of the coast-survey, now stationed on the Pacific coast, For the purpose 2*;** ‘L‘;3iQ;f;‘;n of examining and reporting on a system of irrigation in the San Joaquin, California, Tulare, and Sacramento Valleys of the State of California; and for that