Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/696

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656 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 121. 1872. Cb8F1Q9L- Number three thousand six hundred and seventy, Charles L. Ward, Wmi July second, eighteen hundred and seventy, northwest quarter of section twelve, township ninety-four range forty- John M. Number three thousand siix hundred ,and sixty-fbur, John M. Casey, C“°Y¥ July iirst, eighteen hundred and seventy, northeast quarter of section thirty-two township ninety-five range forty · McAllen Numbei three thousand six,hundred and fiity-four, McAllen Green, Gm"; July first, eighteen hundred and seventy, southeast quarter of section twenty-six township ninety-five range forty- B W¤>fl¤¤d M- N umber, three thousand six hundred and fifty-nine, Wayland M. Bunce, “”°°’ July first, eighteen hundred and seventy, northeast quarter of section twenty-two township ninety-four range forty- Lemuel C. Number ,three thousand six hundred and fifty-two, Lemuel C. Bough- B°“ght°“i ton, June twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy, northeast quarter of section fourteen township ninety-four range forty · Wcherles A- Number three thousand six hundred and twenty-seven, Charles A. °s°° West, June twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventy, southwest quarter of section two, township ninety-four, range forty; William H. Number three thousand six hundred and thirteen, William H. Wiltse, WMM? June twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy, southwest quarter of section four township ninety-four range forty ; Edward 0. Number three thousand six hundred and four, Edward C. Brown, June B’°"¤5 twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy, southwest quarter of section thirty township ninety-four range thirtymine. Joseph Man- Number three thousand six hundred and sixteen, Joseph Manley, June IW i twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy, southwest quarter of section six, township ninety-four range forty ; John R. Number three thousand five hundred and fifty-five, John R. Pumphrey, P““‘P"“"’Yi June seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, northeast quarter of section twenty-four township ninety-four range forty. Daniel Tuttle; Number three thousand four hundred and eighty-one, Daniel Tuttle, June tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy, southwest quarter of section twenty-eight, township ninety-four, range forty · Charles W. Number three thousand four hundred and eighteen, Charles W. Shook, Sh°°ki June third, eighteen hundred and seventy, northwest quarter of section eighteen, township ninety-four, range thirty-nine; Michael Number three thousand four hundred and twelve, Michael O’Niel, 0‘N¤¤|; June third, eighteen hundred and seventy, northeast quarter of section thirty-·two township ninety-four range thirty-nine; _ Henry C. Numbei three thousand three hundred and uinety-seven, Henry C. $I>¤¤‘5'G Sperry, June first, eighteen hundred and seventy, southeast quarter of section two township ninety-four range forty; Muiitin D. Number,three thousand six ihundred and eighty-seven, Martin D. Wim "i Wheeler, Jluly fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy, southwest quarter of section eig t township ninety-four, range forty; Isaac L. Number three thousand six hundred and ninety-three, Isaac L. Rerick, Rwcks July fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy, west half of northwest quarter of section twenty-eight, township ninety-four, range forty ; Wylis B. Number three thousand six hundred and ninety, Wylis B. Morse, M°”°9 July fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy, southeast quarter of section twenty-two, township ninety-four, range forty.; Tnqms Number three thousand six hundred and eighty-three, Thomas Down- Downrnss ing,1 July fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy, northwest quarter of section ein teen, township ninety-four ranvo forty · Louis B. ¤Number three thousand six hdhdred dud eighty, Louis B. French, F’°“°hi July fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy, northwest quarter of section Albert Bum` twenty-two, township ninety-four, range forty ; · I Sm, Number three thousand four hundred and thirteen, Albert Burns1de,