Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/711

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 265—267. 1872. 671 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re resentatives 0 the United , , &a¢es of America in Obngress assem6lea{ Thgt upon satisfsfztory proof c,g°f;'£::E" being made to the commissioner of pensions that Phoebe Hepburn was mmcobeissued the bona fide owner, by purchase and assignment to her, of said warrants, Elf Ph°°b° H°¥"f numbers sixty-nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-six, eighty-six 5,l:u upon Pwo ’ thousand one hundred and Hfny-seven, eighty-eight thousand six hundred and nineteen, ninety-one thousand seven hundred and twenty-four, thirty- one thousand five hundred and fifty-eight, sixty-seven thousand four hundred and seventeen, fifty-nine thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight, eighty-seven thousand two hundred and seventy-seven, ninety-one thousand seven hundred and seven, and ninety-five thousand three hundred and twenty, for one hundred and twenty acres each, and fifty-seven thousand five hundred and thirty-two for one hundred and sixty acres, all issued under act of March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, being eleven of the warrants mentioned in the above preamble, he is hereby authorized and directed to issue duplicates of said warrants, and to endorse on the back of each his certificate stating that this duplicate is issued in pursuance of this act, and that Phoebe Hepburn is the bona. Hde owner thereof; that she is hereby authorized to locate or sell and assign the same in the same manner as though said duplicate warrant was duly assigned to her by the warrantee. Thereafter said commissioner of pensions will transmit said duplicate warrants to the commissioner of the general land office, who is authorized to deliver ten of said duplicate warrants to Phoebe Hepburn, or her legal representatives, under such rules, regulations, and requirements as to said commissioner may seem just and proper, in order to preserve as well the rights of the parties interested as that of the United Indemnityw States, and upon the said Phoebe Hepburn giving such security as said gEtg’}‘t°d commissioner shall require to indemnify the United States against loss in ' the premises ; and to this end he will retain the remaining duplicate warrant on the files of his office, until the warrant said to have been sold shs.11 be returned to his office, located or otherwise. Sec. 2. That upon the final adjustment of said matter, and when the Duplicate w,,. number of the sold warrant not accounted for shall be ascertained, then, rmt to be r¤· and in such case, the corresponding duplicate warrant shall be, by the z;f‘°d’ "P°"’ commissioner of the general land office, returned to the commissioner of pensions for the purpose of being cancelled, thus leaving but ten of said duplicate warrants to be satisfied by the United States. Approved, June 1, 1872. CHAP. CCLXVI. -—An Aczfor the Reliq"qf Wdliam H. Galledge. gum, 1, 1379, Be it enacted [gy the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- payment eq ury be required to pay, from any moneys in the treasury not otherwise ml¥¤¤m H- 001- appropriated, to William H. Colledge, the sum of five hundred dollars in ° g°' full compensation for services as a temporary clerk in the office of the third auditor of the Treasury from the eleventh day of May, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, until the eleventh day of October, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, in auditing and adjusting the Oregon and Washington war claims, so called. APPROVED, June 1, 1872. CHAP. CCLXVII. —- An Act for the Relief of Charles W Whitney]. June 1, 1879- Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stqlcs of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fifty thousand Pv·{m¢¤¤¢0 dollars be, and the same hereby is, appropriated out of any moneys in the gvhaftjzyxf treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay Charles W. Whitney for the enlargement of the iron-clad battery Keokuk, upon the execution and