Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/716

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676 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 314, 317-320, 328. 1872. sum of ten thousand dollars, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full for prepcrby taken and destroyed by the Sioux Indians in the year eightccn hundred and sixty-four. Arr1¢0v1—:1>, June 5, 1872. June 6, l872· CHAP. CCCXVII. -·-An Act jbr the Relief of HUls0n Bcwlbq, Collectorof Internal —"_`_` Revenue jbr Oregon. Be lt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Wilson liowlby States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas—

t§f§‘f};fQe of ury bc, and hereby is, directed to credit Wilson Bowlby, collector of internal

emm inmmi rcvcnue for Oregon, with 01m thousand one hundred and four dollars, the ’*"°¤¤*’ $*3***9* vztluc of internal revenue stamps alleged to have been sent by mail on the twenty-sixth of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, to said Bowlby, and which never reached him. APPROVED, June 6, 187 June 6, 1972- CHAP. COCXVIII. --An Aetjn the Reli.gj`);_>fHarm0n E. Wentworth, late Second Lieutenant jburteenth New orlc Heavy Artillery. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United xigxgzegf t° States of America in Congress assembled, That the Pa.ymo.stcr-Gextcral, \\'cutwm·th. United States army, is hereby authorized and directed to pay to Hafmon E. \Ventworrh, lata second lieutenant, company D, fourteenth regiment N cw York heavy artillery, the full pay and cmclumcuts of a, second lieutenant of heavy artillery, from tho seventh day of June, eighteen l1undred and sixty-four, to the sixteenth day of April, eighteen hundred 1865, ch; 81, § 4. and sixty-five, and also to allow him what he may have rcfuudcd of the V°l' X'"' P' 497* " three months} pay proper," paid to him under act of March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, deducting therefrom all pay he may have received from the government as an enlisted man for that period. APPROVED, June 6, 1872. June 6, 1872. CHAP. CCCXIX. -An Act fw the Reliqqf Brevet Colonel Emeric Szabad. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Payment to Sta/es of America in Congress assembled, That the Paymastcr-General bc, £*‘;;$:c°§;<:;gd and he is hereby, directed to allow and pay to Brcvct: Colonel Emeric "Szetbad the full pay proper and allowance of an aid-de-camp on duty in the field, with the rank of captain, from the first 6a,y of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, to the date of his muster, che same being for actual services rendered in the field. APPROVED, June 6, 1872. June 6, 1872. CHAP. CCCXX. ——-An Act for the Relief of Selah V Reeve, late Quartermaster·ser- """"""‘ geant of thejburth Dlichtgan Infantry Volunteers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United S ljviypgclp fo, States of America in Congress assembled, That the Paymastc1·-General of “°"`“`°` the United States is hereby authorized and directed to pay to Sclah V. Rccvc, late quartcrmastcr-sergeant of the fourth Michigan infantry voluntccrs, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, full pay and allowances as qus.rtcrmastcr—scrges.nt, from September first,cigl1tcc11 hundred and sixty- one, to J unc first, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, deducting therefrom what he may have received ou account of such services for that period. A1’1’1{OVED, Junc 6, 1872. J¤¤¤ 7, 1672- CHAP. CCCXXVIH. — An Act to remove tb; political Disabilitlesof the Persons therein name . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives af the United P<>1i¢i¤M, &¤·, States of America in Congress assembled, That all legal and political dis-