Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/725

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. [I. Ch. 397-399. 1872. 685 such postmaster for sale, and ninety-eight dollars and forty-two cents being cash on hand derived from the money—order business of said office; which was stolen on the night of the sixteenth of June, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, by some person or persons unknown, who burglariously entered said office and forced an entrance into the iron safe in which said money was deposited, by blowing said safe open with gunpowder; and which said sum of money has been accounted for by said Hipp. Approved, June 8, 1872. CHAP. CCCXCVIII. -— An Act for the Relief of Calista E. Cox. June 8, 1872. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of Pat- H£_’;;c“t“*}f ents, upon due application made to him therefor, and upon the same evi- Sabin inaylbe dence and rules of law as in ordinary extension cases, be, and hereby is, extendedauthorized to extend the patent of Harvey W. Sabin, late of Canandaigua, New York, deceased, for improvement in horse hay·rakes, issued to him December third, eighteen hundred and fifty, extended by the Commissioner of Patents for seven years from the third day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and re-issued by his assignees in fbur divisions March twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, for the further term of seven years from and after the passage of this act: Provided, however, That said extended term shall inure to the sole benefit of pmv;S,,,_ Calista E. Cox, widow of the said Harvey WV. Sabin, her heirs and assigns : And provided farther, That no person shall be liable for infringing such extended patent by reason of any manufacture, use, or sale subsequent to the the third day of December, eighteen hundred and Seventy- one, and prior to the passage of this act. Approved, June 8, 1872. CHAP. CCCXCIX. —An Act for the Relief of Joseph A. Clay, <y’ Philadelphia. Jung 3, 1g7g_ Wnnnitlas under the treaty of indemnity between the United States and Preamble. Spain, concluded at Madrid on the seventeenth day of February, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, and under the award of the commissioner appointed to adjudicate upon claims for indemnity presented under the said treaty, awards were made for the sums of two hundred and three dollars Vol. viii. p. 460- and fourteen cents, and for six hundred and fifty-one dollars and eight cents, for which certificates numbers forty-three and one hundred and thirty were issued and became the property of Joseph A. Clay, of the city of Philadelphia, and the said certificates have been lost for many years and cannot be found, and it is alleged that there is no authority in any of the Departments to issue new certificates to replace them: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall issue certificates of Spanish indemnity to Joseph A. Clay, for Certifeeffs °*° the sums of two hundred and three dollars and fourteen cents and six bx2s;:;, hundred and fifty-one dollars and eight cents, and he is hereby empowered to Joseph A. S0 to d0, to be held by the said Joseph A. Clay in lieu and stead of like Cla? certificates of the same kind and amount, and to bear the same date as the Said original certificates; Provided, That the said claimant shall give I’¤>vi¤<>· security in double the amount of the said awards that no claim shall be made upon the said lost certificates, or that, if any such claim shall be established thereon, he will return and cancel the said new certificates. Approved, June 8, 1872.