Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/742

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702 FORTY—-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 461-466. 1872. me m be issued the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue a cer- 3****1 M°C“· tificate for a bounty of one hundred dollars, payable to Ann McCarthy, y' of Boston, Massachusetts, in lieu of treasury certiiicate number three hundred and nine thousand one hundred and fifty-mne, payable to John McCarthy, father of said Ann McCarthy, upon the surrender of said treasury certificate. A1>1>1c0v1:1>, June 10, 1872. J¤¤€ 10. 1872- CHAP. CDLXII. —An Act {or lthe Relgf ry" _W]GliamYF)c Barker, Postmaster at North. vi e, 'u tan outzty, ew or . Be it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United Credit feb? States of America in Congress assembled, That the Auditor of the Treas-

 ury for the Post-office Department be, and hereby is, authorized and

tlement one- directed to credit William F. Barker, postmaster at Northville, in the °°“¤*$· county of Fulton, and State of New York, in his account, with the sum of two hundred dollars, being the value of postage stamps stolen from the safe of said office b buralars on the ni ht of the thirtieth da of y za g Y December, eighteen hundred and seventy, without fault or negligence on the part of said postmaster. Approved, June 10, 1872. J M16 10. 1872- CHAP. CDLXIII. -—An Act jor the Reliefof William B. Muse. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United w€i¥Y¤¤€1*;*I:F States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the mm°s°' Treasury be, and is hereby, authorized to pay to William B. Muse, formerly a passed midshipman in the navy of the United States, the sum of seven hundred and twenty-nine dollars, from any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, as payment in full for services rendered the government during two years and twenty-eight days, the said amount being the difference of pay between a passed midshipman and a master in the navy of the United States. Approved, June 10, 1872. June 10, .1872. CHAP. CDLXIV.-An Aolfor the Relief of Simeon Stansgfer. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the [Dtited lf*‘¤<lé*§§> l>¤ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasgtgllgim QQ1g2Q nry be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, in adjusting the accounts tlement of ac- of Simeon Stansifer, late collector of internal revenue for the third district "°““*· of Indiana, to allow him a credit of eight hundred dollars on account of an error committed in regard to revenue stamps alleged to have been delivered to him as such collector. Approved, June 10, 1872. Ju,,`-, 10, 1g7g_ CHAP. CDLXV. ——- An Act for the Relief of Doctor John II. IlIcQuown, ry" Illinois. Be it enacted b_y·the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Dg°*’3‘;*;¤:*Hf° States of America in Congress assembled, That the Paymaster-General cause MéQu,,w,,_ to be allowed and paid, out of any money subject to his order for the pay of the army, to Doctor John H. l\IcQuown, of lllinois, the sum of one thousand and twenty dollars, in full satisfaction for all military and medical services rendered the United States by said John ll. McQuown as acting assistant surgeon of the sixty-second regiment of Illinois volunteer infantry. Approved, June 10, 1872. Ju¤e10, 1872. CHAP. CDLXVI.- An Act for the Relief.;" the Ileirs of Limztenant-Colonel Harm- "_*"`; phreq LI. lVoodqard, late of the twenty-/irst J1 issouri Zig/`anlry. Pmn,b,€_ `Wnnnicns, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-tln-cc, stoppage was made against the pay of officers of the twenty-first regiment Missouri infan-