Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/751

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FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 26-30. 1873. 711 HAP. XXVI.-—An Act or the Relic 0 'n , n n n . , . C OM-au and ¤m,and’].N.umd6MZh’€ZmpK‘Ly,l§"L3$?:1f"${2$Z£u$¥° "’ Ei Be it enacted by the Scnata and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- Claims of'Hmury be, and he is hereby, authorized to investigate the claims of Tinsley, 1**53 vm H°’¤ Van Hom and Company, Glenn, Overall and Clark, and James N. Hen- 23d Egjggmgg derson and Company, tobacconists, of the city of Louisiana, Missouri, for abatemenf;&c·.of the abatement and remission of certain taxes assessed against them for :?*f‘°t;$° g°‘“'”‘ the months of October and November, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, 158 ’ c' and to abate and remit, in whole or in part, as he may think just, the taxes so as assessed against the said firms upon their property destroyed by fire on the fifteenth day of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven : Provided, That no abatement or remission of taxes, as aforesaid, shall be made or allowed, except for taxes which actually accrued upon tobacco destroyed by said fire, and which remain due and uucollectcd. Appuovan, January 10, 1873. CHAP. XXVII. —— An Act repealing an Act entitled "An Act granting a Pension to Ju 10, 1873, Joanna L. Shaw." ’**·——··—— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act approved July Act granting twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled “An act £°“§L°:;‘;gj’¤¤¤° granting a pension to Joanna L. Shaw," bc, and the same is hereby, pg,,led_ repealed. 1868, ch. 352, Ammovmn, January 10, 1873. "°l· x"· P· “°· CHAP. XXVIII. An Act jbr the Payment of R. M. Green jbr fha Use of his Patent Jan. 10, 1873. Igy the Govemment. 'L"_i"" Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- Payment to R, ury be, and is hereby, directed to pay to R. M. Green, out of any money M- G”°°¤· in the treasury noi: otherwise appropriated, the sum of tan thousand d01- lars, as payment in full for his patent for a machine for bending chain cable links, connecting shackles, and tackle hooks. APPROVED, January 10, 1873. CHAP. XXIX. -— An Ac! for the Relzbf of Samuel B. Elliott, late acting Purser of the JM- 10, 1873- United States Vessel zf War “The F lirt." jf? Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting Allowance tp officers of the treasury bc, and they are hereby, directed to allow Samuel $°’“';5’ B· El"? B. Elliott, late acting purser of the United States vessel of war "The E,s:ug,::°° 0 FIirL," in the I`€2l,(ullSfI’l'\6l'1h of his accounts, the sum of five hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty-three cents, payable out of any money now or to be appropriated for the payment of ofhccrs and seamen of the navy, being the amount due for his services as acting purscr, as aforesaid, uitcr deducting the amount paid him as midshipman in the navy for the same period. Approved, January 10, 1873. CHAP. XXX. An Act to enable Joseph Fox to make Applicatwn to the Commissioner JM- 10, 1873· aj Patents jbr the Extension of Letters·patentfzr Machine jbr making Crackers. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Joseph Fox, of Lansing- Jvsexia Fgx bufgh, in the county of Rensselaer, and State of New York, have leave ;‘;gn;€£ny0f°” to make application to the commissioner of patents for an extension of mum-patent. the letters-patent granted to him for a machine for making crackers under date February first, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, for the