Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/756

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716 FORTY-—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 56-60. 1873. three hundred and twenty-two dollars; to William F. Mercer, four hundred and seventy-eight dollars ; to Thomas Eaches, two hundred and eighty-four dollars; to John W. Moore, twenty dollars. Approved, January 23, 1873. Jan. 23, 1873. CHAP. LVI. -— An Act Q- the Sglement an; lfzzyrgent of the Claim of Elizabeth S. rewer, xecumxo . e n rewer. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Claim of Eliza- States of America in 'Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte-

’;;l;r£"Q;‘%`é °X‘ rior is directed to examine the claim of Elizabeth Brewer, executrix of

sx¤,,,i,,},d_ John Brewer, deceased, for professional services of the said John Brewer in procuring the condemnation of lands for the Washington aqueduct, and any expenditures made by him for the same purpose, and ascertain the sum justly due for such services and expenditures. And a sufficient sum to pay the amount found due on said claim (but not to exceed the sum of fourteen thousand dollars) is hereby appropriated. .A.PPROVED, January 23, 1873. Jan. 23, 1873. CHAP. LVII. —An Act for the Relief of Levi J . Powell. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mzited P¥)'mentto States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- L"‘ J' P°“"°u‘ ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to pay to Levi J. Powell, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred and four dollars and fifty cents, in full for his bill for printing done and furnished by order of the military authorities, at Clarksburg, West Virginia, during the late war. Approved, January 23, 1873. J¤¤· 23. l873· CHAP. LVIII.-An Act for the Relic o Captain L man J. Hissong, o Henry Count , W Ohio y y Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Payment tp States of America in Congress assembled, That there be paid to Lyman J. ggggén J' H‘s' Hissong, of Ohio, the pay of captain from the eighteenth day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, to the first day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, while he actually served as captain in the ninth regiment of Louisiana infantry volunteers, colored, after he was by leave mustered out of the sixty-eighth regiment Ohio volunteers, and before he was formally mustered into the said Louisiana regiment. Approved, January 23, 1873. Jan. 23, 1873. CHAP. LIX.—An Act for the Reliejof W. H. Kirk. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Credit to be States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting played VQIH- officers of the Treasury Department be, and they are hereby, authorized ,,1;,,, T,S QQ_ to allow W. H. Kirk, postmaster at Marysville, Tennessee, a credit of the mums. sum of one hundred and tegi dollars and twenty cents, on settlement of his accounts at the Post- flice Department being the amount lost in consequence of the larceny of said sum, stolen, at the fire on the thirteenth of February last from the post~office at Marysville, Tennessee: Provided, That satisfactory proof of the facts herein set forth be produced to the said accounting officers. Approved, January 23, 1873. Jan. 23, 1873. CHAI;'. LX. - An Act for the Reliefo/`Harriet Wi Pond. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United M;*‘>h*;g;;°W_ States of America in Congress assembled, That in consideration of injuries Ponii. received during the war of the rebellion, the sum of one thousand dollars