Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/76

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36 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Srzss. II. Ch. 32-3 6. 1872. CHAP. XXXII. —_A A t d'ng the Act approved July twenty-seventh, eighteen hun-

 dred andlsixiy-(dg;';, dntitled "An Act relating to Pension.;." l

VN- XV- P- 235- Be it enacted {gy the Senate and House of Representatwes <y" the Lmged . P¤¤¤i<>¤¤m¤y States of America in Congress assembled, That the second section of the mgzgtfgcgzed act of Congress approved July twenty-seventh, mghteeu hundred and &¤., at any m- ’ sixty-eight, entitled “An act relating w·pensions,” be amended by insert, '“l°“*“°“· ing after the word “comm1ssion,” m smd Section, the words " or was 3,1; some naval smtion." Approved, March 5, 1872. March 5, B7?. CHAP. XXXIH. —An Act io repeal the Pm·aqraZ>hs¢y` Schedule Cof the infernal Revenue °`_"—"_""" Acts imposing T axes on canned Meats, 1* ish, and certain olher Articles. Be it enacted by the Senate and fbuse of Represematives of the United Internal rev- States of America in Uongress assembled, That from and after the passage gggsclgfnggts of this act so much of Schedule C of the internal revenue acts as imposes sm, repealed} a tax on any “ can. bottle, or other single package containing meats, Hgh, 1866, en. 18·1..§9. shell-fish, fruits, vegetables; sauces, sirups, prepared mustard, jams, or jel· V°l· "“’· 9-1*5- lie? be, and the4sa1ne5isge;;by, repealed. PPROVED, are 1 , . March 5, 1872. CHAP. XXXIV.-An Act to amend Section thirfyjive nf an Act entitled "A.n Ac! to _""—"""— reduce internal Taxes, and jbr other Purposes? Be if enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Privileges of States of America in Congress assembled, That the privileges of the act {$0 CK255 entitled "An act to reduce internal taxes, and for other purposes," ap- ,,01, §w;__ php, proved, July fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy, be, and are hereby, fsdmded ¤>'1¢>- extended to the port of '1`oled0, in the State of Ohio. °' APPROVED, March 5, 1872. March 51 1872 CHAP. XXXY. —— An Act to defray the Expenses of District Judqcsfrcm other Districts while holding District or Circuit Courts in the southern District of New York. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Zhzitcd diggntensesrof States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever, in virtue of from ztggxfg secbonlthree of the act entitled ‘·An act making appropriations for the gyms while hom. legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the government for the year

 ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-two," passed March third,

of New Yong mghteen hundred and seventy-one, a, district judge, from another district, how to be paid. sball hold a. dxstrict or c1rcu1t court in the southern district of New York, ¥5(L1, 113kg43. his expenses, not exceeding ten dollars per day, certilied by him, shall be ‘ ‘ p' ‘ paid by the marshal of said district, as a part of the expenses of the court, and be allowed in his account. APPROVED, March 5, 1872.

 CHAP. XXXVI. ——·An Act to provide fw lhe Survey of the Harbor and River at Washington, D. C.

Be it enacted {gy the Senate and House of R resentati h ' B 6h_ _ _ . Q vcs@"teUnited Vey zzzstgtutga »§17at{§ AmeMca m Congress assem{>led,~ That the chief of engineers of gorthehurbo, and the mted States Army, the superintendent of the coast survey the

§¢Ib’=»gl{- engineer iin charge of public buildings and grounds, the governdr of

to Séwé wxh- the Dxstxiict }ofHC0lumbia,hAlexandcr R. Shepherd, and Carlisle P. Pat- 0,,, pay; erson, w o s a serve w1t out compensation, are hereby created a board 0; servef, and are empovrered and instructed to examine into the condition gasgesn Iirxboris and landings for vessels from the Anacostia bridge, on the ‘ uci a on th- · · their dudes. Goomatmvu bg theghcaei enititrel water fron; of the mty of Waslungton and to e »C _ 0 1 e-water. nd tbe stud board are directed h reportlto ongress, at as early a day as practicable, a full and compreajnsxgecprant;`orbope1iing,· xmprovmg, and developing the water-channel so u e e est possible harbor fR1C1I1E10S along said waterfront. And