Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/849

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CONVENTION WITH SWEDEN AND NORWAY. MAY, 26, 1869. 809 Convention and Protocol between the United States of America and Sweden and Norway. Naturalization. Signed Jllay 26, 1869; Ratlfeol Decegrgléer 17, 1870; Exchanged June 14, 1871; Proclalmed January 12, 1 . BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: May 26,186;; A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a convention and protocol between the United States of p,(.,,,mb;,,_ America and his Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway were concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Stockholm, on the twenty-sixth day of May, 1869, which convention and protocol as amended by the Senate of the United States, and being in the English and Swedish languages, are word for word as follows:- The President of the United PresidenteniForenta Staterna af contracting States of America and his Majesty Amerika och Hans Majt. Konuiigen Pm8S- the King of Sweden and Norway, af Sverige och Norge, lifvade af led by the wish to regulate the citi- onskan att reglera de personers nazenship of those persons who emi- tionalitet som utflytta fran F orenta grate from the United States of Staterna af Amerika till Sverige America to Sweden and Norway och Norge och dess underlydande and their dependencies and territo— lander och omraden, och fran Sverige ries, and froin Sweden and Norway och Norge till Forenta Staterna af to the United States of America, Amerika, hafva beslutat att derom have resolved to treat on this sub- ofverenskomma, och till detta andaject, and have for that purpose ap- malforordnat Fullmagtige att afsluta pointed plenipotentiaries to conclude en konvention, nemligen :- a convention, that is to say: The Presidentenidc Forenta Staterna President of the United States of af Amerika: Minister Presidenten America, Joseph J. Bartlett, Minis- Joseph J. Bartlett; och ter Resident; and his Majesty the Hans Majt. Konungen af Sverige King of Sweden and Norway, och Norge: Herr Grefve Carl Count Charles Wachtmeister, Min- Wachtmeister, dess Stats Minister ister of State for Foreign Aftairs ; for Utrikes Arendena; who have agreed to and signed the hvilka hafva antagit och underteckfollowing articles :—- nat foljande artiklar : —- Am. I. Am. I. Citizens of the United States of Medborgare i de Forenta Sta- When citizens America who have resided in Swe- terna, som hafva uppehallit sig igm;‘;;';’§;db8 den or Norway for a continuous Sverige eller Norge under en tid af ,,,,,,,6,, as my period of at least five years, and atminstone fem ar och under detta zensofSwedeu during such residence have become uppehall hafva blifvit ooh are lagli- md N°"’“Y‘ and are lawfully recognized as citi- gen erkiinda sasom Svenske eller