Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/933

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POSTAL CONVENTION—GREAT BRITAIN. JUNE 30 & JULY 27, 1871. 893 Monmx-ommn Onion, London, -—-—-· -—, 187-. Sm: I have examined this list of money-orders from No. -—- to No. ---, inclusive, for sums received in the United States for payment in the United Kingdom, amounting in the aggregate to 3---, and which is to be paid to the net amount of £—— --s. -—d. The said list was found to be correct, with the following exceptions: I am, sir, your obedient servant, Odntroller. T0 THE P0s*rMAs*rmx _ Mommy-onman Excmzmn Onmcm, New York.