Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/100

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28 Trrm: 1v.—EXECUTlVE DEPARTMENTS. compensation than three dollars a day for copying, or four dollars a day for any other service. Restriction <>¤ Sec. 172. No messenger, assistant messenger, laborer, nor other subsfbgigigglf ordinate assistant shall be employed in any Department, Bureau, or office ant,` at the seat of Government, or paid out of the contingent fund appropri-

€ ated   such Department, Bureau, or office, unless such employment is

202 S_ fg v_ 5*,,: authorized by law, or is necessary to carry into effect some ob]ect for 526j ’ ’ which an appropriation has been specifically made. Chief clerks to Sec. 173. Each chief clerk in the several Departments, and Bureaus, ¤¤P"’V’**° **“i*°“ii‘ and other offices connected with the Departments, shall supervise,under Tie the direction of his immediate superior, the duties of the other clerks 20g6g1g;, therein, and see that they are faithfully performed. 7' I7 ‘ 525. Chief clerks to Sec. 17 4. Each chief clerk shall take care, from time to time, that the g:Smb“t° d““°S» duties of the other clerks are distributed with equality and uniformity, .f;?___ according to the natnre of the 08.88. He shall revise such distribution 20g6At;{,·» i8‘t,?· 0- from time to time, for_the purpose of correcting any tendency to undue 525j S'i " '* p' accumulation or reduction of duties, whether arising from individual negg hgence or incapacity, or from increase or diminution of particular kin 0 business. nd he shall report monthly to his superior officer an · existing defect that he may be aware of in the arrangement or dispatch of business. Dufycf ¤hi€i<>¤ Sec. 175. Each head of a Department., chief of a Bureau, or othe1· ’°“"‘Pt Oi "°P°'t· superior officer, shall, upon receiving each monthly report of his chief 26 Aug., 1842, c. clerk, rendered pursuant to the preceding section, examine the facts stated

 F- i3· V- 5· P- therein, and take such measures, in the exercise of the powers conferred

' ‘ upon him by law, as may be necessary and proper to amend any existin defect? in the arrangement or dispatch of business disclosed by such _ _ repor . ,D,: ** i> it F ¤ 1 ti 2 Src. 17 6. The disbursing clerks authorized by law in the several Depart- 2*;+ ments shall be appointed by the heads of the respective Departments, 3 Mar., 1853, c. from clerks of the fourth class; and shall each give a bond to the United gg, *‘é,?,· "· iii- PP- States for the faithful discharge of the duties of his office according to gy Map ,855 c_ law in_such amount as shall be irected by the Secretary of the Treasnrv, 1;-5, ,,_ 4, ,-_ 16, p_ and with sureties to_the satisfaction of the Solicitor of the Treasury; and 66g.H 1873 shall from time to time renew, strengthen, and increase his official bond, 22,,,-,,*3-»,_, ,7· L`- as the Secretary of the Treasury may d1rect. Each disbursing clerk, 485, (4926 1 eyccpt the disbursing clerk of the Treasury Department, must, when d11`0(‘i§(‘(l so to do by the head of the Department, su rintend the building occupied by his Department. Each disbursing clerkcis entitled to receive; in compensation for his services in disbursing, such sum in addition to his salary as a clerk of the fourth class as shall make his whole annual V.. 1...- “l"?‘%°“i§`T‘3..EI‘f,’¥‘ii.'2“`.£`.E’.{f"?..“E'? ”°°i$’”°" `“&“Z£°‘ . _»._ . .. . , ,·s¤n l0f\B.S€l'lC801'Sl(‘D` t°‘}[i{‘{"·"TQt]iE; head of any Department. the first oirsole assistant thereof shifii? miles; 23 July. 1868, c. otherwise directed by the President, as provided by section one hundred 2;, S. 1, V- i5. P- and seventy-nine, perform the_duties of such head until a successor is \;“ami€S in apppzntpdé oiisuch ab?eti;]ce(pr sickness shtall cease. _ I _ _ r , . I 1 . n mise o e_ ea , resigna ion, a sence, or sickness of the €HE’E{*P?§‘§’j chief of any Bureau. or of any officer thereof, whose appointment is not 23 July, 1868, c. vested in the head of the Dc artment, the assistant or deputy of such ig, F- 2- V- i5» P- chief or of such officer, or tlhere be none, then the chief clerk of such ‘ Bureau, shall, unless otherwise directed by the President, as provided by section one hundred and seventy-nine, perform -the duties of such chief plrpf (sgpslriofiicer until a successor is appointed or such absence or sickness Diqcvctivnv ‘¤¤— Sec. 179. In any of the cases mentioned in the two recedin sections $g,:;t>'°t*i"* i;"°“‘ except the death, resignation,_absence,_or sickness of Ithe Atto€ney·Geni .33 Ely 1868 C eral, the hPres1dent may, in his discretion, authorize and direct the head 22, A- 3 ay, ,5 1 P: of any ot en Department or any other officer in either Department, whose ,68: * · appointment is vested in the Bresident, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. to perform the duties of the vacant office until a suc-