Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1040

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968 Trru: 1.xr.——BANKRUP'l`C}’.-—(,‘1—1. 1. Ibid. mke and subscribe an oath of allegiance and ildclity to the Ilnited Sums_ which oath um)- be til(§g£F£Ol2 €t§b€l' of the gfgccxjs {].`IiI1t10H€d in the preceding section, un s e ee an rccor e WIC tm procaedmgs m bankruptcy. Wurrantwmuv Sec. 5019. Upon the filing of such pct1tion, syhcdula, and ll]Y0ll[·()l' \'_ ”h°l· the "ud e or re isber shall forthwith 1f he is satisfied that the debts dup J g _Q` v . . from the tmoner exceed three hundred dollars, ISSUE an warrant, to be nm . Pe . . . . . 22 nm, 187% C sngned by such nudge, or l‘€glSl€l`, dxrecmd to tlmjxmrshgal fo r the dmtrm, 390, M. 5,,19, a-. 18, authorizing him forthwith, as messenger, to publish notwes in such news- 1m 179. 184- papers as the warrant specifics· be serve written or printed notion, hy mail or personally, on all (‘l'Bdlt0l‘S upon the schedule- tiled with the debt01·’s petition, or whose names may be given to him in addition hy the debtor; and to give such personal or other notice to any persons mn. earned as the warrant specifies. Am€nd,,,€.“t of Sm:. 5020. Every bankrupt shall be at liberty. fl'?}!} [time] to time. schedule. upon oath. to amend and correct hns schedule of crcdntors and property_ En in so that the sauna shall conform to the facts. . El'., , C. 176, s. 26, v. 4, p. 529. 27 Feb., 1877, o. 69, 1-. 19, p. 252. in re Morford, 1 Ben., 261; Lz re Omc, l Ben., 420; In re Watts, 3 Ben., 166; In re Ramliff, 1 Bank. Reg., 98; Lehman':; Case, 2 Woods, 554. CHA1"l`l·] R 'l`HRl<]1·]. INVOLUNTABY BANKRUPTCY. Sec. Sec. 5021. Acts of bankruptcy. 5027. Costs at trial. 5022. Prior acts of bankruptcy. 5028. Warrant. 5023. Who may file petition. 5029. Distribution of property of debtor. 5024. Proceedings after filing petition. 5030. Schedule and inventory. @025. gervicc of order to shown cause. 5031. Proceedings when debtor is absent. 0026. roceedmgs on rqnurn ( ay. Acts of bank- Sec. 5021. Any person residing within the jurisdiction of the- Unite-d '“P*“>'· btates and owin debts rovablc lh bankru tcv e-xceedin the amount uf ______... g P P . g ., .- three hundred dollars: - Mar., 1864, c. '7'*»*·39·V·1*·¥&53‘* The gmane of Julv 26 18*6 c 234 v 19 102 » (r n __qg2;I'aY,'·g8I'él· twelfth section of thébanlzrunt act of 11874, c. $98, v. ]é,a;;.wll8. W ‘l’§0· ‘ "· ‘ *7 ‘ The twelfth section of the art of 1874 was a substitute, in an

  • 0h JW 1876 amended form, for section thirty-nine of the act of 2 March, 1867,

H; 13* P 10h ‘ <‘. 176; lap; izflggorn whichhsection five thousand and twenty-

 one 0 c ,v1s= . tu es was mwn.

I cMa 'n,1 ,. . . . ,, . . Dilllx`178; Rll·i$hg Iurgst. Wlm depnrtq from the bmte, dxstl-1ct, 0;- l0;·;·1t0,.)~ of whnch he v. Fllley, 1 Di1., is an inhab1t,ant, with intent to defraud his creditors, or. being ahsvnt, 1715 L}? Sh;>lk»£· rernams absent with such mmnt; or,

 'Q     Second.  Wh0 conceals himself to avoid the service of lqirul process

,96; m,.ebu,,hm,; m any acuon for the recovery of :1 debt or demand pmvab e in hunk and Orr, 2 Ben. ru tr·y· or. {#:12 Jr; I)¤b;>lg% llnrgi. W ho conceals or removes any of his property to avoid its bving bag bat;;; BOI; attached, tukgn. or sequestered on legal process; or, (·0mp,,,y 3 B(,,, Fourth. Who makes any assxgnmeny, gift, sale, convoymwo, or transfer

469; Jun \\ ynne, of has estate, property, r1ght», or credxts, mther within the United States

z3?:; Ig or elsewhere, with intent to delay, defraud, or hinder his creditors; Ol', Bank Iig 95 · In I xfth. Who has been arrested and held in custody under or by virtue ,.8 Massachusetts of m<—;sn0 Fr0cgss or € X0€'lllZl0D: wsued out of any court of any State, dismic: Company, g tf1ct, or Gl‘l`lt0l`}’ wltlnn Yvhlch such debtor resides or has property, I n - E;$€i; §¢: ; founded upon n demand lll 1tS natumgnrovable against; a bankrupt’s Im Cm 6 Bum estate, nnd for a sum exceeednng one hun md dollars, if such process is R£g 43; ],,,(,In_ remmmng in fo1‘0c and not d1scl1a.rEe£l by payment, ur in soma- other gegsggexigélsalgéa Esangii przvxclecl by tlnggavg of such btatn, dnstrwt. or T(5l'1'lt0l‘\’ appli-

· -» »· crco ora.pcr1 0 seven as·or `

Clar10nBank ·. ~· I ’ · ’ ’ . Jomm 21 wan; bu:} Wl1C has been actually 1mpr1soned for more than seven days

fum},,?] I-    tgxélgctgzn founded 0n Contract, for the sum of one hundred dollars

Tl, RSF1g08E, ; ’