Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1062

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990 rms Lxr.——BANKRUPTCY.—Ch. s. ’§‘é°‘i°E15""“‘*"‘€°* YS; °°£l;· *"1l’·§· z?°’” §““‘l°3§‘¤"s“‘¥i’”f· ““l§“$5¥’..‘,£‘ 2 4;nan 'a 't uis..o.•·.ors .., ;r¢rco1 n. Locke, 1 292;; E1: :ar¢e Packard, 1 Low., 523;’Sawyer r. Turpin, 2 Low., 29; Pratt wud, 2 Llpw., 87); Humelglv. S?4 I,'. 2., 22; Difgcger l igihtbiz)4 U. &,,lg53; wick . 'd rg, 11 atc ., · att r. stewart, . la ., _· x v. 1 er, 2 D5]., 45;)Scliul`ei1burg r. Kabureck, 2 Dill., 132; Singer v. Sloan,_3_D1ll., 110; Catlenr. Hoffman, 2 Saw., 486; Strain r. Gourdin, 2 Woods, 381; In re Williams & McPheters, 6 Biss., 233; Warner 1·. Cronkhite, 6 Biss., 453. Fr¤¤d¤1e¤ttr¤¤s— Sec. 5129. 1f any person being insolvent or in contemplation of fm 0* PF?§">'· é insolvency or bankruptcy, within sux months before the tiling of the pc. 2 Mar., 1867, 1·. tition by or against im, makes any payment, sale assignment, trans- 176,8*1- 35.39N-1+, fe1·, conveyance, or other disposition of any lpart of his property to any ppézsxgiggh,4 ,_ person who then has reasonable cause to be iove dhup to bei) insolvent,

,9O,,_,_ 10;]], ,3,,; or to be acting in contemplation of insolvency, an t at sur payment

p. 180. 1 sale, assilgnment, transfer, or other conveyance is made with a view td 801*: 13-- lg?). r- prevent is property fronrcoming to his assignee in bankruptcy, or to

  • ‘ *7* ·_ prevent the same from being distributed under tlr1s[act][t1tle,] or to

TOO; ,._ Mm;,,, efeat the olgect of, or in any wéaiv impair, hinder, impede, or delay the 13 Wall., 40; Gib- oiperation an effect of. or to ev e any of the provisions of this itle, $2** "· W¤*`d9¤· 14 the sale, assignment, transfer, or conveyance shall be void, and the

$é;`1°§gTQ$:3Y assignee may recover the property, or the value thereof, as assets of the

410; Codk t-. Tal; b¤”l¤‘“Pl*· lis, 18 Wall., 332; Tiffany v. Boatman’s Institution, 18 Wall., 375; Bartbolow r. Bean, 18 Wall., 635- Hubbard r. Allaire Works, 7 Blatch., 284; Andrews v. Graves, 1 Dill., 108; Bean v. Brookmeyer et al., 4 Bank. Rgig., 57; In re Butler, 4 Bank. Reg., 91; Burkholder v. Stump, 4 Bank. Reg., 191; In re unt, 2 Bank. Reg., 166; Judson s. Kelt , 6 1?§ank.“];;>(g5 Cgiicn Iggpk v. gloxges, 2E3V2r1I., 325; Jarrell’s Amignee r. Harrell et ¤-. s, 7; mon nv. y e, 2 w., 205. Presumptiveevi- Sec. 5130. The fact that such a payment, pledge, sale, assignment, dence of fraud. . . n transfei, conveyance, O1 other disposition of a debtors property as is 2 Mu, 1867, 0, described in the two preceding sections, is not made in the usual and 176. ¤· 36. V- 14. p· ordinar course of business of the debtor, shall be prima-facie evidence 53*; ____ of fraud lyallpruém r. Bppbitt, 16 Wall., 577; In re Hunt, 2 Bank. Beg., 166; Rison r. Heddens, 4 an . g., . F¤*¤d¤l·'¢¤* Sec. 5131. Any contract, covenant or security made or given bv a agreements · · ’· ” _+_ bankrupt or other person with, or in trust for, any creditor, for securing 2 Mar., 1867, c. the payment of any money as a consideration for or with intent to induce gf} B- ·*5· "· 14, P- the cregitpr to ford ear plpposing the application for discharge of the bank- - .;.__ ru t, s al be voi ; an any creditor who obtains any sum of money or IW perk Briggs. otller goods, chattels or security from any rson as an inducement for 2 L°“'·· 3**9- forbearing to oppose; or consenting to suclimapplication for discharge, shall forfeit all right to any share or dividend in the estate of the bankrupt, and shall also forfeit double the value or amount of such money, goods, chattels, or security so obtained, to be recovered by the assignee or the benefit of the estate. p,,,,,,],;,,,,,,,,,;,,,,, Sec. 5132. Every person respecting whom proceedings in bankruptcy fraudulent mn;- are commenced, either upon his own petition or upon t at of a creditor: rupt First. Who secretes or conceals any property belonging to his estate; 2 Mar., 1867, c. Ora _ 176, s. 44,v. 14, p. _ Second. Who parts with, conceals, destroys, alters, mutilates, or falsi- 539- ___ hes, Ol causes to be concealed, destroyed, altered, mutilated, or falsified, U_ S_ ,._ 1,,,,0,,,, any book, deed, document, or writing relating thereto; or, 6Blatcb., 134; U. Third. Who removes or causes to be removed any such property or Réércgfkg B§¤l;· book, dped, docutn;Ent,o;wr1Hng out of the district, or otherwise dip- P,,, ’ tt; 4 ‘B ‘k; poses o_ any par erco wit intent to prevent it from coming mtot e Reg, gg; n_ ,_ possession of the assignee in bankruptcy, or to hinder, impede, or delay Pusey, 6 13s11k. mi in recovering or receiving the same; or, m&,2f4,Lx-,:5;; Idourth. Who makes any payment, giftilsale, assignment, transfer', or conveyance of any property belonging to IS estate with the like intent; or, Im-¢Mai·s1m11, 1 Fifth. Who spends any pro rty belon in to his estate in gaming' or L°W-· 462- Sixth. Who, with intent to defraud, wiilfuhy and fraudulently concleald from_ his assignee or omits from_ his inventory any property or effects required by t is Title to be described therein; or,