Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1146

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1074 Trrmc Lxx.~—CRTMES.——-Ch. 9. m¤n¢f<>rz<><>d<¤>n— jail or penitentiary in execution of the judgment upon such conviction ‘}“"‘· who so conduct themselves that no charge for misconduct is sustained 2 Mar., 1867, c. against them, shall have a. deduction of one month in each year made Hi V- Hi P- 42+ from the term of their sentence, and shall be entitled to their dischar e 305 °}“"··,l872;_,g· so much the sooner, upon the certificate of the warden or keeper of sag}; ’B' ’v' ’p'jail or penitentiary, with the approval of the Attorney-General. Ai>Pli<‘—¤¤<>¤_ ¤f Sec. 55+1. The preceding section, however, shall apply to such pris- ¥f€°°d‘“¥ “°"“°“· oners only as are mnfined in jails or lpenitentiaries where no credits for 14 June, 1870, e. good behavior are allowed; but, in other cases, all prisoners now or here- 12% V· 16» P- 151- after confined in the jails or enitentiaries of any State for offenses against the United States shall be entitled to the same rule of credits for good behavior applicable to other prisoners in the same jail or penitent1a.r . Actual reason- Snc,%545. Hereafter there shall be allowed and paid by the Attorney- QN? °°’*. 0* "“** General, for the subsistence of prisoners in the custody of any marshal 'f:;t;_;€f°r1m°°"t° of the United States and the warden of the jail in the District of Colum- .Y.;——— bia, such sum only as it reasonably and actuallv 4-ost to subsist them. 8512 gi“:§’i,}8°*,§· And it shall be the duty of the Attorney·Geneial to p1‘BSCI'1l)0 such reg- [5 `MIM.; lggi cj ulations for the government of the marshals and the warden of the jail 30, s. 1,v.’17, p. 35. in the District 0 Columbia in relation to their duties under thi chapter, as will enable him to determine the actual and reasonable expenses incurred. D€*¤iB'¤*{*l°¤ 0* Sec. 5546. [dflpersamwho luwe been, orw/on may hereafter be, cmrvicted Kiggfsslgggcgf ofcrime, by any cnwzqft/an United States, w/zone pemiahmient ix imjmlson- -.l~t.Z ment, in a district or errit where, at the time ofcmwiction, there may be 12 MW- 186% °- no penitentiary or jail suing; for the confinement Z/`eomricts, or a·va1'labk 8'5g°'ljQ;,' lag; 7T,' therefor, shall be c0n_/{ned during the term_for whic Hwy have been or may 30, S_ 1, {17, p_h5: be sentenced in some su2'taZ»le jazl or penitentiary in a con·ven.ient State or 12 July, 1876, c. Territory, to be deaigmzted by the Attorney- General, ands/wllbe tram order! 183· "· 19- ”· 88- and deZ·z}»·erecZ Z0 the warden or layer 0_f.suc}a.j¢1iZ0rpen.&tamta'ary by t/ag marshal of the district or Yerritary where the cmwéctivn has occurred," and if the convakrtion be had in fha District of Columbia, in ww/z cme the transportation and delivery shall be by the warden of 2‘}zejm'l of that District; lhs reasonable actual expense oftraew miation, necessary subsistence and hh c, and tranaporiatian, of g uards andlthe on arahal, or the warden of thajail hz the District of Oolumbia only, to bepavid b theA{torney— General, out qf/be judiciaryjimd. But in t}2.e1y2ém`onqf}if]wA¢¢0r2aeg— General, theearpczau oftwms »m·tatz`0n from any State, T errz'tm·y, or the District of ( Num rfa, In which time is ·n open Hun Mary, an fl l exceed the cost 0 f ma in ta in in g th, m {ajuil {n {hc State, Ybrritm , or the District of (`blumbia during theperiod q)"lhw`v· sentence, than it sha];/be Zaugficl so l0 confne them, Marcin jbr the pw·[o¢Z dowignqterl in thw°2· 0·especth·e nmztz·ncr·.···.] [All persons who have been, or who may hereafter be, convicted of crime by any court of the United States whose punishment is imprisonment in a District or Territory where, at the time of conviction, or at any time during the term of imprisonment, there may he no penitentiary or jail suitable for the confinement of convicts or available therefor, shall be confined during the tern1 for which they have been or may he sentenced, or during the residue of said term, in some suitable jail or penitentiary in a. convenient State or 'l`erritory, to be designated by the Attorney-(reneral, and shall be trans iorted and delivered to the warden or keeper of such jail or penitentiary lmy the marshal of the District or Territory where the conviction has occurred; and 1f the conviction he had in the District of Columbia, the transportation and delivery shall be by the warden of the jail of that District; the reasonable actual expense of transportation, necessary subsistence, and hire and transportation of guards and the marshal, or the warden of the jail in the District of Columbia, onl , to be paid by the Attorney—Genera|, out of the judiciary fund. But if; in the o inion of the Attorne -Gen€1‘¤l, the expense of transplortation from any gtate, Territory or the District of Columbia, in whic there is no penitentiary, will exceed the cost of maintaining them in jail in the State, Territory, or the District of Columbia uring the period of their sentence, then it shall be lawful so to confine them therem for the period designated in their respective