Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/116

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44 Trru: vu.——DE1’ARTMENT OF '1`HE TREASURY.——Ch. 2-3. 10 Feb., 1820, c. and to be submitted to Congress at as early a day in each regular session ll- "· l·"· 3· P· 5`"· as practicable and not later than the first Monday in January. aa? l;E€£t2,1€5!g, 459. 28 July, lll6G, c. 208, s. 13, v. 1-l, p. 331. S,,I:$§°$Qt,?;,(g?,°i,iiC Sec. 264. The Secretary of the Treasury shall report to Congress antures.' nuallv the number and names of the persons employed during the last 3- q;?',,-3-,; preceding fiscal year upon the Coast Survey and business connected there- 9, ,,j3 ,.30 ,,_é09f with; the amount of compensation of every kind resipectively paid them, i5 jeg_, ism, 6, for what purpose, and the length of time employe ; ands a report a 287, r. 19, p. 156. full statement of all other expenditures made under the direction of the Su rintendent of the Coast Survey. Printing state- Silo. 265. The Secretary of the Treasury shall furnish to the Congresm°“F of °"P°'*” sional Printer on or before the first day of November of each year, the and 1ml’°rts‘ . - manuscript, prepared for printing, of a condensed statement of the ag- 2_¥¥3l_?r-.1§<i%§$g· gregatc agiounft of the exports and imports from foreign countries during ‘· ·· · · · the rece in sca year. Qvaffrrlv Publi- Sife. 266. The Secretary of the Treasury, at the expiration of thirty °?"°{‘€’Q‘;?‘;5‘;'; days from the end of each quarter, shall cause to be published in some

$,E:},,Q,_d newspaper at the seat of government a statement of the whole receipts of

——r _ F ~—- such quarter, specifying the amount received from customs, from public ,0;‘S·l,;}':f‘%1“g;,§· lands, and from miscellaneous sources, and, also, the whole amount of ‘’ " ’p'payments made during the said quarter, specifying the general head of appropriation, whether for the civil list. the Army, the Navy, Indian Affairs, fortifications, or pensions. Montlilypublicm Sec. 267. The Secretary of the Treasury shall cause to be published tion of weekly in some newspaper at the seat of Government, on the first day of each “,,“‘*·°’““’“* gl tm month, the last preceding weekly statement of the Treasurer of the m-- -rl5r’,.i_. United States, showing the amount to his credit in the different banks, 17 J9¤€»_l84*· C- in the mint., or other depositories. the amount for which drafts have been 105* "·°#"·°*p‘696‘ given, and those remaining unpaid, and the balance remaining subject to his draft: and he shall also specially note any changes that have been made in the depositories of the Treasury during the preceding month, and report to Congress, at the commencement of its next session, the reasons for such changes. CHAPTER THREE. TBI COMPTROLLERS. Sec. 1 Sec. 268. Comptrollers. 272. e , ail` 269. Dutigs of the First Comptroller. Rt¢xidlggs(eti'lmt?f Omen? f mg 270. Appeal to First Comptroller from set- 273. Duties of the Second Comptroller. tlements by Sixth Auditor. 274. Power of Second Comptroller to regu- 271. Power nf First Comptroller to direct _ late payment of arrears of pay. settlement of accounts. 275. Signing bounty certificates, &c. Comptrollers. Sec. 268. There shall be in the Department of the Treasury a First ~——— -»~— Comptroller and a Second Comptroller, each of whom shall be appointed 2 Sept., 1789, c. by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, 12;,*;,,;} *,·8b7Pé and shall be entitled to a salary of five thousand dollars a year. s.3,v, 3,`p, - lé May, 1872, c. 172, s. 1, v. 17, p. 127. 3 Jlar., 1875, c. 130, s. 2, u. 18,p, 396, _Duties of the Sec. 269. It shall be the duty of the First Comptroller: Eivgggrgptmller. First. To examine all accounts settled b * the First Auditor, except i22s6g9E;. :7;%*). those relating to receipts from cpstoms, and) all accounts settled by the E, Mgr`; li,,,, C; Fifth auditor, and by the Commissioner of the General Land-Office. and 45, ,,,,_,,_ l0_ v_ 3_ p_ be certify the balances arising thereon to the Register. 367. Second. To superintend the adjustment and preservation of the public 107; Meg T84g. v· accounts subject to his revision. 396: S- ·"· ·P· 1`hird. Fo countersign all warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Ne,,s0,,,._L,,,,0w, Treasury, which shall be warranted by law. 12 n,,w,,9g. 1: ourth. 1`o supermtend the recovery of all debts certified bv him to be