Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/123

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'h·r1.z vu.-—DEPARTMEN'1` OF THE thEASURY.—L1=r. 5. 51 hundred and fifty thousand dollars, payable to the United States, with condition for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and for the iidelity of the persons to be by him employed, which bond shall he lodged in the office of the First Comptroller. Sec. 303. There shall be in the Bepavtment of the Treasur an As- A¤¤i¤¤¤·¢ T¤*¤¤· sistant Treasurer of the United States, who shall be appointed, by the '"`°" President, by and with the advice and consent of the benate, and shall "T` be entitled to a salary of two thousand eight hundred dollars a year. 893,, ]f‘:_"·i;8!?%6;" 25 June, 1864, c. 147 s. 2, v. 13, p. 159. Sr-:0. 304. The Treasurer muy, in his discretion, with the coneent of When A¤¤i¤*¤¤t the Secretary of the Treasury, authorize the Assistant Treasurer to act T"°“T“""` ‘“‘Y “°° E the pénce and discharge any or all the duties of the Treasurer of the nim *8*6*- ,s.1,v.-i2, jen. Sec. 305. The Treasurer shall receive and keep the moneys of the 89Duties og the United States, and disburse the same upon warrants drawn by the Sec- T¤=¤¤¤¤¤¤‘- retary of the Treasury, countersi ned by either Comptroller, and re- corded by the Register., and not oilierwise. He shall take receipts for 12, s. 4, vi 1, p.'65. all moneys paid by him, and shall give recei ts for all moneys received by him; an all receipts for moneys received) by him shall be indorsed upon warrants signed by the Secretary of the Treasury, without which warrant, so signed, no acknowledgment for money received into the public Treasury shall be valid. e shall render his accounts to the irst Comptroller quarterly, or oftener if required, and shall transmit u copy thereof, when settled, to the Secretary of the Treasury. He shall at all times submit to the Secretary of the Treasury and the First Comptroller, or either of them, the inspection of the moneys in his hands. Sec. 306. At the termination of each fiscal year all amounts of.m0ne s Liabilities out. that are represented by certificates, dmfts, or checks, issued by the ¤¤¤¤di¤z three or Treasurer, or by an v disbursing officcr of any Department of the Gov- "‘°"° Y°‘"“· ernment, upon the Treasurer or any assistant treasurer, or designated 2Ma.y,l866,c.70, depositary of the United States, or upon any national bank designated Sglitv-l4»Pr>·4l, as a depositary of the United States, und which shall be represented 4* on the books of either of such offices as standing to the credit of any disbursing officer, and which were issued to facilitate the payment of warrants, 01* for any other purpose in liquidation of a debt due from the United States and which have for three years or more remained outstanding, unsatisfied, and unpaid, shall be deposited by the Treasurer, to be covered into the Treasury by warrant, and to be carried to the credit of the parties in whose favor such certificates, clrafts., or checks W€l'B respectively issued, or to the persons who are entitled to receive pay (gheraafog {md into an appropriation account to he denominated "ontstan in ia i ities. ' S20. gt)'!. The certificate of the Re ister of the Treasury, stating that Vouchers for the amount of any draft issued by the%`reu.<ure1·. to facilitate the payment :l;“i;(;’ ’€'“°““”8 of u warrant directed to him for payment, has remained outstanding and l-P.‘i_;__-.d~ unpaid for three years or more, and has been deposited and covered into 2M¤YJ866,¤-70. the Treasury in the manner prescribed by the preceding section, shall be, *" 2* "‘ 14· P· 4L when attached to any such warrant, a sutHcient voucher in satisfaction of any such warrant or part of any warrant, the same as if the drafts correctly indorsed and ully satisfied were attached to such warrant or part of warrant. And all such moneys mentioned in this and in the preceding section shall remain as u permanent appropriation for the redemptioc;1 aipd lpayment of all such outstanding end unpaid certificates, drafts an c ec s. Sec: 308. The payee or the bonmfide bolder of may draft or check the P¤yme¤¢_¤p¤¤ amount of which has been deposited and covcre iuto the ’[`reasui·y Kgggdggghggg pursuant to the preceding sections, shall, on plresentnng the same to the .»--; proper officer of the 'l`i·easury, be entitled to uve it paid by the ¤ettle~ gM¤>1{866fé70, ment of an account and the issuing of a warrant in his favor, according °‘ · v" • p' ‘ to the practice in other cases of authorized and liquidated claims against the United States.