Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1236

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1164 momx. Section. _ S·=¤••¤· ACCOUNTS-Continued. i ACKNOWIiBDGMENTS—Cont1nued. of urser, on lost or captured vessels .. 289 before judges and clerks of Court of _ of disbursements by commanding officers of Claims 10t 1 Navy _____________________________ 285 inqrtggggg and cgnveygpcgg of veggglg not of commanding officers of company, how to be recorded by collectors of cus- I, settled upon, afiidavit, &c .. 225 toms without .. 419-» relating to foreign intercourse . 291 ACTING ASSJQSTANT BUF~¤E0N$· of War and Navy Departments to be laid in Navy, appointment of . . .: . 1411 before Congress ,,,.,,,,,... 260 m Army, when to lmve pension _...,,. 4693 separate, for different classes of receipts . . . 239 rate of totaldisabxlity pension to .. 4695 for contingent expenses of Treasury ... 240 pension to dependent relative of .. 4,10 for furniture in same _____________________ 241 ACTIONS, (See also Suits,) l · of officers, &c., receiving public money to removal of, 1'rom_$tate court, againstalnen or disburse, monthly __,_____,____, 3622, 3623 between citizens of different States.. 639 failing to render account, as required, of by alien against citizen who is officer, dsc. 644 money received _________________ 3624,5491 against corporation, under law of United making or using false, by personsin military States, &c., or member thereof -_ . 640 service, to obtain approval of claims, against person denied equal civil rights, &c., how punished p. 235, art. 60, 1347 or against officer for any arrest, &c.. 611 by persons in naval service. p. 278, art. 14, 1624 against officer for acts done underrevenue not in military or naval service ... 3490 laws, or laws relative to elective franof disbursements for government, in Terri- chise .. 643 tories . 1886 n0t·t0 abate by change of time of holding for expenses incurred in relief of refugees courts 573, 660,684 and freedmen ..,.,, 2034 ruling in, on lea of abatement, not to be of freedmen’s hospital, supervision of . 2038 reve1sed)on writs of error except, &c. 1011 annual settlement of, by officers disbursing costs in only one of several, against persons to Indians . 2091 who might be joined, unless, &c 977 of clerks, &c., employed in customs revenue, consolidation of, when of like nature .. 921 to be verified .. 2693 one only to be brought when several things of collectors and assessors of internal rev- of same person are seized under revenue . 3145-3147, 3212-3217 enue laws . 920 by collectors of internal revenue of stamps in States, &c., all persons to have equal for distilled spirits . 3314 rights of ... 1977 for stamps, &c., for fermented liquors . .. 3341 jurisdiction of, against citizens in United for tobacco and snuff . 3369 States courts (see Supreme Crrwrl, Cirfor cigars 3395 cuit Courts, District Courts) . 737, 738, 745 of goods in bond, monthly _ 3444 in Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky ... 743-745 ofmintsand assay-offices, how kept, &c.,3504, 3562 for deprivation and abridgement of civil of naval paymasters, on foreign stations, rights . 1979 consu ar certificates to accompany . . 3723 for conspiracy to deprive, injure, dw., e11i- of Congressional Printer, for purchases, cers or persons . 1980 printing, and binding .. 3815 for neglect to prevent commission of unlawof the Post- flice Department (see Post- ful acts 1981 Office Department) . 270, 277, 292-298 against officers of election refusing equal for receipts and disbursements gy Con- opportunities, &c .. 2006 lgressional Printer, how settl .. 3817 for refusing vote, obstructing, hindering, in ban ruptcy proceedings (see Bankruptcy) 4998, &c., voter .. 2008, 2009 5050, 5058,5092, 5096, 5121 for recovery of office when right of voting of receipts and expenditures of consular denied to citizen _,._________,__,___ 2010 courts . 4120 for recovery of penalties under laws relatfor rent of prisons, &<·., in foreign coun- ing to Indians ______,______,____ ___ 2124 tries ... 4121-4123 j for forfeiture of vessel for false swearing by for fuel for government in District of Co- Q agent, &c __________________________ 4163 lumbia not to be allowed unlesson bonds of deputy survevors of public vouchers show inspection, &c ... 3713 lands . 2232 of the p0Bt3l S€1'VlC6 .. . 4049-4061 for taxes, fines, &c., under int,erna,l·revenue reference of, to Court of Claims and pro· laws, in name of United States .. 3213 ceedings thereon .. r . 1063-1065 not to be commenced without sanction cf for quartermaster and subsistence stores Commissioner of Internal Revenue,. 3214 furnished Army by loyal citizens dur— United States not subject to costs in .. . 21214 ing rebellion, how settled .. 300 certain, commenced, &c., not affected bv of district attorneys in cases in which Revised Statutes __________________ 2 5597 United States are interested but not in bankruptcy cases, by and against as- PWUBS -·----------------·------..- 299 Signee, concurrent jurisdiction in 4979 of customs officers to be rendered quar· limitation of .,,,.._..,_,,,,__..__,,,_,. 5057 WHY -·-----·--- _ -·-- ; Z ---·-·~- Z -2645, 2647 \1p0¤ assignee’s bond, who may bring- _. 5036 bow settled of rsons in military service- - 282 prosecution and defense of, b assignee. . 5047 of officers of o Corps -·-----·---- 290 >y assignee, not abated by death or re- ACIDQ _( chemxcalj , I rnovnl __..._..,,_,,__,__ _ _,_,_, 5048 provisions respecting packing for shipment, against assignee not to be maintained apd restrictions as to transportation without notice _____________________ 5056 o -------------·----------- 4472,4475,-1476 · against bankrupt, when deemed wasted- mos LGKNOWLEDGIENTS, _ stay of, pending proceedings in bankmay be taken before notaries public and ‘ ruptcv .- .,.,..,_,.,,,.___, 5106 commissioners of circuit courts .. 1778 { when creditors may continue pending. .- 5106