Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1242

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1170 INDEX. Beetle. _ Butte;. AI’P0 ntiuued. APPBAIBAL OI m°x»Ts—·CODt1Du0d. original, of persons specially a pointed in extra hours Qc be devoted by officers .. 2944 make soorches, dw-, uruior revenue agsnstant exammcrn at .. 2940 laws, when Bled ..-, ... 3060 of 1mp0rted goods mus where no up- APPOBTIONKENT. pnuscr, how e ... _ - . 2946 of Representatives, table of ... 20 what cuatoms-ofliecrs may lease or hire for new States . 21 y buildings for Purpose of .,,,.,__,._, 2953 reduced under fourteenth amendment. . . 22 certain merchandipe lmgftéd for immediate of repr&¤tation in Territories 1847 tnnsportapon, ., not subyect tc, at rendjustment of 1849 5 port of arrive.], &c ...,. 2991

 OF IIZPOBTS, (See also when mtg whom, to be made of property

Agprakcra.) I sei under customs laws .. 3074 power 0 Secretary of Treasury to prescribe . additions made to entered value to be reyggulgtiom, 5;; .,,,_,,,,,,.,...,. 252, 2949 I gardad as fart of actual value and when collector to appoint merchants to l additional uties thereon .. . 2908 mgko ______,,__,_,_,_,,,__,,.,,_,, 2609 . ap£;a.iser’s ceruicato - . .. 2950 penalty for not usisti at .. 2610 ‘ de ition of words "ton," "v¤1ue," and of merchandise returns? on account of in- " valued," in relation to ... 2951, 2952 correct invoice .. . .. 2840 by mexfgisnt appraisers, their appoiuunezristég 2973 revisions relatin to .. 2899-2953 . , 1}:0 delivery of merchandise with- penalty for net assisting by .. 2610, 2945 out ... 2899 APPBAI 0 4NI00m! , how made in addition to entries of imported i for Alabama . 2565 goods ,.,.. 2900 3 qt Baltimore, Md 2549 who to designate imported packages for, · at Boston, Mass., and Charlestown 2529 number, examination, forfeiture, re- clerks, dmc., in office of . 2530 mission . . 2901 i at Charleston, S. C ... . ... 2558 mode of, in estimating value, dec., of im-for Indiana and Illinois .. 2602 ported goods; of manufactures of i for Louisiana ..-. 2569 wool in an unfinished condition 2902 · for Maine ... 2518 when dixties to be&Evied on market valuegon- §ich¥a.nk 2600 0 im rta, . . .. or ew or .,. 2726 of merchamiige subject to ad valorem duty salaries of ...,. 2129 &c., md of £rL·els not mmufactumei examiners may be appointed to amist . - . 2940 in country, ‘ . 2905 cmcem and employes, how appointed .2538, 2539 in certain cases according to value of goods for Ohio. ..,.,... . . . . 2604 at time of exportation .. 2906 ‘ at Portland, O 2587 what to be added to market value to obtain . at Phimelphgn .,..,.,...,.,,,,,,__,_ 2544 dutiable value . 2907 clerks and em icyés in office of . 2545 in certain cases exceeding 10 per centum of for Rhode Islam;) .,,,,.,,_,_,__,, 2532 invoice value (repealed) 2909 _ at San Francisco, Cal ...,,.,,.,.,. 2583 of different values invoiced at an average a.t,Savammh, Ga ,...,,,,__,,_ 2560 price, &c .. 2910 I for Virginia ,,,._ 2553 of certain imported articles of different qual- for Wisconsin ..,,._,,, , _,.__,,___,_______ 2598 ity in same package 2911 5 at other places ...,,,,...,,,.. 2730 of wool of different qualities in same bale. - 2912 Q at Savannah md Chgrlaton ,,__,_________ 2724 ot kid arid other imported gloves .. ° merchant, appoinftment, duties, and c0m· grades 0 Bllgilr .-----·-.. 1 nsauono . 2609, 2610, 2725,2945 2973 sampling of sugar 2915 peuarig {or not servin .,,,,_,,,_,,_, 2610; 2945 samples of woo .. 2916 l four to beappciuted byikesideut., with cerstandard of vinegar .. 2917 tain prescribed duties .. . ... 2608 hydmmeters for ascertaining proof of li- expensesandnlary0ffourge¤oral,(repeuled.) 2727 _ql10lj¤ ---·- : ----~··-- _ -------··-··-. 29 18 in any district may be required by Secrein estimating duties on grain, how bushel · tary of Treasury to attend in other is determiqed . . 2919 · digtriom ___________________________ 2947 exgenseof weighmglmeaaurin5_i,orgauging- 2920 l local and general, at Boston, Philadelphia, de_ ciency to be cerulied and a lowed . 2921 Baltimore, and New Orleans 2728 of nmportp, when final 2923 oath of, and of merchant appraisers ... 2615 examination of owners and others .. 2922-2924 at New York, and revision of assistant owner mgy be required to give bond to pm- ap miseismport by 2614, 2615 duce proof menable collector to acer- additionvg compensation of, at San Frmtgin chaos, or mtu of duty ,,_,_,__ 2925 _ cisco ,,,_,,,,.,,,,,,,,,__,,,,,__,,_ 2746

s zith, in complete manifests. - 2926 { duties ofhyryhen imported articles omitted in 2901

good .. en . goods damaged and taken from wrecks, sp- ° duty of, in estimating value and quantity _ _ penis . . 2928 l of imports and manufactures of woél revision of report of, by whom made, dzc- . 2929 in unfinished condition . 2902 when owner, &c., dissatisfied with .. 2930 ‘ when to adopt best article in package as asypeal fmmypllertnr 2931-2932 iixin value ,.,,... 2911 of _ rugs. mcdlclnoo, Gro --...·.-.-·.-.-. 2933-2938 1 wool of diffgront qualities in some bale, Gro-, of imports gl; Now York , _, ,__ _ 2939 how 9, praised by __________________ 2912 Secretary of the Treasury may make spe- · how to certigy ddicieucy in package &c. cul rozolmons for -_ ..-...·. 2939 to collector ..- T 2921 ofiicers, &c., egipmyed m, not to engage to examine owners, Mz., as to value of merm ineresu a usmes . _ . 294 1 ~ chandise sud require rs 2922 certam, to be made by assistant ap- to certify rate of percentagcP3i’°dam•ge on prmser ,_,,,,,,,_,,,_,,,,,,,,__,___ 2943 a goods _____________________________ 2927