Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1267

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INDEX. 1 1 95 _ Scanlon. 1 Section. CITIZENS--tfontinueml. { CIVIL BIGHT8—Continued. penalty for building, navigating, &¢., ves- ‘ President may employ military or naval sels of, employed in cooly trade . 2160 1 forces to execute process, &<· 1989 i01'tl'¤¥{SP0l't1¤g GQOh6B, &c . 2161 peonage laws, &c., declared void. .,,.. 1990 examination and seizure of suspected ves- uty of persons in military or civil service eels of .. Z .. 2163 in New Mexico . ... 1991 may pre-empt. public lands when . 2259 as to elective franchise (see Elections) . .2002-2031 suits between citizens of diferent execution of treaty provisions respecting, States, in circuit courts .. par. 1, 629 in China, Japan, are _____,__________ 4085 removal of, from State courts .. ,. .-639, 644 in uncivilized countries, powers of consular CITIZENSHIP, officers concerning . 4088 certificates of, to be furnished to seamen. . . 4588 insurrection, violence, &c., to deny any and lists of, to Secretary of Treasury 4591class of people of, to be suppressed certain deserters relieved of disabilities from by land and naval im-ees ____ _ ______ 5299 loss of . 4749 crimes against, and against enjoyment. of penalty for selling or disposing of oertifi- elective franchise _______________ 5506.5.532 cates of . 5424,5429 conspiracy to impede, &c., due course of for knowingly usin , &c., or receiving justice, wit. intent to deny . 5407 forged or fraudufent certificate of 5425, to injure, oppress, intimidate, &c·., any 5429 citizen in free exercise of, &c ... 5508 for purpose of registering as voter, to prevent persons accepting or holding &c . 5426, 5429 office . 5518 for denial of admission to, by person todeprive any person or class of persons admitted with intent to evade duty, of equal protection of, &c .,...,,,,__ 5519 &c . 5425, 5429 { to prevent support of any candidate for for aiding or abetting in above offenses .5427, 5429 office ...,_ 5520 for falsely claiming, for fraudulent pur- penaltyforotheroffensescommitt.edagainst. 5509 poses .. 5428, 5429 subjectin persons under color of law, &c., CIVIL CAUSES, to deprivation of, on account of alienpractice, in, except in equity and admiralty, _ age, color, or race ., 5510 to conform to State courts .. 914 obstructing, &c., officer charged with exe- CIVIL EKPLOYMZENT, cution of rocees, rescuing persons of Anny officers prohibited 1222-1224 from custodjv, &c .,,..,,,,. 5516 officers of Navy accepting appointment in marshal refusing or neglecting to execute diplomatic or naval service consid- 1 warrant ...,. , . 5517 ered as resi ed .. .,,.. 1440 , CIVIL SERVICE, CIVIL ENGINE1§;B, regulations for appointment in &c ., ,, 1753 employment of, in executing surveys, &c., persons honorab y discha ed from military of certain rivers, ordered by Congress. 5253 or naval service prerierred for ... 1754 in Navy, appointment of, at navy—yards . . 1413 i persons in, in New Mexico, to aid in enforc~ relative rank of 1478 ing suppression of peonage . 1991 y of . 1556 pensioners not deprived of pensions by be- CIV§» RIGHTS, hg employed in ... 4724 jurisdiction of district courts of suits under Army officers not to hold civil, diplomatic, laws relating m . pars. 11, 12, 563 or consular offices ... 1222,1223 removal from State court of suits against Navy officers prohibited from holding diplopersons denied, &c . 641 _ matic or consular offices 1440 writ of habeas corpus in cases of 642 CLAIMS (Public), suits on account of, reviewed in Supreme against United States settled in Treasury Court, without regard to sum in dis- Department ... 236 pute . ... par. 4, 699 L (`ourt of Claims, jurisdiction as to (see (,bur¢ vmnmcu law jurisdiction of courts in civil 1 of Claimn.) 1059 and criminal causes in vindication of. 722 referred to by head of department, or on persons excluded as jurors who are in com- certificate of accounting officer .. 1063 plicityto preventenjoyment. of, under proceedings and judgment in such 14th amendment to Constitution 822 cues .. 1065 equal rights of all persons ...,. 1977-1991 transfer of, null and void, unless after pmpgpgy rights of citizens equality of . 1978 warrant msued . 3477 deprivation of rights under color of State persons prosecuting before departments laws, liability for .. 1979 must take oat . 3478, 3479 mnnpiring to deprive persons cf, or to inter- of disloyal claimants not to he paid ... 3480 {ere with, in uumemug ways speci- for Indian depredations .. 466 fied - ,.,. 629,1980 for Indian supplies purchased without auactions for n leeting to prevent conspirucfy . 1931 thtmty- . ._ .--.---·.- _ .·.--.·.-.. 2085 prosecutionsedw certain public officers or _ due colored soldiers and sailors 3032, 2036 crimes against civil rights .. 1982 for stores of q uartermasters and forsubs1st— speedy arrest and examination of offenders, ence, m States not in rebellion, how and wlditicnul wmmi¤·¤i<>ne¤·¤ there- settled -_ .----. .--.- 300 A, 300 B for, &c __,,_,___,,,,,,,...,,,.,, 1983, 1984 fur property seized under custonns lavvs 3076 warrants of commissioners, where in run for 0l'8€F,_Fi·€8l¤b0¤YF. &¢., l08B1D military and be executed ,.. 1984 service . ... 3482-3487, 3489 marshals, &c., to cbev warrants, &c ... 1985 for collecting, &c., rclnnteenf 3489 fees of district attornevs, marshals, and for refunds and remiss-ions of taxes, duties, cle;-kg ___________ ___________,___, 1986 and forfeitures (see Refumix, Remixof persons appointed to execute (process.. 1987 _ :·mm·.) V _ special session of court mav be hel for trial m favor of I, mted States, may be comproof mpeg against _______________ _ _ _ __ 1988 mined by Secretary of Trea.¤ury ...,_ 3469