Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1282

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1 210 INDEX. Section. Section. COMMON CARRIERS-Continued. COKPTBOQLER CF CURRENCY- limit on liability for merchandise emhez— _Continued. _ _ zled, lost, or destroyed .. 4283, 4285 examination of banks of District of Columcharterer of vessel, when deemed owner- . - 4286 b18 by ---------------··--··----·-·· 332 remedies against masters, owners, &c., for 1 annual report hy, to Congress . 333 embezzlement, &c . 4287 ~ howto printed: . . ... _ ..., 3811 provisions not ap licable to canal-boats, jurisdiotion of circuit courts of suits to en- &c., or vessels in river or inland navi- ioin, du: ._ .. 629 gation ...,.,...,... 4289 in what district ,,,,...,...,,,__,_,, 736 COMMON LAW, _ certificates, &c., and copies of papers in jurisdiction of district courts in suits at 563 1 office Of, ®1‘l<1€¤0€ ---------. 884 of circuit courtg ___________________ cl, 3, 629 to be one of commission to examine and test of circuit and district vourta according to, coins .. 1 _ ... 3549 in vindication of c-ivil rights 722 National banks, under his supervisionmode of proof in actions at ,..,... 861 Organization and ‘p0\V€I'Q of T . 5133-5156 courts in Territories to havejurisdiction at. 1868 i obtaining and imuing circulating extended over citizens of United States in DODBS .. 5157-5189 certain foreign countries (see Con- regulation Of business ... 5190-5219 mlar Court;) ___,,,..,.. 4086 disolution and receivership . 5220-5243 COMHUTATION, articles of association an certificate of of Navy ration to be thirty cents .. 1585 banks to be sent to .. 5133, 5135 in Army, of ration of coffee and sugar. .1147, 1294 title of banks subject to approval of 5134 of fuel, forage and quarters ... . . . 1270 banks not to begin business until authorof Indian annuity by payment in goods 2082 I ized by 5136 COMPANY, paymentsof installments to be certified to. 5140 word, as used in reference to corporations, increase and decrease of stock to be apincludes what .. 5 proved by .. 5142, 5143 COMPENSATION, (see bulariea, Fees.) oaths of directors of banks to be sent to, not allowed for double duties or extra serv- &c 51-17 ires, &c ... 1764 to determine as to capital, &c., of State statement of, by internakrevenue officers, banks, &c., ma ·c0mpel bank toclose. 5151 when composed of fees . 3158 to receipt for bonds deposited by of marshals for care, &c., of Territorial pen- banks ..,.,,.._ 5162 itentiaries .. 1893, 1894 to keep a register of bonds transferred estimates for, founded on express law .. 3662 by Treasurer ,,._,_ 516:; for clerical and other services not to be paid to notify banks of transfers, &c .. 5164 from appropriations forcontingencies. 3682 to have access to books of Treasurer . 5165 permanent appropriation to pay salaries of bondsof banksshall beannually compared judges of Supreme Court . p. 729, 3689 with books of ,,,,_,________ 5166 to pay fees of supervisors of elections, dutiesastointerest. on bonds, requiringadp. 729, 3689 ditional, nnittingexchange, returnto pay persons employed in insurrection- ing bondsé on surrender of circulaary States ... p. 725, 3689 tion, &c ,,..,,,,,_,_______ _ ____ 5167 of postmastéfs 3852~3857 » to see to correctness of organization, &c. . 5168 accounts to show expenditures for . 4049 l permission to banks to commence business 5169 of marshals of consular courts _ 4111 1 to issue circulation to banks ____________ 5171 for conveyance of mails by vessels going to · to cause notes to be engraved, &c ... 5172 or coming from foreign ports 4203 to have eustod of plates, &c ___________ 5173 of United States securities, &c., by ves- to cause annualrexamination of plates 5174 sols belonging to citizens ... 4204 make requisition for return of circulation in prize cases, to clerk of district court . 4644 to equalize apportionment .. 5180 to district atttorney and prize commissioner 4646, * prescribe rules for removal of banks from _ 4647 ? one State to another ,,.,,.,, 5181 of special counsel in prize cases ... 4648 re hwg womout nom _ _ _ 5184 of assignee in bankruptcv .. 5099,5100 wgen to issue g01d-n0g0S m banks _ _____ 51g5 may be set off against claims upon persons to notify banks to make up reserve .. 5191 c0mPLY§wl¤l¤g pUbll€ m00B)' ·-·----··---- 3624 when may appoint receivers of bgnkg_5191, 5195, TN T • 5234 {Ol' W&l'Y`¤l\t lll CUBYOYUS 68-999 —·-······-··-- 3092 I to Bppfovc selection of redemption agonof offenses against navigation laws _.,,... - - 4301 cies . , ,,...,,. - .,__ 5195 to be read to accused, (plea, &c .. 4301 to require banks to make good impaired redress of, by officers an soldiers in Army, capital __________________,_________ 5205 p. 233, arts. 29, 30, 1342 list of shareholders to be sent to 5210 ¤01fPR01¤¤E. reports to, special ro rts ... 5211 Commissioner of Intermal Revenue may dividend reports shaifbe sent to . .. 5212 lU¥lk0, in (‘€Tt8iD CKBBG ------.. . . 3229 1118.V Eng for fgiluyg to make reports_5213 on remission of fines, penalties, and for- vote of bunk to go into liquidation fol£l1l‘6S ... - . 5292-5296 qgygifjed to ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 522] of debts due United States except under duties of, in relation to banks- postul laws, how made .. 3469 , circulation . 52g2—5?25 CCKPTROLLER OF CURRENCY, i on failure to redeem notes . . . . 5226-5238 bo be chief officer of Cnrrcnvy Bureau . 324 ; notice of appointment of · - 5235 opnoiotmont. sulory. dw ···------------··- 325 k dividends to creditors of banks- - - I :;;:1; 5236 331:; gspgfziérg io; -·; ------—~------ gnipinol i¤ r>roooodi¤¤¤ mind l>¤¤l¤¤- -- 5237 not m be interested in mimi ism . as °€.i‘TY?,?T _ YT‘{‘}°"‘°°° °‘ ‘“““‘ “‘ °‘"° 5239 Ml of odioo of ------·-----·----------··~- 3*0 my ¤m>oi¤¢ oo¤¤¤io¤¤l oxominow. dw- -· 5240