Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1323

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mum;. 1 251 . Seann. ‘ I••.

 I ENGB.AVING—-Continued. mt

111 L§’¤1Y—C0¤¤}1¤€d· _ samples of pqpcr for, {0 ho preserved by Clue! of E¤g1¤cer¤—Con§1nuogl. _ , Congressnonal Prmher; execution of toéave ilgarge of works m Dmtnct of contract for _____________________ ___ 3782 Um 18 -------------. 1800 1801 of specifications and drawings by Commig. to keep record of property of sgueduct. ’ 1809 nioncr of Patents; advertisement and consent, Of, mqmred to tgp mgm; _____ 1803 qqutragt _____________ _ _____________ 492 gener;} control of, oversupply of water- 1810, o;15tsmped envelopes prohibited . 3915 _ 1811 0 nitod States notes, &c . 3575 3577 mnunl_mpqrt.q of, u suponnkmdent. of eugnver of mint at Philadelphia I 3496 public buxldxpgs, dsc 1812 g salary, power, and duties of 3498, 3504, 3510 to have supervxmou of old Hall of Rep- ~ mn execute certain dies 3551 rmentatives ... 1814ENLIATKENT, certain law of District of Columbia ex~ I opening recruiting-station] for of soldiers Isnded to Capxtol Square on request 1819 f ti to ¤er;¤% 5337, 5338 -... . 0 Cl lens 0 n1 in oren counno cgm_pc¤sation for charge of public tries, etc., prevention of .. 4090 bmldmgs, dst: ... & ...} . _ inArm{, nu:g;ibe;_oi men ,,..,,__,___ 1112 a men s, s xonery c., or ... · genera qua 1 ca nous ... lll of ggusqcf Repmscntglzivgq to coutgnl of minors, not without consent of parents- 1117 electrical apparatus Jomtly with of mmers, under sixteen ears, persons _ Archawct of Capitol 1817 { insane or intoxicated, geserwm, conmblisvgv, corps of Q 1390 vigts, forbidden ,___ 1118 y w om appoin 1391 term 0 ,..,,, , , 1119 qualidcations of 1392 in one regiment without discharge from engineers of fleet, how designated ... 1393 another desertion . p. 234, srt. 47, 1342 civil engineer}; may be appomted for each •n1.istod mama Engineer Corps, allownavy- ar . 1413 auccs an nelits .. 1155 rank to La fixed by President . 1478 F in Ordnance Department, as sorgcants, engipeenin-chief .. _ _ . 147{ | corpongls, and privaws . 1162 rela:;;; Tink gf, on gctxve 112 .. 1470 sclmolzgcr in(;xt.ruction of .. 1g3g reti , ter ort.y· vc yea service to no 0 use as servants ,. 1 :' lmve rank of commodore ... 1481 exemft from arrest for debt 12137 rank of, confers no milimhwmmmd- . . 1488 I pay 0 . 2 1280-1284 cadets gt; Na.v¤IfAeademy, fore gw- 56 sllowgtfnsccfof rqtxoni) to . 123(Sg tion, y 0 ,..,,,..,,... p. , l eposn 0 savmgs y ... 1* 1. dtnrgrnfguation, may be appointed sec- 394 ; dizchargehof .. . p. 2 I0, art. 4, 1342 cu assistants .. 1 w en to ave pensions . 4693 or assistant naval constructors 1403 raw of t0tal—disability pension to 4695 pay of officers retired as third assistant. . 1590 _ not mustered, pension to relatives .. 4710 on war-vessels, when to have pensions, mNsvy, number of men 1417 &c...i ... i . 4693, Mig; ‘ 0E bqys {::3 in servi So ste sn . , 0 ml¤0!'¤ .. of Hoxof H: regouczivu . 53 of minors under sixteen years, persons into have charge ofelectrical uppa¤m}s. . . 1817{)q§g·abed, insane, or deserters, for- Hg onginTren Depu·tmont,sa sr | 1 en ‘ 1 zzsllssimng? ________________,, 235 · appointment of enlisted men as warrantin emsghay of §c•t·0Bce Department, *93 i ?fficem or rating not to discharge Mm gn g$°gtgnt_ __________ _ ____ I l"0Ill . . .. . . » in R,¢ve;R;L.1¤.;·i;:° ge:-vice, mnk and 5 by transfer from Army ... . . 1421 pay _________________________ _ _____ 2750 , dnapoaition of men at expiration of .. 1422 cf steam-}re••¤1s, licensg of. .. 4-438, mg I subsmrtieaqf prxyisipn resggcving, to be 1420 It ,·'t. t. . ‘. msc m s 1 pm ar u- es .. E€c2§seiof?rf:;;§£:5 hgzg up . \ pcttydogimgersi ;leta£1($d iweynrul . mg ________________________________ . V men e nu xeynn .. ‘ 3 to answer inquiries, dw., of inspection ofli- limit Eyf dewxationnbegiand , . _______________________ _ _______ pay 0 men ow x ., . invesc§mrzut.1'0n of for failure of dutv .. 4407 in case of, detention . . 1572 liable br damage and lou caused fhrough | men, when to have pensions ,___,,.. 4693 their negligence _________,__,_. 4493rate of total-disability pension ,,,.. . ... . . 4695 ¤;|l licensed omg-em to assist inspectors. .- 4448 I u0n—enli%t:: tgnerki? gemporary servwe, 4710 ec for license 6f ..----- 4458 , _ pm re v ·----------·----- penalty for violating rules as to swamem I . m I¤¤¤¤ c°YPE• ¢¤¤}·_<zf ---·----------- 160** Eassipg: ... I . .. 441.% I (m mxhtxa), 1625 w en hfew destroyed by mrsconduqtqf- 5344 . W 0 Su J -·------------·------------ _‘ ·_ civil, of corporations receiving suhsndnes by }vh<>¤¤ ¤¤¤d¤ -------------------------- f!‘0I¤ Uhh8d Sh;(,6§, Eppollltméllt Mld 5259 nogsigfg ; ·;(;_héa·(; · Tl; ‘' '° ° 4691 sa' ___________ ____ ___ ] n I3] .’,,.,., .. one rinozxxgnspggzgd weach navy-vard . 1413, E£%DLLKEN’1‘ (of vessels), (See Iesnela.) ' 1478 veswls of twenty ton; enrolled, may begm- ]yggAvmG_ ployed in copshng-trade qr fishqnes. 4311 C0¤8l'e¤i0na.l Printer, foreman of printing 2765 requiriz qualdivatxons as for rcg1ster- 4312 ' ‘ ‘ mated in- . : ... _ _ . fmnpgam, d bmdmgi not to bcslntsed b Con- rovisiéns concerning regnstenng, (See 0 dmugordocumentso e y 2779 3780 P Regirlry of Vessels) 4131-4196 $*088 c ,.. · , . ···: ···· 2 ‘'‘'‘ °f !¤¤p¤ of’St.¤.tcs, &c.,with report of Com- vessels owngd :5 coggorggnons, m wh:§3’ 4314 missioner of General Land Office 3781 name msu , on , -·.----