Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1357

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INDEX. 1 28 5 mem: ormc (mr la) WI""' “ 1.1 S°°""' SD e IBB vena , ~ cmrsma vnssnns-continued ' of steumveucls, local boards of inspection- . 4438- manifests and permits for trading between 4443 neighboring districts ...,..,..,,.,,, 4849 oath to be taken by .. -1445 dererting without .. 4350 hcensc to be posted, &c ,.. 4446 de ivery of, before unlading· oath of mngwgl (pf, when gig;}"` &(- ______________ 4447 |ngn\gr _________ _ ______ _ _: 435] to assist insrectors in examinations ... 4448 Fenalty for not delivering . 4352 revewuon or refusal to serve. ; .·- 4449 or twiing between ~¤¤<>fe di¤¢ri¢t¤ -·--- 4353 mspecdon of vemels and investigation of. . . 4406, departing without 4354 _ 4407,4450 de ivery of, before unlading 4355 4356 vessels not to leave port without full com- vemels on Misissippi River, &c., above , _ plement of ... _ . 4463 New Orleans exempt from above reviolating rules as to steamers passing .. 4413 quirements (act of 1876, ch. 185 infgee fer rcennps to ...- 4458 Mud al page 840, u11m --.------ , -.-. 4349 liable wgren life is destroyed by misconduct $344 bouml_ from one disltrict to district adjoin- 0 ...·...».. . .. · mg or in an icinin State, dw-, not LQCKNSFD VESBELS, _ required to obtain iermit or make m coamtnngjtrade and fishenes 4311 report, but to have manifest, &c- .4359 4360 may be r?istered, when .. 4322 fishing, permit to touch at foreign port ’ 4304 registry o ,1n mother district . 4323 not to be within three l ues of coast hcemse, how procured . . . 4320 without permit witheagomign me,. form of 4321 chendise on board _________________ 4365 registered vesels may have . 4322 penalties forvarious offenses relating to. .4373-4380 expiration of - . 4324 vessel transferred to foreigners or engaged surrender of ... 4325 in trade in violation of license rm-. new, in place of one lost 4326 feited, except, &c .. 4377 renewal of .. 4327, 4329 fees to be paid by ...,..,_________ 438], 4382, 4453 when vessel is at sea at time of expire- licensed officers on steam-vessels (see Lition of . . . .. . . . . 4372 cemed Officera) 4408, 4407, 4438-4450 or renewal in another district ... 4328 vessels not to leave port without compleoath as to foreign rgnirs before, &c . 4330 ment of ... 4463 of vesel less than tons .. 4331 LIENS, signed by naval officers, &c .. 4332,4333 jurisdiction of district courts to enforce, renewed, to be under former name .. 4333 for intemabrevenue taxes .. 563 of vmel owned by corporation .. 4313-4315 where defendant to enforce, dce., not inhabnot to be granted to steam-vessel until itant of district, &c ..,,_____ 738 regulation as to steermvessels com- of judgments, &c., on real estate, dmc., how plied with . 4498 l to cease in the States . , - 967 nor until hospital taxis paid . 4587for freight, when goods in customs warcof river, &c., steamboat of resident alien. . 4316, house forfeited to United States . 2981 4317 when on vessels, &c., in customs cases . 3088 on northern, dsc., frontier to engage in g for unpaid tax, United States ...,,. ,,, 3186 coasting or foreign trade . 2793,4318 [ enforcement of, on real estate by United for pleasure-yachts, c . 4214 x States ... _ .. . .. . 3207 to vemel engaged in wrecking on Florida tax on distilled spirits to be, on what .. 3251 coast ._,,,,._.,...,. . . . 4241 for assewnent for deficiencies on distillers, , 3309 at Jerse City ,,,,_,,.. 4340 · of United States against lands, &c., of degt, Garnier; ______________,,_______,,,,, 4341 ~ linquent collectors, &c ..,,,,___ 8629, 3636 at Wilmington, N. C ... . ... 4342 l by bottomry, not impaired by requirement at Chesapeake City, Md 4343 to record cqnvcyances .. 4192 at ports authorized by Secretary of Trees- on vessels for violating laws concerning ury _________________,,,__,.,, . 4344 transportation of passengers ..,. 4270 at Cold Spri , Greenport, and Port Jef- for feeding and watering animals by comfergon, Nlg ____________,___,._, 4345, 4346 pany transporting .. 4387, 4390 forgin , &c., or uttering as true any on steamwemels for carrying unlawful false, dw ,,,,,,_,,,.,,,..,,,,..,, 4375, 5423 number or failing to keep list of how to be numbered . 4177 passengers . , . 2 . 4469 inspection of license by revenue officer 4336 for wages of seamen not forfertable . :. . 4535 proceedingto foreign port without obtain- on vessels condemned under laws relating ing register, penalt 4337 _ to insurrection ... Z. .: . ._- .: , 5322 certificate w en proceeding abroad from m bamlzruptcy matters, Junsdrctnon ot another district 4338 district courts to ascertain, &c .. 4972 register for vessel in whale-fishery to give schedule to contain statement of 5015 all privileges of ,,,,,,,_,,,.,,,_,,,. 4339 books of account not subilect to ...,., 5050 engaged in coasting-trade or fisheries ex- { power of assignee t0_ disc arge any .. 5066 empt from tonnage duties .. 4220 sale of property subject to  : . 5066 carrying passengers between foreign ports claims of lien creditors how adyusted 5075 subject to laws concerning trsnspor- redemption and release of .. 5075 {ation of gqgggn pg ________________ 4214 I LEUQENANQ-OOLONELB, tradi on nort ern, 5., frontiers not lia· of amllery regiments . 1099 nike tp e¤t,ry·fgeg, @(5 ____,____ _ ____,_ 2793 ‘ of cavalry reglrnents, , . . .,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,_ 1102 between Long Island and Rhode Island , of mfantry regiments -.---- · --.---·.-. 1106 be to have that p§vi1<;ze¤a; Y Z- -..--- 4357 1 KE; viiié-ai Hééé-6 --··------------ 1261, tw n ass n other wrresre - , W ·------------------- ]T6(]éi _____ if ___________________ gx_ 4353 · LIEUTENANT-CpM¥ANDEB§, to have name and rt painted on stern . . . 4334 l number of, on active list ., 1363 fo [eport ghgngg 0m”my ________________ 4335 excess not m preclude advancement, &c. , 1364