Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1410

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1338 ixmzx. Section. _ B•¢¢l•a. PUBLIC HONEY!-—Continued. r PUBLIC HONEYS-Continued. _ recovered as fines and penalities in internal- embezzlement of, by any person, furnished revenue cases to be paid into Treasury _ for mihtary, &c., service _ . t . 5439 as taxes are aid ... 3216 depositing otherwise than authorized by under control of 'Freasurer United States, law, _ converting, &c., loamng, &c., where {,0 bg kept __________________ 3591 by disbursing officer 5488, 5493 Canon and Denver mints and Boise City as- failure of treasurer_or assistant treasurer or say·oflice to be places of deposit of . . 3592 _ public depositarysafel y to keep .:5489, 5493 shall be subject to draft of Treasurer Ynited loamng, using, converting, dn-., deposxting States ,._.,,.____,__,_,,,__,__,,_,, 3593 m banks, exchanging for other funds, in custody of amistant treasurer, &c., at except, &c., by person charged with specified places, and provisions con- _ safe eeping _.._ .. 5490,5493 ceming _________,____,,_,,____, 3594-3613 failure of officers receiving, to render acspecial agents to disburse, to give bonds . . . 3614 counts as provided by law ... 5491, 5493 to whom paid by collectors and receivers of. 3615 failure of persons having nn pomession, to when may be id to any depositary .. 3616 deposit, &c., when required, &c. .5492, 5493 to be depositetluivithout deduction . 3617-3619 evidence of balame of, against defendant to be drawn for only as required for use, and on trial of indictment for embezzlehow kept where there is no public de- ment of ... 5494 sito;-y _,_..,,,,,.___,,,.,..., 3620 prima-facie evidence of embezzlement of . , 5495 w be rieoposited and reeeipted for ., 3621 evidence of conversion of . 5496 accounts of, to be rendered monthly, &c. . . 3622 receiving, from disbursing officer, etc., on distinct accounts of disbursement of, by ap- deposit, loan, &c., or using, convertpropriations ... 3623 ing, by bankers, not being authorneglect or refusal to deposit, proceed- ized depositary, penalty 5497 ings .,.,..,,,,, 3624 by president, caslner, teller, director, &e,, proceedings by distress-warrant, &c., against of any bank or banking asociation _ _ 5497 delin nent collectors, &c., of 3625-3638 embezzlement of, by persons in military to be safelyilrept without using, leaning, or service ... p. 236, art. 60, 1342 exchanging . 3639, 3846 bypersousin naval service.p. 279, art. 14, 1624 Secretary of Treasury may transfer 3640 PUBL C PRINTING, (See Cbngnxaimwl Postmaster—General may transfer, belonging Printer, Govemment Printing (Mice.) to his department .. 3641 rovisions concerning , 3756-::82:4 of Post-Office Department, accounts of to be goint Committee on (see .hrin¢ Cbmmime on kept separate and in detail .. 3642, 3643 Publi}: Printing) ..._..,,____ 37M no advances of, to be made ... 3648 to appoint person to edit documents . 75 in depositories shall be examined .. 3649, 3650 estimates for, by departments ..,.,,,______ 366] exchange ot, restricted ... 3651 neglect or delay in, how to be remedied _ , _ 3757 premiums on, to be accounted for . 3652 foreman of ...,.,._______ _ _______ 376] compensation of depositaries of 3655, 3656 when, to be done at night .,,,,____,_ _ ____ 3764 appointment of special disbursing :§ents estimates of paper for ,._,________ ____ 3766 where no collection is authoriz . . . 3658 contracts for paper for ,________,__ _3767-3778 investment of trust-funds . 3659 for engravings, &c., for ...,..,__,____ 3779..3732 accounts of expenditure of, to be settled provisions for (printing bills, resolutions, and within tiseal year .. 250 public ocuments ,.,,,,_________ 3791.3301 for War and Navy Departments, how to be done at Govemment Printing Office. - 3786 drawn 3673 PUBLIC PROPERTY, for postal service, how drawn . 3674 inventories of, to be kept by heads nf dg. form of drawing and recording warrants on partments ...,._. _ ,,____,,__,__ 197 Treasury for ... 3675 by Postmaster-General ,________________ 397 received from sale of certain public prop- disbursing and collecting officers forbidden ert *, how credited ., 3618, 3692 to trade in . 1788, 1789 detailed statement oi, to be included in proceeds of mles of, how disgwl of . . .3618, 3692 book of estimates .. 3672 detailed statement of, to included in of public documents, paper shavings, &c., book of estimates ,_ 3672 how deposited in Treasury . 3818 statement of proceeds of sale in book of at post-offices, quarterly accounts of - . .3843, 3844, estimates ,_,_,_______ _ _____________ 3572 3845 uniforms and equipments, provisions conpostmasters to keep without loaning, using, cerning ..._... 3748 or exchanging . 3846 Solicitor of Treasury may rent or gpl] lmpmmay deposit in certain vases as specified . 3847, dilutive, &c 3749 3848 to have charge of that taken for debts . . . 3750 no extra allowance for disbursement of, by to release such lands when debt is paid. . 3751 officer having fixed salary, unless . .. 1765 lands conveyed to individuals for United Territorial officcrs in Washington, Idaho, States .._..,... 3752 and Montana to give security for 1951 how released from attachment . 3753, 3754 superintendents of mints to receive, &c 3506 preservation and sale of abandoned propspecial agents Post-(ltlice Department col- erty ... 3755 Iecting, &c., to give bond ... 4018 record of, to be kept by postmaster! ... 3842 may be deposited in national banks in cer- E proceeds of certain, acquired by Post-Office lilll 08988 .. - ... 3847, 3848, 5].53 _ DG rtment, how disposed of _ _ _____ 4050 judgment at return term, in suits against at seat opagovernment, provisions concempersons accountable for 957 ing (see Seat of Government) .. 1795-1835 transcripts from hooks, &c., of Treasury embezzlement or purchase, in military serv- Department made evidence in suits ice, from officer, dn-., not authorized against persons accountable for . 886 to sell . . . p. 236, art. 60 1342 in trial of indictment for ceubezzliug 887 in Navy ... . . p. 278, art. 14; 1624