Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1435

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INDEX. ] 363 Sectlou. s,¢i__ SOLICITOB OF INTERNAL EEVE- SPANISH, _ NUI, vessels exempt from discriminating duties, ¤PPQ*mm€¤t *¤d_“l“'Y of- -; -—-—----—---- 349 When, &c .., _ ,_____ 4231 opinion, &c., of, in compromme cases under : cargoes of, seeking ports in distress, when _ internal-revenue laws .. 3229 l and how i-ending", gc _______________ 2895 SOLIQITOB OF TKERUBY, land-grants, Sights of pre-emptors on lands, ¤pi>1¤¢m€*¤¢ ¤¤•l ¤¤l¤Yy of ------·----·--. 349 , reserv as, and afterward found into ave charge of certain records and papers valid ___________ _ ________________ _ _ 2280 wd of ml ·—----·——--- - ----- ; ----· 372 language, professor of, at Naval Academy. 1528 to make entry of bonds for duties delivered pillar-a ollar, dm, value of ________________ 3567 by collectors to district attorneys . . . 373 recoin of _______________ _ ___________ 3568 to examine reports of collectors, &c., upon BPARKL§G WI1\l’E, bonds delivered for suit ..._ 374 tax on imitations of ___________________ _ _ _ 3328 to inform President of false reports of bonds SPEAKER (of House), delivered for suit .. 375 by whom swom in ... 30 to take measures to detect frauds on rev- to administer oath of office to Representanlle ... 376 tives, &c .,,_,,,________ _ _ _ 30 to establish regulations for collectors of salary of .,.. . ... 37 customs, district attomeys, and mar- to certify accounts for pay of members 47 Stull! ... . . . 377 _ to approve employment of reporters _______ 54 to report moneys collected and credits ‘ in Congressional investigations to adminisallowed . . . 378 i ter oaths to witnesses .. 101 to instruct district attorneys, marshals, and to notify district attorney of refusal of clerks, when - . 379 l witness to testify .. 104 to supervise suits respecting national banks, I to act as President, when ____,____________ 145 when . 380 , to appoint directors of Columbia Institustatements to, by district attorneys, of suits, tion for Deaf and Dumb .. . . 4863 kc r.. 772,773 to appoint three members of joint comby marshals ot proceedings on cxecu- mittee on public printing ...,.,.____ 3756 tions ...,.. 791 q to select three members to be regents of by clerks, &c., of judgments and decrees. 797 Smithsonian Institution ,,,.________ 5581 copies of books, documents, &¢·., in office SPECIAL AGENTS, of, made evidence . 883 of Treasury Department, to bring suits against officers in arrears to to collect mone due United States .. 256 United States ...,.. 1766 l to disburse public money .,.,,_,____ 3614 to be informed of seizures under customs on public works . .,... . ..,,..,__, 3658 laws ... . . 3083 ] to examine depositories ..,,.,., 3649 to approve sureties on internal-revenue col- national banks ..._,,_,,, , 5227 1ectcrs' bonds . 3143 ‘ expenses of, how (paid . . 5238 to imue warrant of distrem against delin- for prevention an detection of frauds on quent collector of internal revenue. . 3217 i customs revenue . . . 2649 duty cf, in compromise of claims of United i classification and payment of . 2650 States . 3469 [ regulations for, limitations on number to appoint agent to purchase lands sold un- y and compensation oi .._ 2651 der executions in favor of United j for management of seal-fisheries in sum . 3470 · Alaska . 1973-1070 to issue distress warrant against delinquent to be appointed as inspectors of customs collector, orc ... 3625 to reside in foreign country through contents of warrant 3626 E which merchandise is transported in against delinquent disbursing officers 3633 I bimd . . 2999 may sell certain lands, &c., acquired by of Post-Oiice Department, United States in payment, &c., of special, local, and route ..,.. 4017,4020 debts ____,.. . . 3749 l appointment and salary; bond . 4017, 4018 to have charge of lands, dw., acquired by , Assistant Postmasters-General as special. 4019 United States in payment or in trust, ~ of railway service and their pay . 4020 du- _________,,,_ . .. 3750 resident at Isthmus of Panama .. 4021 may release lands conveyed to United States, on mail-steamers ... 4022 &c., on yment of debt 3751 , in China and Japan 4023 SOUTH CABOEEINA, , routeagents ... 4024 judicial districts in ,,_,... 546 l clerks in railway post-offices 4025 district 'udge in ,..,.,..., 552 may be placed m charge of post-otHces-. 3838 wi-ms dg district courts in .,.., 572 recorder, &c,, of post-offices to be subject of circuit court in .. 658 , to examination hy ... _ .. 3842 district attorne of eastern district of, to may reiuire affidavit of publi her as to perform duty in western ... 767 1 mai ing papers . 3909 marshal of eastern district of, to perform Q may search vessels for letters_, &c ... 3989 duty in western . il .. 776 l may sesze, &c., letters, &c., illegally car- 3990 nd an tit `urors, from w at persons _ rn , .--... - gm dranh? to] attend district court sit- J disposal of letters, dc., seized by..., 3991 ting in wutgrn district ,______,_,,_, 817 5 may search for mail unlawfully carried . . 4026 collection districts and ports of entry in,. . 2557 l when, may be employed to carry letoiliwrs in (sec Oollcwon Dislrwts, Pom , ters ... 3992 H4; Entry) ____,__,,,____,____,,___,, 2558 , sale of ostage-stamps to , ,,_,,,,,__ 3919 BOUT BN CLAIIB COMMISSION, , SPECIAL OOENBEL, _ _ rmanent a propriation for p. 724, 3689 ’ employment ot', to aid district attorneys. . . 363 ¤<¥°v¤¤¤r¤r£ Z <=¤·¤iz·>¤¤·¤¤¤ or - --,-; -·----------------. 365 value of Engligh, fixed _________,, , ,,,,,,, 3565 1 appointment, comxmnmn, and oath of ._,, 366