Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1449

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IN DEX. 1 3 7 7 _ SQHIOI. 8 0n_ T]IB.CB.IT0RIEB—Cont1nued. _ _ TERRITORIES-Continued. uu Army and Navy officers not to hold civil courts, &c.—Continucd. 0mca,§T€iJ§;ii;;;·1;.;;,1;;;*; .‘..· i · sm '“"° i" ‘i$"“F {€°"**°"°“· "°* ““"**"“* ····· “"“ of · , 1861 nnmeelx; Ofigiucrn land Arizona, adiourn- mm ...-r. ·.. u _________________ - Dclegutigiyto COUSNSB, 0¤€ W Pivil TPM- 1862 in \‘:'ashingt2n, Idaho), and Montana, . ·····-·---·------ — ·-·-·-··----M Wl9S, w vn aya le . 1941 electmns Pt ····--· · ---·--——--·-- · -···—- 18% l¤dQ¤W!1bS OY, h0\\' i‘)evi<·we¤¢+¤·mne¤ a State .. 703, 704 salary of justices .. _ ... 1 879 what ree-ards of, to be transferred to dis- 0f governors and secretaries . 1845 trict courts when admitted as State.567, 56K of att0rneY of United States, 1880 jurisdiction in cases transferred ... 560 of marsha 1881 clerks of, not to act as attorney, &c., in payable quarterly at Treasury .. 1882 causes pending in, or in districts, dec.748, 749 when officers absent none to he paid dur- power of, to discharge grand jury . . . 811 mg such year, unless, &c ... 1884 gurisdivtiim of, in bankruptcy 49784987 fees and costs, allowance of, to attomeys, of suits for making certain false claims marshals, clerks, &c., how prescribed. 1883 against United States ... 3491 accounts for disbursements, how settled .. . 1886 may enjoin receivers, dn-., of national public printing, limitation 011 expenses of. . 1887 banks, effects of ... 5237 annual expenses not to exceed appmpria- power of, to adjudge forfeiture of frantien by Congress ... 1888 chises, &c., of national banks ... 5239 legislative assemblies not to grant. private records uf, how proved, &c . 905 charters or especial privileges ... 1889 TESTIMONY, (See ln‘1~i<Ien¢·¢», Witnema.) may make rules for working III1H8B .. 2338 of witnesses before either House, &¢·. , not to g0D0¤ll i¤COTp0l‘8.t10D MIS .. . . • .. . 1889 be used in criminal proceedings, &(·_, religious, &c., conniporations limited in right except, &e ,..,,,_,,,,,,___________ 859 to hold re estate .. 1890 power of Treasury agents to take, in Constitution and laws of United States ap- Alaska, .,._ 1976 plicable to all .. 1891 fees for taking, in pre-emption and homepenitentiaries under control of marshals... 1892 stead cases, and claims for mineral rules and regulations for government of. 1893 lands ... . . 2238 expenses of, und payable .. 1894 for use in foreign countries, how taken . .4071-4074 pnsouegsnndeg laws of, how received, T hg; taken in gmsulur goinrts . 4097 su, c., in .. 1895 E S, Nee 'rcud an Metric! (burn:.) statutes of, how authenticated 905 judicial districts in ... 548 records, &c., in public office of, how proven district courts in, terms .. 572 and admitted .. 906 adjoumments of . 579 demand and surrender of fugitives from jus- circuit courts in, terms ... 658 tice by executives of (see Fugitives transcript into new books, of records of disfrom Justice) 5278, 5279 trivt court in ... 897 persons guilty of bigamy in, how punished- 5352 apfmintinent of indian agents for . 2052 punishment for circulation of obscene arti- co lechen districts, ports of entry and deolog in ________,,,.,,,_,,,,. 5389 livery in (see Collection Diutriatn, Porta courts, &c., in judicial power, how vested. 1987; T of X. . ... 2578, 2579 1 . u 'c , jurisdiction to be limited ,,,,..,,..,.,., 1866 day for, not included) in computing time in

ugrging courts ___,.., . ,_...,., 1864 blhkhgtvy  - . . . 5013

ju icial districts .. _. . I . . 1865 THIRD AS ISTANT ENGINEERS justices of peace not to have jurisdiction (Navy), _ in certain land cages _____,_,__,____, 1867 Ipgy of officers who have been retire-:] as 1590 supreme and district courts to have T _ BER, _ chuncery and common-law jurisdic- 1868 inspectors oi, at navy-yards may he discon· Mm {jon ___________ _ ___________________ tmuer ,.., error, exception, and appeal from district selection) survey, &<~., of certain lands conto supreme courts _________,,,,.,,.. 1869 CI.Il’\l¥lg’1l\'€·02k and rnd cedar, for I clgrkg of gupreing courts of ,,.. . 1870 l18B of BEV] Z. ._ .. l. . . .2458-2465 of district mui-is _________________ , , , , 1871 protection nf lands of 1-mted Htntes in Florto be register m chancerr, 1812 uh . r . . .,_ 2460 in new Territories, judlcia districts, how 1873 unl¤wi}¤||y puihng, &c., on izndn reserved V M fined &c _________________ _ ______ or mih ar p¤1rp<>m·s, c. ., nl count};; courts ..,... 1074 cultivation of, hhnnestead settlers engaged stwrnev for United States in each ... 1875 in, to have patents, when .. 2317 ¤¤··¤¤¤l fm <·¤¤¤h ------~-------- 6--5-- 1;*;;** r>¢¤<>¤;nrg_jI¤mg; f·m{<£{.g¤r¤; zn*·¤~·<~ M4 ‘ intmen salaries oa 1, c. . . — in a - · 1 n, ·l Judges, appt) tv i 1882 appiications for land for, how made . 2405 berm of office of __,,,___,_____________ 1864 certificate or patent for land .,,... Q. 1. . . 2466 to reside in districts to which as- abandoned land to revert to Lmted 2487 ”‘*“F"’ ············ ········ 1*5 i S“?°“=,;,g·i, ······ gi-·i,i"i ‘‘‘‘‘ =‘· to designate clerk of d1str1cteourts-.._- 1871 and acqm y, no na e or prior assignment of, to districts in new Tem- debts . 2468 tories ,________,, , ,.,,...,,.,_.,,. 1873 TITLES, I Y may hold county courts _______,_,,__, 1874 officers m Army m he addresser amor: mg mm may grant write of habeas corpus . 1912 _ w actual rsmk - - --.--.----.---- I in Idaho and Moptimg, _____,___ _ ___,_ 1914 diplomatic officers, ., not to at- WM in Uwh, how Msizned -·--·-·-------· 1916 *9* -----------·---··--···----·-·—